All about the profession of a pilot

In the distant past, the profession of a pilot was characterized by complexity and high risk to life. And yet, many boys dreamed of conquering the sky. Unfortunately, not everyone was able to make this dream come true. Then came the war times, when anyone who wanted to protect the earth could become a pilot after completing a short training course. Parents and grandfathers to this day tell stories about the valor, honor, courage of pilots. And after the war, the Soviet film "Crew" was released on television, which shows the complexity of the work of civil aviation pilots.
In 2016, the film "Crew" was re-shot in a modern way, after which the queue for admission to the flight school increased several times. And what is remarkable, not only guys, but also girls are among the future pilots.
The pilot is a professional with knowledge of theory and practice in the field of control of military and civil aircraft. In this case, we are talking about small planes, helicopters and large Boeings. For most people, the words "pilot" and "pilot" seem to be synonymous. But if you think about it, these two meanings imply a slightly different profession. Pilots are people who fly civil aircraft. Pilots sit at the helm of military vessels.
In general, the pilots are highly qualified specialists, on whom not only the preservation of cargo depends, but also the safety of passengers. Pilots have a huge responsibility that not everyone can handle. The crew of civilian ships must have two pilots on board, as well as the ship's captain, navigator and flight engineer.
In the event of an emergency, they solve the problem together, and, if necessary, seek help from air traffic controllers who maintain contact with the aircraft from the ground.

Surely many have heard the phrase "a pilot from God" or "wings instead of hands." Some argue that this is a laudable metaphor, but if you think about it, weigh the pros and cons, it becomes clear that these words are a description of individual pilots. For example, a driver must feel the car to drive his car. And the pilot must feel the whole ship, each of its mechanisms, which few are capable of. So a pilot is not a profession, but a vocation.
To control an aircraft, you need to know the technical requirements and flight regulations. Be able to concentrate, monitor health and physical condition, self-develop. New aircraft models are being developed every year, and the pilot must understand the intricacies of their control. To do this, pilots must regularly attend training courses, after which they receive a certificate.
It seems to many that the duties of a pilot include only the flight of an aircraft from one point to another. But in fact, they prepare the plane for departure, monitor the operation of all the mechanisms of the system during the flight, and make a safe landing. Every second of their working time is associated with maximum concentration and composure, because they are responsible not only for their safety, but also for the lives of passengers sitting in the cabin.
The complexity of the work of pilots cannot be disputed. And such a huge responsibility presupposes appropriate wages. Even young pilots with minimal flight hours are paid decent salaries, several times higher than the average salary of ordinary engineers.

Advantages and disadvantages
The profession of a pilot is very interesting, but very difficult. Not everyone will be able to cope with the responsibilities assigned to pilots. but with a careful acquaintance with this specialty, both positive and negative aspects of it can be distinguished. The advantages of the profession include prestige. Pilots are highly regarded in any city, in any country. They have a very high income level. Pilots are always in demand in the labor market. They are provided with a full social package. Their retirement age is earlier than generally accepted standards.
The disadvantages are huge responsibility, strict requirements, constant support of health and physical condition, difficulty in creating a family. As a rule, pilots are almost constantly in the sky. They can be sent on long international flights without calling their home airport for more than a month. Accordingly, not every woman can endure it.

Today there are several types of aviation destinations, among which the applicant must choose what he likes best. Civil aviation is in great demand. Future pilots undergo training, upon graduation they receive a commercial license, thanks to which they can get a job at any airline. Having no flying hours, the pilot is initially considered a trainee and works as an assistant. Alternatively, you can take a training course at an aviation club. But in this case, the specialist will have the right to manage only small vessels.
The direction of military aviation is considered more complex. Service in the Air Force is much more serious and much more dangerous than servicing commercial flights. Those who have chosen military aviation will have to decide on the aircraft. Some people like a fighter, others like a bomber, others are interested in a reconnaissance aircraft, and still others choose combat helicopters. It is only necessary to decide in advance, since during the studies you will have to understand the intricacies of the aircraft.To obtain the profession of a military pilot, you must use one of several methods. The first involves serving in the army. Having passed the medical examination, the conscript receives a referral to the unit. But this method is not always relevant, since a completely different type of troops can be indicated in the direction. The second is more reliable. It involves admission to a military flight school.
The direction of flight tests is very interesting. However, there are very few specialists in this area today. This is due not to the danger of the profession, but to the small number of military aircraft being created. Military aviation prefers to admit proven specialists to the testing of new ships, rather than newcomers who have just completed their studies. The main task of test pilots is to test new aircraft. They reveal the pros and cons of systems and point out possible shortcomings that designers should fix. And only after the positive assessments of the commission, the military ship is put into production.

Qualities and skills required
A pilot is a difficult profession. His duties include not only the delivery of passengers from one point to another, but also a full check of the aircraft before departure, as well as monitoring the aircraft system during the flight and during landing. The mandatory list of pilot skills includes the following requirements:
- the ability to organize the preparation of the entire crew for the flight;
- knowledge of TB;
- flight in unfavorable conditions;
- ability to conduct meteorological analysis;
- ability to suppress threatening actions directed against passengers;
- correct documentation;
- be able to understand the nuances of flight with the crew.
Along with the first pilot, there is a second pilot on board the civilian aircraft. He must know the rules for preparing a vessel for departure, understand the flight documentation, know the flight plan, be able to check navigation and other equipment in the cockpit. The co-pilot must know the subtleties of flight with the use of automation and the skills of the navigator, since in his absence it is the co-pilot who replaces it.
In general, the profession of a pilot is not suitable for every person, but only for those who have endurance, are distinguished by calmness, in an emergency situation remains with a clear mind. The pilot must have a high level of intelligence and excellent memory, good eyesight and impeccable physical condition. A pilot's good vision presupposes an accurate eye and the ability to perform the same actions over a long period of time. This profession is contraindicated for people with impaired functioning of the vestibular apparatus, nervousness, mental and heart diseases.
In addition to health factors, a pilot should in no case have a criminal record or administrative penalties. He should not use alcoholic and narcotic substances.

Pilots of any aircraft have to meet not only professional requirements, but also personal qualities. The management, having recruited an intern, carefully examines his character, since the assessment of the emotional state is one of the key for the official employment of a young specialist.
The following is a basic list of personal qualities required for each pilot:
- concentration;
- fast reaction;
- love of heights;
- lack of claustrophobia;
- leadership;
- analytical thinking.

The professional skills of the pilots are considered extremely important:
- the concept of the intricacies of mechanics and electrical engineering;
- knowledge of engineering graphics;
- understanding of electronic devices;
- arrangement of airfields, airports and landing strips;
- design features of aircraft;
- theory and practice in the field of aircraft engines;
- knowledge of automated flight controllers;
- knowledge of the organizational aspects of air traffic.

How to become?
Aircraft control skills do not arise for a reason. And the self-study system is allowed only for the knowledge of the theoretical part. To obtain practical skills and the status of a professional pilot, you must graduate from a specialized educational institution. When choosing a university, an applicant must understand what kind of aircraft he wants to fly. Either they are conventional aircraft for passenger transport, or military or test ships. After choosing a specialization, you can choose a school. The main thing is to remember that after completing training and receiving a diploma, a young specialist needs to fly a certain number of hours and successfully pass the probationary period. After that, the pilot can begin to make plans for obtaining the rank of captain of a flying ship.
In Russia, flight education can be obtained at a specialized secondary and higher educational institution. If you go to college, then on the specialty "test aircraft". And at the university and the institute, more serious professions are offered - "operation of aviation complexes" and "control of aircraft". To enter a secondary school, it is enough to show a certificate, the competition for admission requires an average and highest score. And to enter a university, you will have to go through a little preparation, then pass the exam, which includes the Russian language, mathematics, physics and computer science. The duration of study at any educational institution is 5 years. If you study at a university in a correspondence department, it will take 6 years.
The following is a list of universities where you can not just study to be a pilot, but become a real ace:
- MAI;
- Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation;
- SGUN them. Reshetnev;
- Serpukhov branch of VARV.
Pilot is a complex specialization, so there are no 2-month courses for mastering this profession. As additional training, you can enroll in the Aeroflot flight school, which lasts 2 years. However, Aeroflot is considering candidates with higher aviation education.

Someone thinks that the profession of a pilot will not be in demand in the future. That technological progress in the form of robotic technology will completely oust people from the cockpit. But this is not the case. In today's world, nothing can replace human skill and determination inside an airplane. Moreover, design engineers every year develop new aircraft models with the most comfortable cockpit for the pilot. This means that young talents have very good prospects.
The specialty of a pilot is guaranteed to every applicant who graduated from a higher educational institution. But a young specialist will not be able to immediately get a job as a pilot. The time of his raids is minimal, and each exit to the open sky took place under the supervision of an experienced instructor. It will be possible to gain at least a little experience in little-known companies, in the person of an intern on a commercial ship and in small aircraft. And after 2 years you can apply for the rank of commander. And then a passage opens up the career ladder. Gradually moving forward, it will be possible to become the head of one of the divisions of the airline.
As for wages, many specialists in technical professions can envy pilots. For example, pilots of the American airline Delta Air Lines earn $ 212 per flight hour, but only if they have flown more than 65 hours. In Russia, the pay is somewhat lower, but judging by the cost of living, the pilots earn quite decently. For example, pilots of the well-known company Aeroflot receive 290 thousand rubles with 85 flight hours. If the pilot does work in excess of the norm, then he is paid much more. Based on the calculations presented, it becomes clear that the average salary of a Russian pilot is 250 thousand rubles.
And do not forget that such a serious profession is accompanied by a full social package, compulsory insurance.