How to become a photo model?

A lot of girls and adult girls now dream about the profession of a photo model. But not everyone understands how to achieve their goal, and what problems one has to face on the way.
Characteristics of the profession
Young beauties need to know all the subtleties of the work of fashion models. First of all, you should understand that at the beginning of your career, the salary will not be too high. The less popular a newbie is, the lower the likelihood that he will immediately receive some kind of advantageous offer.
Besides, will need to participate in numerous castings. Sometimes their number reaches 10 per day. Castings can take place in different cities. A working day can start at 4 in the morning and end well after midnight. Such a regime is very difficult to cope with. But you still have to always look your best!
And you also need to be prepared for the fact that for a certain time, the model will be far from their relatives. Often, the first model trips are trips to Asian countries. Therefore, one must be prepared for changing the familiar environment to something exotic.

Who is it suitable for?
You can start working as a model at the age of 14. Most often, a career lasts up to 20-22 years, however, there may still be some exceptions.
As for the parameters, modern standards have changed slightly, and recently such an offshoot of the model business as plus-size is gaining momentum. But, despite this, the advantage still remains for girls with more graceful figures. The chest should be between 87-90 centimeters, the waist between 57 and 62 centimeters, and the hips between 85 and 90 centimeters. In addition, the height should not be less than 170 cm.
Girls who are below the established standards should not be upset ahead of time. They may well work as photo models. Especially if they have some interesting features of their own.

Required skills
In order to become a photo model, a girl or a boy, a man or a woman, it is not enough just to have a beautiful appearance. For such work, you will need to have certain qualities. Here is a short list of what makes a model fit for the job.
- Sociability. A person should be able to communicate with different people in any situation, as well as establish the necessary contacts.
- Purposefulness. The future model must be mindful of its goals.
- Charisma. The ability to charm everyone around is a good quality for working with constantly changing customers.
- Knowledge of languages. After all, no one will teach models, and with frequent business trips abroad, knowledge of at least English is required.

Portfolio compilation
In order to start working as a photo model without a model school, you must definitely have a portfolio with you. There are two types of them.
- Snaps. They represent the applicant's technical material. Photos should represent the future model as she is in everyday life. There must be at least three photos. These are three simple shots in profile, front and back. Such photos help to understand what kind of "material" the customer will work with.
- Regular photos... This is already a selection of professional photographs. There should also be at least three of them. It is desirable that they be in a variety of looks, so that it is immediately clear that the model knows how to use her appearance.
You should not include erotic photos in your portfolio, because in this case some customers will not want to work with such an applicant, while others, on the contrary, will use it.

Are there any exceptions?
Most often, models are girls or guys under 22 years old. The age of 24-25 in this business is already considered "retirement". However, TLC's Podium 30+ program proved exactly the opposite. The women who took part in it took place in the modeling business. That's why even women in their 40s can think about such an unusual career for this age.
To understand that this works, it is worth considering a few examples of photo models who were able to become famous "in retirement".
After 50 years
To begin with, it is worth noting the model Bo Gilbert, a resident of Great Britain, who is already 100 years old. During this period, she was invited to participate in an advertisement for the rather popular brand Harvey Nichols.
Its appearance was not accidental, as the magazine also celebrated its 100th anniversary. In fact, she has never worked in such a field. All her life she worked in a factory where cardboard boxes were made. At first she was an ordinary worker, and then rose to the position of director.
Today the 100-year-old model lives in a nursing home. After all, she had no one left alive. However, in different parts of the world, she has her own fans, from whom she is immensely admired.

After 40 years
Many admire Naomi Campbell. And this is not in vain, because her figure looks just perfect even at that age. This allows her to conduct a large number of photo shoots and be popular. The secret of her beautiful figure lies in proper nutrition.
Another fashion model that remains popular even today is Heidi Klum. Her career began back in 1992. Since then, she has played in films, opened a chain of fast food restaurants, starred in several advertisements. In addition, she is considered one of the richest models in the world, today being a media mogul.

After 35 years
This category of models should include the current model Saskia de Brauwhich became popular at the age of 30. At the age of 15, she tried to start her career in this field, but failed.After that, she graduated from the art school in Amsterdam, and then worked as an ordinary teacher at the school.
If not for her friend, she would have worked in the same place. However, after much persuasion, Saskia nevertheless decided on one more attempt. As a result, she was awarded a contract with a leading Dutch modeling agency. Her appearance on the covers of fashion magazines caused a sensation among readers.

After 25 years
When Lea Tee turned 27, she was offered to try to work as a model, and then to participate in the presentation of the collection. She also appeared on the Givenchy show and also starred for many magazines.
Her most famous photo is the one that captures Lea's kiss with Kate Moss.

Small in stature
It would seem that small growth will not give an opportunity to build your career in the modeling business. However, there are some exceptions. So, today one of the most popular photo models is Anya Konstantinova. Her height is only 163 centimeters. However, despite this, several large agencies signed a contract with her. After all, she has a rather strong energy, bright appearance and unusual character. Many people compare her to Kate Moss.

General recommendations
In order to become a photo model, you need to follow some generally accepted rules. You can start your career as early as 14 years old. After all, some models already at the age of 16 become professionals with a fairly well-known name.
There are several ways to get into the modeling business. The first option is a chance meeting with a special person (scout) who is looking for new models while traveling around the world. This is how many teenagers get into the modeling business and become famous.
Scouts often find potential models on the Internet, simply by sending them messages on the Vkontakte social network or on Instagram.
You have to be careful not to run into an agency where scammers work. Such companies are difficult to recognize, so before you agree to something, you should look for information on the Internet, or even better - ask real girls who collaborated with them about their experience.

You can also try to find a scout yourself. But you have to be very careful. Indeed, today there are a large number of fake agencies whose purpose is to extract money from young talents.
In order not to run into trouble, very young novice models should go to a meeting. with your parents or older siblings... You must have with you a portfolio prepared in advance.
Summing up, we can say that today you can become a photo model at any age. Therefore, if you want to try yourself in this field of activity, you should not postpone attempts until tomorrow, there are even some doubts about yourself.