What profession should a boy choose after 9th grade?

It is high time to figure out where to enter the boy after the 9th grade, so that in the future the salary is worthy. The topic of how to choose it for a man, I think, is of interest not only to parents, as it was a little earlier, but also to the schoolchildren themselves. Therefore, it is important to find out what to consider when choosing in a particular case.
Overview of in-demand professions
For boys after grade 9, there are not so few options for getting a relatively good job. A very good example of this is the driver of a car. Despite the entire automation process, the moment will not come when "live" chauffeurs will finally cease to be needed. Drivers of passenger and freight transport, performers of local and intercity transportation are in great demand now. Of the minuses - constant traveling and the need to go where the boss will indicate.
Quite often, after the 9th grade, they get a job as miners and other miners. This activity is associated with a huge risk and physically difficult, but it is relatively well paid and is always in demand, because the demand for metal ores and coal is steadily high - and even growing. In the foreseeable future, as in the field of motor transport, there is no threat of “desertion” in mines and mines.
However, one must also understand that without special education it will not work to get a job, and the courses give only the right to the simplest working professions; something more qualified awaits only graduates of secondary and higher educational institutions.

If you do not want to work underground, in harmful and dangerous conditions, you can go to the industrial climbers.This profession is in great demand, and the number of high-rise buildings will only grow. Industrial mountaineering can be expressed in:
- construction work;
- changing and cleaning glasses;
- insulation of facades;
- painting and rigging works;
- installing and fixing advertising media;
- installation of antennas, outdoor units of air conditioners;
- performing many other works, without which modern life is inconceivable.

Of course, those who are afraid of heights and are physically weak are not allowed to go there at all. But they can try their hand at power plants, oil production and oil service enterprises. Both are the "circulatory system" of the modern world, and therefore specialists in electricity and hydrocarbons will be needed for many centuries to come. Also, positions should be considered as alternatives:
- auto mechanic;
- advertising specialist;
- accountant (despite all the innovations, accounting for the movement of funds is still important);
- welder;
- the seller.

Specialties with a good salary
But, of course, it is necessary to be interested not only in what professions are for men after grade 9 in general, but also in which of them are in the top in terms of wages, because there is almost no point in choosing an activity that is obviously poorly paid. And the choice of specializations with secondary vocational education is significantly greater than that requiring higher special training.
- painters;
- actors;
- athletes;
- musicians and other creative people.
You should, of course, not set too ambitious goals. All these specializations employ a huge number of people, but only comparatively few achieve really great success. Even the competition for special educational institutions is extremely high, and the requirements are becoming more stringent every year. But even after graduation, it is hardly worth expecting that golden mountains will immediately fall on the graduate.
Much depends not only on talent and perseverance, but also, what should be hidden in vain, on the system of favoritism.

Comparatively good incomes await those who will be employed in the field of information technology.
Attention: you should immediately tune in that you will then have to go through still a good university preparation. And even after it - to constantly improve their qualifications.
At the same time, colleges or technical schools are still becoming a good stepping stone for mastering skills:
- system administrator;
- the creator of applications for mobile platforms;
- technical writer;
- a specialist in the field of information security;
- tester.
Quite a few people earn a stable income working in the field of mass media and communications. It is possible to monetize the possession of competent written and oral speech in the following ways:
- editor;
- a correspondent;
- proofreader;
- secretary;
- copywriter.

But you can try your hand at design, if you have creative inclinations. This area is suitable not only for artists, but also for designers:
- furniture;
- clothes;
- industrial products;
- decorative items;
- sites and web animations.
These are the professions:
- cutter;
- illustrator;
- designer of printed publications;
- a film studio employee;
- layout designer.

The spread of automation is steadily - albeit slowly - increasing. Therefore, all professions associated with the creation, use and maintenance of robots and automatic control systems are paid quite well. Robotics, industrial and home, hotel and warehouse, agricultural and construction, mining and medical, entertainment and research are just a few of the most common areas. But a good salary can also be received by:
- operators of special equipment;
- train and metro drivers;
- airplane pilots;
- dispatcher;
- dockers.
It is worth taking a closer look at medical specializations, work in the field of beauty and cosmetology.It will not be possible to become a doctor quickly, especially since college in this case will be only an initial stage. Cosmetology preparation is faster and easier. However, getting a job without seniority and portfolio is quite difficult. In these cases, we are talking about positions:
- nurse;
- hairdresser;
- stylist;
- manicurist;
- massage therapist;
- paramedic.

But many people consider this activity not masculine enough - and choose professions of a different plan. This is primarily about the security sector. Here you can connect your life with both government and commercial structures. A quite decent standard of living is provided:
- firefighters and other rescuers;
- police officer;
- judges;
- prosecutors;
- army and state security officers;
- private security guards and bodyguards.
However, even among men, there are those who are not at all eager to shoot, beat or enter the fire. For them, the culinary profession often becomes a good place in life.
Of course, you can't get to a Michelin-starred restaurant or an international-class hotel after a culinary college. However, the demand for this profession is quite wide, so that suitable jobs are already found.

Do not think, however, that the above options exhaust all the possibilities. A decent level of wages with a secondary education can be counted on:
- sailors and river workers;
- auxiliary personnel of the railway;
- electricians;
- plumbers;
- drillers;
- plasterers;
- turners;
- foremen;
- veterinarians;
- marketers;
- auditors;
- insurance agents;
- tax inspectors and consultants;
- translators.

What to consider when choosing?
As practice shows, it is not so difficult to choose male professions after the 9th grade ... but many people make mistakes and begin to study in specializations that are obviously inappropriate for themselves. Common causes of misses are:
- focusing on the stories of parents, friends and older peers;
- the desire to necessarily connect your life with a creative or sports career, perceived as an easy and not burdensome path to fame;
- inspiration gleaned from films or literary works;
- following fashion.
A more rewarding path is to take a close look at the details of future professional development. It is for this purpose that educational institutions hold open days. It is attended not only by teachers and students, but sometimes alumni who can share important nuances. It is also very important to choose the right educational institution. Any of them now have a page on the Internet, where you can find out everything you need to know about the training regime, specializations and other important information.
Attention: you should also be interested in how well the educational institution has established relations with enterprises and organizations in the region. Targeted training is most promising in the sense that there is almost no risk of being unemployed (unless there is a serious economic crisis).

If there is a need to start earning money as soon as possible, for example, due to the difficult situation of the family, it is worth taking an accelerated course. But at the same time, we must not forget that in many courses they teach to master the basics of professions, which cannot be practiced until the age of 18. This is, first of all, about activities related to material responsibility, with responsibility for the life and health of other people; under the age of majority will also be refused at distillery and tobacco factories (warehouses).
Job specializations should not be ignored. They are in demand in any region of the country - and even abroad. You also need to look at the specifics of your region. For example, on the sea coast it is quite logical to associate your life with shipbuilding and ship repair, with water transport, with industrial fishing and processing of water resources.There are industrial enterprises in almost any city - and it is appropriate to focus on the specializations they need; it is not necessarily the workers - the warehouse and other structural divisions also need fresh personnel.
A few more recommendations:
- not be limited to one site with a description of the most popular professions, but study at least a few publications;
- take into account your own inclinations and life priorities;
- in case of great difficulties - consult with school psychologists;
- do not trust the tests distributed on the Internet too much - only professionals can correctly conduct them;
- do not try to break yourself and ignore phobias just because "I will get a good salary";
- exclude the choice of profession according to the principles of “walking to college for 5 minutes”, “there is the least competition here”, “I’m not good for anything else”;
- focus on training programs with internship or practice;
- if possible, enter an educational institution with a greater history.