All about the profession of gas welder

Currently, the most demanded in the labor market are technical and working specialties, one of them - gas welder... This specialist will never be left without work, as the demand for this profession is very high.
What kind of work is this?
In modern reality, the requirements for the quality of the connection of metal parts are constantly increasing. And if previously solid metal structures were common, now the types of connections are constantly being improved. Also, materials, equipment and methods of welding and cutting parts are changing. And this is exactly what you should know and be able to specialist welder. The joining of parts during welding occurs by filling the free space between the two parts to be joined with molten metal.
A good craftsman can work not only with different materials, but also knows how to produce various types of joining of parts.

Very often, a gas welder has to deal with the following materials when working:
- pipelines;
- details of mechanisms;
- various units in metal structures for construction and industrial needs;
- body parts for cars and trucks.
Gas welding is necessary not only in enterprises related to metalworking, but also in mechanical engineering, auto repair and agriculture, construction and in the maintenance of urban utilities. Gas welding requires the worker to be able to properly handle the following tools:
- gas burner;
- electrodes;
- forceps;
- welding machines of various modifications (both automatic and semi-automatic).
The profession involves both team work in a team of gas welders, and individual. Many welders start their own business and work as field crews with individuals and companies, performing the types of work ordered by the client.

Advantages and disadvantages
As in any profession, the profession of a gas welder has both advantages and disadvantages associated with work activities. The obvious advantages include the following points:
- rapid career growth is possible (you can even continue your professional training in your specialty at a higher educational institution);
- high demand in the labor market, which means that the minimum chances of encountering lack of demand (a good specialist will always find a job);
- decent wages;
- the opportunity to start your own business and work for yourself.
But, unfortunately, in this profession there are also disadvantages that every welder encounters in one way or another, and these are:
- high risks to life and health (refers to hazardous work);
- unfavorable working conditions (very often welders work in open areas, in any weather);
- physical severity of labor;
- shift work (an irregular schedule is possible, as well as night shifts);
- the need for continuous training and maintaining their competence for effective work and competitiveness;
- shift method (very often these are northern territories with difficult working and living conditions);
- the occurrence of chronic occupational diseases is possible.
However, despite the impressive list of shortcomings, the flow of applicants who want to become a gas welder is not decreasing. This is due to the high demand for the profession in the labor market and the high level of wages.

The description of job descriptions of a gas welder is as follows:
- familiarization with regulatory documents;
- unmistakable determination of the metal alloy and its properties, the appropriate type of welding of parts from it;
- compliance with safety measures and the use of personal protective equipment;
- testing of connected parts;
- thorough and competent preparation of products for welding, since the quality of the connection directly depends on this.
Electric and gas welders usually use arc or plasma manual welding, their job responsibilities look different and include the following points:
- setting up the welding machine;
- strength test of the connection of parts;
- welding of block parts;
- carrying out mechanized welding works;
- cleaning of seams;
- cutting with oxygen and plasma;
- ability to read technical drawings.
Electric welders on semi- and automatic machines must be able to perform the following activities:
- set up welding machines, as well as service them in a timely manner;
- weld parts with a plasma torch;
- to weld simple parts;
- work with microplasma welding;
- collect simple and complex structures before connecting them;
- clean the seams;
- check the tightness of the seams made.
Gas cutters cut metal using liquefied gas or oxygen. They must:
- observe safety precautions;
- properly handle pressurized cylinders;
- perform metal cutting.

Personal qualities
As in any profession, it is very important for a gas welder to have certain character traits that will enable him to do the job efficiently, including:
- increased sense of responsibility;
- diligence;
- hard work;
- accuracy;
- perseverance, ability to work for the result;
- attention to detail.
There is also a number of restrictions with which work in this specialty is impossible, these include:
- poor eyesight (high myopia);
- history of allergic reactions;
- bronchial asthma;
- osteochondrosis;
- bad habits;
- mental illness, including neurosis, epilepsy, depression.
For each of the listed reasons, the employer has the right to refuse a candidate for employment. The work of a gas welder is associated with certain risks - not a single adequate boss will expose the employee and his colleagues to additional hazards.
Considering that people working as welders are employed in heavy production, they must undergo medical examinations every year and carefully monitor their health.

Qualification requirements
There are two options for mastering the profession of a gas welder: go to study at secondary specialized educational institution after the 9th or after the 11th grade. In colleges and schools, education on the basis of 9 classes is 3 years and 2 years for eleventh graders. The training of the profession involves the acquisition of advanced knowledge in drawing, chemistry and physics. Students study the types of metals, their properties and possible defects, types of seams. Usually, in addition to a theoretical course and practical training in the educational institution itself, students are sent to undergo industrial practice at enterprises. This allows you to plunge into the profession already at the training stage. In addition, some employers are happy to hire graduate students.
Refresher courses are popular. They can last from several weeks to several months and allow you to improve your theoretical knowledge and practical competencies, as well as pass certification and increase the grade, and therefore your salary. For gas welders the professional standard assumes 6 categories. Most first rank assigned to the student at the training stage. Such a specialist is just gaining experience and can perform only the simplest work on joining and cutting parts. Second rank assigned at the end of special courses or an educational institution. A distinctive feature is that a specialist must be able to cook parts in an upright and downward position. Welder tthird grade must be able to weld fillet, vertical and bottom seams, as well as weld pipes efficiently. Also, a specialist in this category must understand the welding machines, their work and know and comply with safety standards. A prerequisite is the ability to read a drawing and assemble parts from it.
Specialist fourth category can work with parts of medium complexity. This is a fairly qualified worker, the only drawback is the inability to perform ceiling seams. Welder fifth grade can carry out work in any position and cut any structure from various metals. A specialist with 6 rankis considered a professional. The owner of this category gets the freedom to choose how to cook, what consumables to use, what seams to connect the parts.
As you can see, a gas welder is always a demanded profession that will never lose its relevance.