Flight attendants and stewardess uniforms

Flight attendants are called "queens of the sky", "heavenly swallows" - and this is no accident, because in flight, passengers see not pilots, not pilots. The first people people meet when boarding an aircraft are the flight attendants. And, of course, in the sky, like nowhere else, the saying "is met by clothes" is true - an elegant, beautiful stewardess in an original uniform gives confidence that the flight will go well.

The appearance of flight attendants - both male and female - is of great importance throughout the world today.... The liking for the airline depends (one way or another) on what the flight personnel look like. Stewards and flight attendants look very different in different countries. In conservative Muslim Brunei, they are very different from, say, Lufthansa representatives during the annual Oktoberfest. Russia is no exception - the development of a uniform for flight attendants and attendants is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the national idea.

A distinctive feature of the uniform of Russian flight attendants (of any airline) is the fit of the suit or dress is strictly according to the figure. No A-line, no loose hoodies, no oversized clothes. Each set - be it a two-piece summer suit with a blouse, a dress or a winter coat - is close-fitting. The suit can consist of a jacket and a pencil skirt or straight trousers with arrows, on top of the above it can be supplemented with a vest. A blouse is required... In some airlines, flight attendants wear dresses, sometimes they are complemented by jackets. A male flight attendant suit consists of a shirt, vest, trousers and jacket.

Stewardesses' shoes should not have a sharp heel such as "stiletto heels" or "glass" - it should be wide and stable. It is these shoes that will allow the flight attendant to move around the cabin without incident, even during turbulence. Shoes without heels - ballet flats, sneakers or other - are not provided, the presence of a heel of the height approved by the airline's standard is required.
Accessories - scarves, ties - are part of the suit and are also required to wear during flights. As for hats (and in most Russian airlines these are caps or pill hats), they must be worn outside the aircraft, but they can be removed in the cabin.

Of course, for both stewards and stewardesses, the set of uniforms includes an outer one - coats and down jackets, as well as hats and shoes. All of the above is designed in the same color scheme and in the same style, making up a single ensemble. We can say that a set of clothes for flight attendants is folded into a so-called capsule, all things from which can be combined with each other, making up a harmonious outfit.

Overview of uniforms in Russia
The faces of airlines are not flight attendants, but flight attendants - beautiful young women in well-fitting uniforms. For many years, Aeroflot suits have been considered the most spectacular uniform for flight personnel - bright red for summer and dark blue for winter.... They are easy to recognize not only by their rich colors and immediately distinguishing their owners from the crowd, but also by their branded "wings" - airline brochures.

Many Russian designers - Valentin Yudashkin, Victoria Andreyanova - took part in creating the uniform for the flight attendants. The so-called rebranding of uniforms was carried out by the duet of Bunakova and Khokhlov, whose distinctive feature is not only the creation of clothing collections, but also the development of theatrical and concert costumes, uniforms for employees of hotels, restaurants and other establishments.

The light turquoise uniforms of the S7 company are also very effective.... Until 2013, the uniform was completely light green, but now this shade has remained only in accessories - ties for flight attendants and scarves for flight attendants. The designer Alexander Terekhov, very famous both in our country and in the world, was engaged in the development of this clothing line.
The President of the Russian Federation has his own board number 1. For flight attendants, the uniform was sewn in the studio of the Russian designer Irina Kutyreva, who won the contract for the development and sewing of the uniform in strict accordance with the requirements of 44-FZ. Uniform dresses and suits of this side are distinguished by their severity, elegant cut, restrained color.

Airline Red Wings, on the contrary, it relies on bright shades - the color range of uniforms ranges from pale pink to salmon and magenta. The flight attendants' clothes are bright, original, uncommon. The development was carried out by Tatyana Snezh-Lebedeva, a designer from Moscow.

Forms of airlines of the world
The development of models is carried out taking into account the flavor of the country. For example, the dresses of Chinese flight attendants are very similar to national clothes, while they are complemented by discreet light gray raincoats with caps. Sichuan Airlines even dressed up their flight attendants in national dresses of different shades. But in China Eastern, on the contrary, they adhere to European "guidelines" - the uniform was developed by the French couturier Christian Lacroix. Dark blue dresses, decorated with scarlet belts with an original round buckle, as well as printed neckerchiefs, are complemented by laconic pill hats.

Distinctive features of the uniform of airline stewardesses Emirates are the obligatory red pill hat and white gauze scarf. Qatar Airways known to the whole world of wine-colored suits-two with gold fittings and original shape with pill-caps. Parisian "queens of the sky"representing the airline La Compagniedressed in blue blazers with blue trim and blue bermuda shorts. Italian stewardesses wear dark green dresses with red tights and red dresses with dark green tights and matching shoes (AlItalia).

Stewards and stewardess uniforms Vietnam Airlines designed in the spirit of national costumes and consists of light wide trousers and a Marsala-colored frock coat with slits on the sides and a stand-up collar. The restrained representatives Lufthansa Airlines dressed in strict, both in color and in style, dark blue suits, the only decoration of which are accessories - scarves and ties.

You shouldn't think that less carefully dressed flight attendants fly on low-cost airlines. And an example of this is the uniform of the Spanish low-cost airline Vueling. Gray wrap coats with a wide hem, original stripe print on bright yellow scarves for girls, as well as dark gray coats with light gray lining for stewards look very elegant and expensive.

For a British airline Virgin atlantic the infamous rebel couturier Vivienne Westwood was involved in the design of the uniform. However, contrary to expectations, the uniforms turned out to be not at all avant-garde - on the contrary, they are sustained in the best traditions of the classic British style. For women, these are white blouses with original ruffles, a pencil skirt or straight trousers and a jacket - either bright scarlet or dark blue.
In the latter case, the sleeve cuffs are trimmed with three gold stripes. The men are dressed in white shirts, burgundy ties, and a three-piece suit.