Humanities professions after grade 11

The modern world offers many opportunities for graduates. The choice of professions is growing every year, which means that it becomes much easier to find a job that will bring not only money, but also pleasure. In the list of humanitarian specialties, there is a suitable option for both creative people and those who like interacting with people.

The humanities professions study a person and his creative manifestations. Therefore, in spite of the direction in which society is developing, humanitarians will still be needed in it.
The humanities professions have many benefits.
- A wide variety of professions. Humanitarians are not only teachers and librarians. Now there are many new specialties that are associated either with creative activity or with a communicative component. All of them are great for people with a humanitarian mindset.
- The opportunity to find a job while still at the university. Having decided on a profession, a student can start earning money during his studies. This will allow you to train practical skills and improve faster than your fellow students.
- Plenty of room for creativity. The training program for the humanities is designed in such a way that there is always room for creativity. So, in addition to gaining basic knowledge, students also develop their ability to think outside the box and adapt to difficult situations.
Of the minuses, it is worth noting that the competition for many specialties is quite large.
Therefore, for the opportunity to study at the chosen university after the 11th grade, you will have to fight with a large number of competitors.

Overview of the creative professions
The most popular among the humanities are professions, one way or another related to creativity.
The job of a journalist is to collect and process information. The specifics of future work depends on which area was chosen. Journalists can work on television, write texts for Internet portals or offline publications.
For to enter the desired faculty after grade 11, they pass history and social studies.
If a person enters the department of international journalism, he will also need knowledge of a foreign language.
Anyone who chooses this profession for himself must be able to communicate with different people, learn quickly and adapt even to difficult situations.
A journalist's salary depends entirely on his skills and which company or with which customers he works.

This profession can also be called creative. It is great for those who love to travel. Working as a guide means frequent travel and communication with different people. The tasks of the guide include:
- escort of excursion groups;
- the ability to present information beautifully for a large company;
- processing of a large number of materials related to the topic of the excursion.
The job is perfect for those who quickly find a common language with strangers, who like irregular schedules and work in the open air.
Knowledge of one or more additional languages will be a plus.
The downside is the irregular schedule. Moreover, such work is often seasonal. Therefore, the guide's earnings are not always stable.

A person who has received the appropriate education can be engaged in oral or written translation. You can work with both small texts or articles, as well as with films or complex scripts. A translator can carry out his work in a publishing house, an agency or at home.
The salary depends on the characteristics of the work and knowledge of languages.
Thus, translators from English always have a large selection of orders. But at the same time, their work is estimated cheaper than the work of those who know more rare languages.
The translator can work with:
- general texts;
- personal or work documents;
- specialized texts;
- websites and online projects;
- publications;
- personal correspondence.
You can become a good specialist by graduating from the Faculty of Philology or the Faculty of Foreign Languages. In addition, you can choose to study at a specialized linguistic university.

Another interesting and creative profession is photography. The advantage is that in addition to their main job, photographers can always get good additional income. You can do portrait photography, shooting weddings and other events, organizing thematic photo sessions.
In general, a professional with a good reputation will definitely not suffer from a lack of work. This type of activity is suitable for both girls and guys.
The ability to work with text is also useful for those who want to create their own work of art. Being a writer is practically a hobby. The salary of a person who makes a living by writing books, poems or scripts usually depends on their level of popularity and the audience they are writing to. The advantage of this type of activity is the irregular work schedule and the ability to independently choose the themes of the works, the disadvantage is the long way to success and the lack of stability.

List of social specialties
Professions of a social and humanitarian profile involve working with people.
Specialists in this field can work in different locations. Suitable for them:
- consulting companies;
- advertising agencies;
- state institutions;
- public opinion research centers;
- marketing agencies.
A good professional should understand not only sociology, but also related professions: political science, economics, history.
All your knowledge must also be able to apply in practice.
Recently, the profession of a psychologist has become more and more popular, especially in big cities. In order to become a psychologist, after grade 11 they take the exam in the following subjects:
- Russian language;
- maths;
- Social Studies;
- biology.
After graduating from the university, you can find work in both public and private organizations. Also, psychologists can find work for themselves in structural bodies.

In order to work as a lawyer, one must be well versed in Russian legislation, be able to work with documents and negotiate. International lawyers will also need knowledge of a foreign language and international law.
University graduates can work in government agencies or run private practice.
A big plus is a high salary, a minus is that it is not always possible to immediately find a suitable place for yourself.
Working as a teacher brings in a lot less money. But it is stable and makes it possible to do something really useful for society. Depending on the characteristics of training, the teacher can work in a kindergarten, school or higher educational institution. In addition, a teacher can earn money as a tutor or coach. Its main task is to transfer knowledge to people of different ages.

Other options
There are also many professions that are not associated with social activities or creativity, but with information processing. This kind of work is suitable for calm people who like stability.
The average earnings of historians in Russia are small. They are engaged in the study of the past, studying archival data or doing museum exhibitions.
In order to enter the Faculty of History, you must pass social studies, Russian and, of course, history.
All companies need talented managers. Therefore, the profession is quite in demand and well paid. The manager's responsibilities include:
- counseling clients;
- work with documents;
- maintaining relationships with the established clientele and attracting new customers.
The advantage of the profession is the possibility of career growth and a gradual increase in wages.

This specialty has a lot in common with the previous one. The marketer's job is also to sell the products or services of the company he works for. But if the manager is mainly engaged in working with people, then the marketer is already interacting with information.
A representative of this profession is engaged in market research, analysis of the target audience and helps to implement the most effective advertising campaign.
In addition to a stable salary, he may also have an additional cash bonus, depending on the volume of sales.
Summing up, we can say that the market for humanitarian professions is very wide. Receiving higher education in this area, a person does not always know exactly what he will do after graduation. But if he studies well and makes enough efforts at work, then it will not be so difficult for him to find a job with a suitable level of pay and comfortable working conditions.