Who is a sociologist and what does he do?

Despite the fact that sociology seems to be a purely humanitarian science, representatives of this profession should be well versed in mathematics, as well as statistical methods of calculation and the theory of probability. Sociologists who are able not only to understand what is happening, but also to predict the development of events in society, can be involved in almost any area.
Features of the profession
A sociologist is a specialist whose main job is to study, analyze and evaluate the processes taking place in society. The description of this profession suggests that the first sociologists appeared in antiquity, because the Greek philosophers Aristotle and Plato were just discussing the problems of society. However, the formation of sociology as an independent science took place only in the 20th century.
Any sociologist, on the one hand, is engaged in scientific work, but on the other hand, it does the same thing: collects and organizes data obtained by observation or experiment. The main tools of a specialist are considered to be polls and questionnaires.
The types of professional activity of a sociologist are quite extensive. These include working for opinion polls, policy research, marketing research, teaching, administrative work, and more. A sociologist-analyst is often invited as an expert in the development of large-scale economic or managerial tasks, and a good manager deals with personnel work in large organizations.Of course, many sociologists find their place in the management bodies of the state and municipal levels.

Advantages and disadvantages
One of the main advantages of the profession is its demand in the labor market at the present time, as well as the projected demand in the future. However, this is relevant only for large cities, but finding a job for a sociologist in the provinces will be a rather difficult task.
Socially significant specialty allows the specialist to choose whether to pursue scientific activities or pursue a career in a commercial or government enterprise. By combining both directions of development, a person will be able to achieve a high income and ensure himself creative self-realization. The profession of a sociologist implies constant interaction with people, allowing you to develop a skill that is useful for all areas of life.
As for the disadvantages, the possible difficulties may arise with finding a job outside the country, as the level of training of specialists in Russia is considered insufficiently high. To improve your own qualifications and ensure demand a sociologist must constantly develop in related fields, for example, in political science, psychology, statistics, philosophy and other disciplines. Minus can be called and inability to work as a self-employed specialist or an individual entrepreneur.
However, a sociologist is quite capable of organizing his own business. As a rule, having worked for several years in the profession, a specialist has the skills of a manager and organizer, a broad outlook and the ability to establish connections, which will allow him to create his own socially oriented business. Also this profession allows you to organize courses for personal growth or teach others the profession of a sociologist.
The level of pay in the profession is determined depending on the place of work. Employment in social services typically earns much less than in an analytics center or advertising field.

The responsibilities of a sociologist are not limited to research in a particular area. Its functions may include participation in the creation of plans for the development of the organization, the creation and implementation of research programs, as well as the development of recommendations for improving work performance. If a specialist has the appropriate competence, then he can be involved in the development of incentive measures, the study of staff turnover, as well as the analysis of emerging violations of labor discipline. Often the job description of a sociologist includes the development and implementation of activities whose main goal is to eliminate social difficulties.
The activities of a specialist should proceed as required by the professional standard, and also take into account the requirements of Russian legislation and the internal standards of the organization. A sociologist must necessarily know programs for processing data, as well as own research methods. (interview, experiment, focus group and survey).
In general, the main work of a specialist is built according to the same scheme. Having received a request from the customer, he determines how many people will need to be interviewed, after which he selects and develops survey methods. In accordance with the set terms, a research plan is formed. Immediately after the survey, the primary data are processed and corrections are made to the questions or questionnaires themselves. After receiving the final data, the sociologist must systematize them.

Personal qualities
The character traits required for a good sociologist are certainly sociability, since all work is based on interaction with people. In addition, a person must have perseverance and attentiveness, after all, you have to work with a large amount of information.It is good if it is the owner of an analytical mindset, equally inclined towards both the exact and the humanities.
Very important the ability to concentrate on the important, "Cutting off" all unnecessary, to highlight patterns and special cases. The sociologist should be responsible a person, since the success of projects depends on the results he has received.
Knowledge and skills
The sociologist should base his conclusions on the received empirical material, and not on his own conclusions. This means that, in addition to a broad outlook and knowledge in various industries, it is important to have well-developed communication skills. It is important for a specialist to be able to establish contacts with people, to attract attention and interest, to speak clearly and understandably. Developed logic and flexibility of thinking, as well as the ability to focus on one object for a long time, will always be useful.
A modern sociologist must confidently own a personal computer and at least work in Microsoft Excel. Since the interaction takes place with statistical data, knowledge of MSQL, Microsoft Access and similar programs is also required.

In Russia, getting the profession of a sociologist is recommended only if a person plans to build a career in a big city. They teach this specialist in many universities in the capital. For example, it makes sense for high school graduates to enter the State University of Management, the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation and the Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which has a sociology department.
Previously, you will have to take the exam in three subjects: mathematics, Russian language and social studies. Of course, it is necessary to act for the specialty "Sociology", but the direction can be chosen in accordance with their own interests, for example, "Economic Sociology" or "Social Theory and Applied Sociology". Obtaining a bachelor's degree takes 4 years, and a master's degree takes 2 times less.
You can take retraining at the leading educational institutions of the capital. For example, the Russian Institute of Professional Education "IPO" allows you to remotely not only take part in the professional retraining program, but also improve your qualifications. The second category is assigned to a sociologist who has received a higher education in this specialty, as well as who has worked in this area for at least 3 years.
You can get the first category if the employee has already spent about 3 years in the second category, and also has the appropriate education.

Sociologists with higher education can choose one of several paths for further development. In the first option the specialist goes into science and is engaged in research, publishing in journals and collections of scientific direction. Such sociologists also frequently become participants in international and national conferences.
In the second version, a university graduate chooses a role for himself a specialist in government or commercial organizations, engaged in social research. In these cases, sociologists work in companies such as the All-Russian Center for Public Opinion Research, Levada Center, Zircon, and GFK Rus.
Very often, the required vacancy is found in organizations that are not related to the required direction. A sociologist can find employment in a police school, the media, government agencies, private consulting organizations, PR companies and advertising services, as well as publishing houses. Over time, a bachelor can apply for a salary of 30 to 55 thousand rubles. For example, even without experience as an assistant in a commercial company, you can get about 37 thousand rubles.
To obtain the position of a project manager, you need a "track record" - in this case, the monthly salary can reach about 75.6 thousand rubles. The salary of a specialist in the field of marketing or advertising in cities with a population of one million reaches 100 thousand rubles. The average salary of a sociologist in Russia is from 20 to 51 thousand rubles, but in Moscow it is in the range from 40 to 100 thousand rubles.