All about the profession of a collector

Surely many when working with banks have come across collectors. For some, representatives of this profession are terrifying, for others, respect. And such a difference in attitude towards a specialist is associated with ignorance of the intricacies of his profession. Society is accustomed to the fact that collectors are people who beat people out of debt using a variety of measures.
This was practiced in the 90s, but in modern society, representatives of this profession are obliged to adhere to a legal framework. And this is very difficult, and not everyone is able to cope with the responsibility entrusted to him.
Job responsibilities
Working as a collector involves constant communication with people in the framework of compliance with the rule of law. Representatives of this profession most often work in collection agencies. Such organizations have income in the form of a percentage of the repaid amounts of debts. The duties of the collectors include the timely collection of the debt from the client so that the resulting debt does not grow exponentially. If the situation with the return of funds has crossed the legal boundaries, the collector makes a request to the law enforcement agencies, after which bailiffs are involved in collecting the debt.

Today, the activities of collectors are regulated by regulations and legal framework. For example, in Russia, it is important for a client debt collector to adhere to the constitution and the declaration of human rights.
In the 90s, collectors broke into houses, intimidated debtors, and injured them. Today, this profession is official, which means it has a regulated list of job responsibilities:
- finding a client and establishing a dialogue with him through a call or messages;
- clarification of the debtor's performance;
- clarification of the reasons affecting the occurrence of debt;
- search for a solution to the problem through business negotiations;
- follow-up control of payment of the client's debt;
- if the calls are ignored, the collector must go to the debtor's residence address;
- maintaining professional documentation;
- accompanying the client until the full repayment of his debt.
If the client does not get in touch, the collector has the right to contact the authorized persons specified in the contract, the employer and the debtor's relatives.

Professional quality
Collector is not a profession, but a vocation. It is important to know how to communicate with a client, choose a key for him, be able to enter his position and try to jointly find ways to solve the arisen debt. This is taught in special courses in psychology and pedagogy. An important professional quality of collectors is loyalty... The specialist must understand that the client, having received money from the bank, immediately falls into a stressful state. He understands that the amount taken will have to be returned with a certain overpayment, and in no case should payments be delayed. And if suddenly the collector has to call the client, he must show loyalty and restraint. Thus, it will be possible to form a constructive dialogue.
Also, the collector is obliged to know the laws and, if necessary, be guided by judicial practice. Such subtleties will show the client that the debt collector is a competent professional in his field and will make every effort to keep the debt load from growing. Collectors must be stress-resistant individuals, ready for any difficulties. Debtor clients may be out of sorts or, in principle, complex. This means that negotiations may come to a standstill. It is not uncommon for a client to behave inappropriately; in such a situation, the collector must be able to stand up for himself, but only within the framework of the law and communication etiquette.
It is important for a collector to be able to work with a computer. The entire database of debtors is compiled in electronic form, where the collector must enter corrections and information obtained during the negotiations. In addition, the collector must have such qualities as self-discipline, responsibility and a serious attitude to work. These characteristics allow you to properly organize the workflow, even while in another city.
It is preferable that the collector has a higher education, for example, a financier or banker. The basic skills of these professions will allow you to work well as a collector and achieve some success.

Who is it suitable for?
Not every person will be able to work as a collector. Most often, this position is occupied by psychologists, former law enforcement officers and lawyers. Employers do not impose specific requirements for a diploma, however, they require a higher education. A collector is a very specific profession that requires perseverance and commitment from a person to achieve a set goal. It is worthwhile for a debt collector to have connections with the telephone company, and make friends with bailiffs and tax officials.
However, such acquaintances are not needed for large collection agencies. Such enterprises work closely on an ongoing basis with government agencies. And it would be nice to maintain friendly relations with representatives of various government agencies. At any time they will be able to give advice on any professional issue. The profession of a collector is suitable for people with a high level of stress tolerance and excellent memory. Debt collectors serve hundreds of people every day. Accordingly, when working with clients, they must remember the incoming information, and then enter it into the report.
Modest and sensitive people will not be able to get the position of a collectorI am. Many are attracted by a decent salary and the minimum requirements of employers, but only serious, persistent, confident and psychologically savvy people can take a place in a collection agency.

How to become?
Collector is a widespread profession, but future collectors are not trained in colleges, institutes and any other educational institutions. Collection agencies often give preference to lawyers, economists, former law enforcement officers and psychologists with higher education. They accept people into their staff, conduct their training in special corporate courses and, after successfully completing them, are allowed to work with clients. This is the most optimal way to get the position of a collector.
Realizing that On the labor market, the profession of a collector is in great demand, and a special school “Training in debt collection” has been created in Moscow. This institution offers courses developed by highly qualified bailiffs, where you can learn the necessary skills to get started successfully. At the end of the training, students receive certificates that allow them to get a job in a specialized agency or bank.
But, even having any document confirming the completion of special courses, it is not always possible to get a job the first time. And to be sure to get the position of a collector, you need to use several methods at the same time. The first involves contacting an employment agency. The second way is to find a job through social networks and forums. The third way is personal acquaintances. However, the latter method works very rarely.

Where to work?
The position of a collector is in demand in collection agencies, as well as in banks and microfinance organizations. Only in the last two are the collectors referred to as security personnel. And if they cannot get the client to fulfill his obligations, the bank resells the debt to a collection agency. Most often, this amount has at least five zeros, respectively, the larger the debt, the larger the agency's profit.
Today it is known that collectors are divided into 2 categories, black and white. Whites work exclusively within the framework of the law, while blacks use different methods of knocking out debts. However, law enforcement agencies are constantly fighting with them, they have repeatedly saved debtors from the illegal influence of black collectors. As for wages, in banks, representatives of this profession receive a stable salary no later than the payment deadline specified in the contract. The size of wages ranges from 20-40 thousand rubles. Collectors in microfinance institutions and collection companies also have a fixed salary, but at the same time receive a certain percentage of the amounts collected.
As for career growth, collectors cannot claim to conquer high professional peaks. The most they can achieve, having successfully worked in one place for several years, is the head of the security department.
However, having gained experience and learned the intricacies of the collection business, you can open your own agency.