All about elevator electromechanics

The wide distribution and high level of demand in the labor market for blue-collar occupations attracted the attention of young people to such occupations. That is why today many school graduates prefer to graduate from specialized secondary vocational educational institutions, rather than universities. Among all the variety of working professions, an elevator electromechanical occupies a special place. In this article, we will talk in more detail about how to become one, what requirements employers put forward for candidates for the position, and what training you need to undergo.

Description of the profession
An elevator electromechanic is a specialist who, in the course of performing his professional tasks, is engaged in the maintenance of the relevant equipment and technology. There are several categories of such specialists.
This profession (like any other) has a number of unique characteristics. Moreover, these characteristics are both positive and negative. Before you finally decide to link your professional destiny and career with such a specialty, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with all the advantages and disadvantages available.
Traditionally, it is customary to attribute such factors to the advantages of the work of an electromechanic on elevators.
- High material remuneration for work. It should be noted right away that the salaries of specialists exceed the national average. The more professional experience and the higher the level of educational training, the more financial compensation a specialist can count on.
- Demand... This profession is in demand and relevant in the labor market, as evidenced by numerous open vacancies. Thus, with the appropriate education and training, you will never be left without a job.
- The possibility of obtaining a related specialty... A large number of people with the profession of an electromechanical for elevators receive related technical specialties, making them versatile specialists, for which employers are fighting.
On the other hand, we must not forget about the existing shortcomings. These usually include:
- high level of responsibility;
- the physical component (the work of an electromechanic is associated with great physical stress and belongs to the category of hard work);
- danger and riskiness (there is a high probability of the occurrence of various accidents), etc.
Thus, it is important to think about all the advantages and disadvantages of the profession in advance, so that in the future you will not regret the chosen sphere of work.

Job responsibilities
An elevator electrician carries out his professional activities strictly in accordance with specially designed official documents. These include a typical instruction, as well as a professional standard. It should be borne in mind that, depending on the specifics of a particular enterprise, as well as the wishes of the employer, the content of such documents can be changed and supplemented.
The standard duties of a specialist include:
- installation and dismantling of elevator equipment;
- repair work (if necessary);
- adjustment, diagnostics and monitoring of the operation of devices and mechanisms of the corresponding type;
- establishing the causes of various kinds of malfunctions and defects;
- start-up and adjustment work in relation to new elevators;
- interaction with the dispatcher regarding the receipt of new requests for repair (and any other) work regarding elevator equipment;
- maintaining accounting and reporting documentation (for example, a special shift log);
- compliance with safety regulations;
- management tasks (for specialists of the highest ranks), etc.
Anyway, But before accepting an official job offer, it is very important to clearly understand the responsibilities that will have to be performed, and also to make sure that you have the strength and knowledge to do such work.
Do not forget that for failure to perform or improper performance of their functions, liability will follow, which may even be criminal.

In addition to responsibilities, the professional standard in relation to an electromechanical for elevators contains information that relates to the qualification requirements for such a specialist. The employer often specifies such requirements in detail in the job description. Accordingly, each candidate for the position should carefully read them. It should be borne in mind that the requirements may relate not only to professional, but also to personal characteristics of a person.
Professional requirements include:
- knowledge of safety rules and regulations;
- knowledge of the legislation governing the work of a specialist;
- knowledge of the labor code;
- availability of appropriate education;
- good health (you must provide a certificate of the absence of any medical contraindications);
- ability to work with elevator equipment;
- knowledge of the principles of functioning and the internal design of technology;
- knowledge of the basics of document flow;
- the ability to perform partial locksmith work, etc.
The most important personal qualities of a professional include:
- lack of bad habits;
- a responsibility;
- attention to detail;
- discipline;
- Analytical mind;
- sociability, etc.
To become an irreplaceable specialist, you must combine the necessary personal and professional characteristics.
It is also important that you have additional skills so that you can stand out favorably from other applicants for the position.

Training and professional development
To become an elevator electrician you need to get an appropriate profile education in a secondary specialized educational institution (for example, in a college). At the same time, after its completion, it is important to regularly undergo certification, recertification and confirmation (or increase) of your rank. Besides, for career development, it is advisable to periodically attend a variety of educational events: e.g. refresher courses, trainings, lectures, seminars, etc.

Where can you work?
In general, electromechanics can work in a wide variety of areas. However, most often they are involved in housing and communal services, as well as in organizations that are engaged in the production and repair of elevator equipment.
The salary
Elevator electromechanics earn above average - about 60 thousand rubles. Moreover, this indicator is not fixed, it can be changed due to several factors. Among them:
- the category of a specialist;
- the level of education;
- work experience;
- the specifics of the enterprise;
- region of residence, etc.