How to change your profession at 30?

Many people will be very interested in learning how to change their profession at the age of 30. You should also figure out where to start a change of profession for a woman and a man, and what new specialization can be mastered. Additionally, you will also have to study recommendations for professional retraining.

Where to begin?
Many people think that changing their profession at the age of 30 is extremely difficult. There are a number of objective reasons for this:
- whoever says anything, but some of the flexibility of thinking is still lost;
- you can get additional professional education only on a paid basis, with rare exceptions;
- after that, building a career trajectory will have to start practically from scratch, even if a specialization similar to the previous one is chosen;
- you will need to study and earn at the same time, because it is extremely rare that there is the necessary external support or sufficient savings for this period;
- finally, it's just psychologically difficult.
And yet a change of profession at the age of 30, and even later, is carried out annually by tens of thousands of people around the world. Moreover, it was rather successful than unsuccessful.
The main thing is to tune in to overcome all problems and clearly follow the accepted course, not to abandon it halfway, despite all the difficulties... The decision must therefore mature. If at some point it becomes clear that “now or never”, then it’s time to take the decisive step, and then act according to the principle of Genghis Khan: if you are afraid, don’t do, you do, don’t be afraid, if you do, don’t regret. And remember: you are not alone, many other people at the same age have gone this way to the end, sometimes more than once, and have not regretted the outcome. EIf there are any doubts, uncertainty about the correctness of the chosen profession, here are some signs that it is time to try a new type of activity:
- literally every day in the workplace becomes hell;
- it is difficult to wait for the moment when it will be possible to leave the hateful organization;
- the demand for skills and specialization is falling, orders (tasks) are decreasing;
- the age threshold is about to be reached;
- there is an attractive hobby that brings a fairly tangible income.

The typical order is:
- assessment of their abilities and capabilities, hobbies and other nuances;
- an estimate of the income that can be obtained in a particular area;
- assessment of current work, highlighting the pros and cons that it contains;
- putting aside a certain amount that will allow you to study and look for a new job without unnecessary stress - it is desirable that money accumulate for at least six months, and ideally for a year or more;
- start of parallel learning;
- at the decisive moment - leaving the previous place of work;
- internship.
Choosing a suitable specialty
You can change your profession at the age of 30 almost indefinitely. But you shouldn't make the biggest mistake - trying to fit into the most popular positions. Since it is there that everyone rushes, then the places will be occupied mainly by both younger and more experienced people. Of course, if there is a special attraction to just such a field of activity, you can master it, but you need to understand that you still have to withstand severe competition. Additionally, since it has already been decided to change the life trajectory, it is worth taking a closer look at other points:
- professional growth prospects;
- health condition;
- personal priorities;
- public authority.
Both a woman and a man can choose a new profession in two senses at once. First, to undergo training within the same field, only in a more private or related specialization. Second, choose something completely different from the previous path. NSReamers of the first option will be:
- transformation from a military or policeman into private security guards (or a change in the type of troops);
- transition from one highly specialized medical specialty to another;
- retraining of a mathematics teacher into a biology teacher;
- transition from heat supply engineers to water supply engineers;
- completion of a sports career with the transition to coaches or judges;
- leaving direct performers to become leaders.

But you can change your life even more abruptly - to retrain for a completely different specialization. For example:
- a translator can get the education of an accountant;
- sailor - try your hand at farming or trading in pyrotechnics;
- architect - to become the head of the dining room;
- air traffic controller - master the management of a main oil pipeline or tower crane;
- insurance agent - to enter service under a contract, start servicing helicopters or start making a weather forecast;
- Firefighter - Master agricultural statistics, the wisdom of customs, or organizing holidays.
The choice of such options, as we can see, is limited only by the decision of the interested people themselves, by and large. But they need to weigh in any case all the positive and negative aspects of their step. You also need to understand that retraining will take from 3 months to a year. It will take at least 2-3 years to master a business that is fundamentally unfamiliar to oneself, even in a secondary specialized educational institution or in good commercial educational centers. (The bad ones offer training in almost any activity in the shortest possible time, and at best they can only provide a meager superficial knowledge.)

It is also useful to consider that retraining and training from scratch will require significantly different financial costs.
The difference is manifested both in the number of disciplines and in the amount of academic hours. The second higher education is obtained by passing general university and general disciplines. They are usually absent during retraining. That is why it is chosen much more often by adults who already have to take care of the family and other daily activities.
Finally, there are simply many more retraining programs and one can go beyond universities with their predominantly narrow-profile practice. Training centers that train specialists in 200-500 specializations are not uncommon. Finding a university with at least 50 certified areas of study is not so easy even in large cities. But there is a limitation: retraining for medical and some other specialties is not available to those who do not have basic special training in a similar profile. To choose the right direction of study, you should:
- study your own path traveled;
- analyze the accumulated positive experience and characterize mistakes (in order to prevent them again);
- carefully study the information about the specialty you like;
- get acquainted with thematic forums and opinions of those who have already studied this profession;
- take into account the likelihood of employment, and not just somewhere, but in your settlement or in the region where you plan to move;
- pay attention to the level of income that can be received;
- take into account considerations of prestige in a particular occupation;
- pay attention to your character, temperament, habits and way of life, to the skills acquired at the previous job and outside of it;
- collect information about the specialties in demand (according to the employment center, recruiting agencies and newspapers with advertisements);
- take advantage of standard career guidance procedures (contrary to popular belief, they are not only suitable for young people).

Expert analytics allows us to draw some conclusions about the dynamics of the labor market as a whole for the near future. So, now the demand for PR specialists, advertisers, auditors and accountants is decreasing. But experts in the field of logistics and supply are needed in an increasing number. For men, it is worth taking a closer look at preparation and retraining for:
- drivers and machinists;
- auto mechanics and car mechanics;
- just locksmiths;
- pilots;
- electricians, electricians;
- millers and grinders;
- crane operators;
- operators of special equipment;
- system administrators;
- programmers;
- guards and watchmen.
For women, the following training profiles will be more attractive:
- designer of various directions;
- hairdresser and stylist;
- florist;
- Logistics specialist;
- confectioner;
- professional in the field of make-up or manicure.

When planning to undergo training in a new specialty, it sometimes makes sense to wait an extra week or two. This will eliminate errors and insufficiently meaningful decisions. Additional tips:
- choose programs with an internship or with targeted training;
- get referrals and cover letters;
- do not dismiss temporary projects;
- negotiate with family and relatives in advance;
- avoid excessive spending on retraining time;
- prepare for interviews as carefully and clearly formulate your expectations and requirements as possible;
- at the stage of training, develop a network of contacts in a new field;
- to part with the previous place of work in a civilized manner and without scandals, as far as possible.