Who is the Chief Technologist and what does he do?

There are many different specialties that are needed by modern industry. The chief technologist also belongs to them. For those who decide to devote themselves to this profession, it is useful to know who the chief technologist is and what he does.
Chief technologist - one of the key specialists in production. He understands the essence of different technological processes, and does not concentrate on any one work specialization, as technologists of a lower level do. As a result, they, of course, are ahead of him in knowledge of subtleties and nuances. But only the chief technologist qualitatively represents the whole picture of production as a whole.
He makes sure that the entire process from start to finish is completely correct. When everyone else has finished the work, it is just beginning for the chief technologist. At this point, it is necessary to evaluate the characteristics of finished products and / or services, to identify the reasons for non-compliance with established standards.
They are looked for not only in the mistakes of individual employees, but, above all, in the incorrect arrangement of the technological process.

Job description of the chief technologist indicates that he is a representative of the management in the enterprise. Usually the chief technologist at the enterprise reports to the head of the organization or the chief engineer. If he works in a department, then he must also follow the orders of the head of the department. Regardless of this, the appointment and removal from it are made by the decision of the General Director. The functions and tasks of this specialist are as follows:
- development and implementation of advanced technologies;
- saving resources and protecting the environment;
- mastering the use and production of the latest materials, products, machines, the latest technological processes;
- drawing up plans for the introduction of new technology;
- consideration and approval of all changes in technological documentation due to adjustments to work processes and equipment composition;
- control over the implementation of current and long-term plans for technical re-equipment;
- assistance in certification of workplaces and in their rationalization;
- elaboration of the most difficult issues.

The professional standard contains such functions of the chief technologist as:
- tactical and strategic management of the organization of production;
- management of the preparation of production programs;
- elaboration of measures to improve product quality (including by improving management);
- study of current work experience in Russia and abroad;
- performance of a technical and economic analysis of the work performed.
In ETKS, the following functions of chief technologists are also indicated:
- organization and planning of new workshops (sites);
- assistance in determining the range of controlled parameters of finished products and their specific values;
- the introduction of computer-aided design and management systems into the work of the enterprise;
- participation in industrial testing of new machines and mechanisms, technological processes, manufactured products and semi-finished products;
- organization of staff training;
- consideration of rationalization proposals, including the most complex and expensive;
- compliance with standards when using equipment.

Knowledge and skills
Chief technologists must know industry standards for the organization of production and for technological processes. They need to be aware of all systems and design methods. It is also necessary:
- own the organization of technical preparation of production;
- to clearly represent the production capacity, characteristics and capabilities of specific equipment, its structure, principles of operation;
- understand the hazards of the working environment;
- know and apply technological requirements for the raw materials used, for semi-finished products and finished products;
- own methods for assessing the economic efficiency of production, individual technologies and machines;
- comply with the regular quality certification procedure;
- know the norms of the rational organization of labor, safety, fire and electrical safety;
- possess the necessary ecological, economic knowledge, information in the field of natural science and technical sciences.

The norm for a chief technologist is the presence of not only professional education, but also work experience as a technologist or manager for at least 3-5 years. It is these requirements that are enshrined in most job descriptions. Nobody is engaged in training specially chief technologists. But you can choose any educational institution where there is a general specialization "technologist".
The most promising programs are considered to be "Photonics", "Light Industry", "Mechanical Engineering and Metalworking", "Technological Machines and Equipment", "Nuclear Energy".
Where does it work?
The average salary of a chief technologist in Russia is about 64 thousand rubles. But it should be borne in mind that, on average, for new vacancies on special portals, the difference in wages can range from 2 to 3 thousand rubles, depending on the month. It is curious that in the Oryol Region the average salary for 2019 exceeds 150 thousand rubles. The second and third places in the list are occupied by Udmurtia and the Omsk region.
But, of course, of great importance is also industry in which the chief technologist is employed... Specialist providing work bakery confectionery production, can receive from 50 to 90 thousand rubles. V gold mining industry his colleague has an average salary of about 300 thousand rubles.But the likelihood of finding a free place in the food industry is much higher. Leading technologists are also needed at enterprises in poultry processing, however, there is no specific level of salary in vacancies.
The income of the technological manager of a cement plant is on average 60-80 thousand. Technologist of a machine-building enterprise usually earns income negotiated upon employment. But it is known that the chief technologist of the machining division receives from 50 to 60 thousand rubles in different places. His colleague in a construction company can count on an income of 65-105 thousand. Judging by the open vacancies, in 2020 such specialists will also be hired for:
- pharmacological industries;
- food industry facilities;
- corporate catering enterprises;
- firms producing microelectronics and radio equipment;
- production of plywood, cosmetics, advertising structures, furniture.