All about the profession of power engineer

People do not always choose for themselves a profession that they like and becomes a matter of their whole life. But this is hardly surprising, because very often high school students, thinking about their future, do not have a clear idea of many professions. Take the same power engineers - even among adults, not everyone will be able to correctly answer what such a specialist does. Let's try to figure out what kind of work this is, whether it is worth taking on it.
Who is that?
The energy profession is a rather loose concept. Here the situation is about the same as in the case of a locksmith - someone is fixing the water supply, and someone is closer to fixing cars. For example, it would be worth highlighting the professions of "electric power engineer" and "heat power engineer", because employers often indicate precisely a narrowly focused area of future activity.
However, the descriptions of both professions are very similar. As the name suggests, energy people are people who engage in energy-related activities. For this reason, until the end of the century before last, when mankind had not yet learned how to build large energy enterprises and purposefully produce energy in large volumes, power plants were complex, and in some places dangerous equipment that needed special maintenance. It was with him that the first power engineers worked.
Today the power engineer is a representative of the service personnel for a wider range of power and power equipment.

If we consider the officially adopted classifier, then the power engineers are divided not so much into electric power and heat power engineers, but into simply power engineers and power engineers... Their positions are similar in many ways, but there is, of course, a difference.
Just power engineers usually young specialists work, whose work experience does not exceed 5 years. First of all, such a specialist is responsible for the design and installation of power grids, as well as for their repair in case of any malfunctions. The energy sector also has the responsibility of monitoring the health and safety of networks.
Energy Engineer - this is the next step in the evolution of the power engineer, for the achievement of which it is necessary to work in the profession for the indicated 5 years and undergo training in order to improve qualifications. An energy engineer can handle all of the same issues listed above, but his responsibilities will include more complex tasks. If an ordinary power engineer only designs networks, then an power engineer is still engaged in drawings and determines the norms of energy consumption. Only an engineer can make decisions on the modernization of networks, the introduction of any new technologies at the enterprise - this is also purely his competence.

If we consider responsibilities in more detail, the following aspects need to be highlighted.
- Network design... Complex systems are not easy enough to drop one cable. They involve many nodes and forks, and many consumers are powered from them. To avoid voltage surges and overloads leading to fires, the system must be properly designed and properly balanced. The professional, of course, must find a solution that combines high security and low cost.
- Heating network design... The power engineer must design the heating system inside the building so that it is as efficient as possible and at the same time as cost-effective as possible.
- Drawing up diagrams... Taking into account the results of the above actions, the specialist schematically displays the routes of future communications on paper so that the diagram is understandable to the installers.
- Budgeting. Only a professional knows what kind of equipment is needed to achieve the set goals, therefore, in the estimate, he prescribes all the components of the future system. The customer is more interested in the question of the cost of implementing the plan, therefore, the power engineer is obliged to indicate in the estimate the price of individual components and the total cost of the purchase and installation of equipment.
- Purchase of components. In order to avoid any misunderstandings, the power engineer must personally be present when purchasing everything necessary for the construction of the system.
- Installation control. A qualified technician usually does not personally assemble the system, but he must be confident that the workers are doing everything correctly. To ensure that there is no defect on the part of the assemblers, he is present during the assembly, monitors and directs the actions of the workers.
- Commissioning... The power engineer personally conducts the first switching on of the system, and he does it at full capacity - the one for which the project is designed. If any problems are identified, he, as a specialist in his field, is obliged to immediately find out the reasons and report it, not allowing the use of the assembled system until the marriage is eliminated.
- Maintenance and repair. Although it is not a power engineer who is most often engaged in installation, the subsequent repairs mainly fall on his shoulders, because it is he who is engaged in the daily maintenance of the system. In addition, being on the staff of the enterprise, such an employee is obliged to regularly study the state of the networks and identify potential problems before they lead to an emergency.
- Modernization design... Any network can be improved if years have passed since its commissioning, as well as in cases where new equipment appears. As a specialist in his field, a power engineer must calculate energy consumption and be aware of new products that can improve the situation.If there is a real opportunity to spend now in order to profitably save in the future, the employee must provide his superiors with his calculations so that the “top” will make a decision on modernization.

Even such a list of responsibilities cannot be considered complete - it all depends on the specifics of each individual enterprise and the current situation. At work, the power engineer acts in accordance with the job description and considerations of logic.
Knowledge and skills
An energy drink is a job that should be recommended to people with a technical mindset. The profession involves a large number of complex calculations, and mistakes are not accepted here - even one mistake can result in huge expenses and even death of people.
The work of the power engineer is very painstaking. The specialist must be attentive to detail. A distinctive feature will be the ability to completely abstract from all outsiders, fully concentrating on the task.
Among other things, the design and construction of complex engineering networks is great responsibility, therefore, an energetic should not be afraid to take it upon himself. In an emergency, the right decision may not be obvious, but delay is sometimes even more dire in terms of consequences. Willingness to take responsibility, to act quickly and decisively, to be responsible in the event of a mistake - these are also characteristics that are mandatory for a power engineer.
And one more thing: an innovative streak will not interfere with a good specialist at a large enterprise.

An energy engineer is more a position than a specific specialty. You can fulfill all the duties mentioned above with a diploma that indicates any of the listed specialties. Those closest to the topic, of course, "Heat power engineering and heat engineering" or "Power engineering and electrical engineering", but in general, the necessary knowledge can be obtained in a related, but more extensive specialty "Electricity supply"... The question may also be addressed "Construction" or even "Nuclear Physics and Technology".
At the same time, a simple power engineer (without the addition of "engineer") can only have secondary technical education... It all depends on what you want to deal with - this is quite enough for servicing a simple and typical city heating network as a repair technician. If dreams lead to serious scientific research, you should focus on Moscow Power Engineering Institute or Saint Petersburg State Technological Institute, although there are similar educational institutions in other large cities throughout Russia.

Where does it work?
Power engineers are representatives of quite demanded specialty - they are needed at any enterprise engaged in the construction or operation of electrical and heating networks. This means that such a specialist is needed literally everywhere - from utilities to factories.
Salary is often an indicator of demand. For an energy drinker, it can be very different, but it certainly does not happen very small - usually it fluctuates between 22-70 thousand rubles per month. Much depends on how much work is performed by a specialist, how large-scale networks are entrusted to him. In addition, wages are also influenced by the stage of career development a specialist is at at the moment - whether he is just a power engineer, an energy engineer, or has he been promoted to a senior in a project or workshop, or even to a boss, if the company is suitable by profile.