How to change profession?

Modern living conditions have long refuted the established opinion that getting a profession is possible only at a young age, after leaving school. Now there are almost no age restrictions in this regard. There is a known case when a Japanese pensioner at the age of 70 entered and studied at a higher educational institution.

Where to begin?
People in adulthood are now more relaxed about changing their specialty, especially if it was not the meaning of their life. It is no secret that only a limited percentage of the population is satisfied with their work and considers it exactly what they should be doing. A change of profession is a new stage in life, the onset of which should be preceded by a sober analysis of the current situation, the reasons for the cardinal changes. Or rather, we must try to understand why you are not satisfied with the current situation.
- Perhaps the person is simply tired of constant stress and needs rest. In this case, you need to consider the option of a vacation, even at your own expense. Perhaps, over time, it will become clear that the work is not so bad and the old place will become attractive again. The most important thing in this case is not to turn rest into work, as many do - they make repairs, work on blanks, etc.
- The next motive to think about is the place of work. Perhaps you are surrounded by a not very friendly team, a leadership that does not respect the dignity of subordinates and allows itself to communicate in a raised voice in an unacceptable manner. It may be that the prices are too low for your qualifications.The comfort of the environment is of no small importance - too low or high temperatures, constant drafts, exceeding noise standards, poor light. If the answer to this question is yes, it may be worth looking for another company in the same field, rather than striving to get a new specialty, where you will not have the experience, skills acquired over the years of knowledge.
- If you fell under the contraction, the organization has ceased to exist and it is simply impossible to find a job in your specialty in your locality, then this is exactly the case when you have to master a new profession.
Advice for everyone! When quitting your previous job, do not antagonize your former colleagues and employers. This will create a negative impression of you and can be of disservice if the future leader wants to learn more about you and your personality traits.

How to choose a new specialty?
There are several ways to understand what exactly you would like to receive in return for your old profession. For example, take vocational guidance. The employment center (CPC) will help you with this, if at the moment you are already out of work. Calculate the option when, in order to change your specialty, you will have to find an educational institution on your own, as well as pay for your studies. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of long-term training, when you have to somehow exist, buy groceries, manufactured goods, pay for utilities, transport and unforeseen expenses. Can you handle the financial burden when there are no wages?
If you prefer to find your new job with the help of the CPC, find out what courses are offered there, perhaps the list will contain exactly what you dreamed of. Then everything will turn out fine in terms of funds, because these courses are paid for by the state and will help with employment there. Be sure to do your own research on the job market in your area and the area where you live. Will you be able to find your niche by changing jobs? Look at the options for vacancies of those that are in greatest demand among employers. With the goal of obtaining a certain specialty, make sure if you can find a use for it.
People of the younger generation, for example, over 35 years old, often think about changing their profession for other reasons. Dissatisfaction with the received diploma, awareness of the erroneousness of the once made choice. Many cannot and do not want to devote their lives to an unloved business. Consider options for specialties for women and men over 40 that do not require long-term training and those options that may suit people in a certain field of activity.

Food industry worker
Here the choice is considerable and it is much easier to find an application for your desire, even without experience. I must say that in this segment there are specialties for which you will not have to finish courses. In this area, there are many specialties that can be changed by completing short-term courses or by spending a couple of days of internship, these are:
- packer;
- dumpling maker.
For other specialties, the program provided by three- or six-month courses will be enough:
- Cook;
- confectioner;
- production of semi-finished products and ready-made meals: cutlets, fried fish, salads of all kinds, grills, etc.
To the security guard
As a rule, these are people with excellent health and endurance, since they have to spend their working hours on their feet and not always in comfortable conditions. Therefore, it may be suitable for them to change their specialty to the following:
- a van driver for the transport of goods (there is always a demand);
- watch repairmen - good pay, there is an opportunity to take courses without leaving work and getting a salary, etc.

To a beauty salon worker
The bottom specialist does not have to leave his field. Cosmetology is constantly evolving, offering customers all the new services, so you can just retrain and change your specialty and become:
- hairdresser;
- massage therapist;
- make-up artist;
- a master of manicure, pedicure, nail extension;
- by a professional in epilation: shugaring, hot and cold wax methods, laser.
Before deciding on the specialty of a masseur, think about whether you have enough strength - a masseur needs strong hands and fingers. Medical education is optional, but preferred.
He, too, can be used for his talents:
- a good sense of style will help you become an excellent tailor;
- well-developed fine motor skills of hands will allow you to engage in the production of souvenirs, make decorative candles, hand-made soap.
You can always find courses for these professions, and training to be a seamstress can almost always be passed from the CZN.

Supermarket employee
You can go to the food industry by completing courses for confectioners, manufacturers of semi-finished products. Moreover, there is already a medical book. You can change your specialty by completing courses in the following specialties:
- seller, cashier.
- salesroom worker.
Choosing a profession of this nature does not mean that you will only deal with grocery stores. This concept also includes industrial consumer goods.
Tourism manager
With his knowledge of a foreign language, and sometimes more than one, specific knowledge, ability to communicate and find a common language with clients, professions are suitable:
- guide, tour guide;
- hospitality, such as administrators, etc.
Remember! There are always vacancies, but preference is given to candidates with experience. Set yourself up for an initial modest-paid job in a small firm. This will provide invaluable experience and development for a resume.

To the driver or taxi driver
The specialty of a trucker is quite suitable. You may have to undergo training at a driving school to obtain a category, but this can be done without leaving your main job. At the same time, there is always the opportunity to rent a truck or get a job. For some, a sliding schedule is fine. For this work, communication skills, patience, courage will be needed, since the loads are different and the routes happen in different areas.
Repair specialist
There is always an opportunity to try to become a “husband for an hour”. This is a good income for golden hands. A master who knows how to nail a shelf, connect a washing machine, deal with a leak is always in demand. "Husband for an hour" should be:
- electrician;
- plumber;
- a builder, a plasterer-painter and, in general, be able to do everything around the house.
Initially, you will have to look for customers, but high-quality and efficient execution of the task will gradually activate word of mouth, and then customers will have to stand in line.

To the realtor
With his experience and specific communication skills, one can easily become a highly qualified sales manager. After all, a cool realtor has in his luggage the experience of communicating with clients and the ability to achieve the desired result from them. Knowledge of civil law, perhaps an economic or legal education allows you to open your own business. To do this, you can complete courses for businessmen.
Toastmaster or photographer
With their sociability, ability to spend holidays, take high-quality pictures, you can think about organizing your own agency for arranging holidays, especially since they have experience. For a photographer, the ability to build a composition, possession of graphic editors will only help in achieving the intended tasks. The work is interesting, allowing you to use creativity and ambition.
To the animator
He can change his specialty to the profession of toastmaster. With his skills and personal qualities, including the ability to be a leader, to captivate people, to interest him, he is good at performing the functions of a toastmaster. That is, this is a job for active people, just like animators are.

A remote worker can find work in his specialty in the office, for both men and women. In-demand specialties:
- journalism;
- editors in publishing houses;
- translators, programmers, designers, etc.
Such specialties are in demand in large cities, but even in small settlements one can find work in one of these specialties.
In each region, the current vacancies vary somewhat, but there are many that are needed anywhere in the country.
- seamstress and baker;
- turner and locksmith;
- welder and PC operator, etc.
It is not difficult to retrain from one specialty to another.

How to properly retrain for another profession?
You can change your profession at any age, and at 35, 45 and after 50 years. What a girl can do, a woman in adulthood can also do. A man is a little more difficult morally, since their psyche is not so mobile, but, most importantly, it is motivation. The stronger it is, the greater the chances of success.
For free training, you need to register with the CPC, where there are many options for obtaining various specialties. You can study at your own expense if you have a financial safety cushion and support from loved ones. A change in lifestyle in adulthood is real - you just want to and opportunities will be found.
Famous people who changed jobs
History knows many famous people who changed their successful careers for a new path and achieved success.
- Jeff Bezos - The head of a large computer company founded Amazon at the age of 31 and achieved incredible success in electronic commerce.
- Julia Child - All my life I was engaged in advertising, worked in the media. At 50, she became a renowned chef and wrote her first recipe book.
- Vera Wang - a journalist and figure skater, after 40 years she began to create designer wedding dresses that many brides around the world dream of.
- Sarah Blackley - up to 30 years selling stationery and office supplies. Then she created Spanx shapewear.
As you can see, it's all about small things, about desire and motivation. And then you can move mountains.

Thanks. Not a bad article. I myself just keep thinking about changing the field of activity) And your article pushed me even more)))