Top professions in the specialty "International Relations"

International relations is a rather popular specialty among applicants. However, not all of them represent who and where they will work in the future. Most applicants and students believe that future work is more likely to be found in embassies or consulates.
And it's true, however this specialty gives you more opportunities and a much larger list of positions that you can apply for than it might seem at first glance. You should be aware of who can work after completing training in this specialty, as well as many other aspects, such as salary and so on.

What it is?
International relations emerged a very long time ago, and now their improvement has become more urgent than ever. With the acceleration of the process of globalization, only short-sighted leaders of countries do not establish relations with other states, and first of all with neighboring powers. For a long time, international relations were only of an economic nature, and only in the last century they began to improve, including for the solution of other problems. Let's take a closer look at what they are.
Obviously, international relations are interactions between state structures of different countries. Less often, such relations also involve contacts between commercial structures of different countries. Connections can be of a different nature: primarily political, but also economic, cultural, for the solution of individual issues, and so on. Experts in the field of international relations are engaged in the practical implementation of these relations.The following main specialties can be distinguished in which a specialist in international relations can work: translator, international lawyer, political scientist, economist of interstate relations. This is not a complete list of professions in this area.
There are many advantages for workers in this field. First of all, such work is quite prestigious. Other advantages are high salaries, constant interaction with foreigners and, as a result, improved language skills, many bonuses, business trips to various countries. Students of this particular faculty have more chances to get a foreign internship than representatives of other specialties. Among the minuses, one can note the uneasy job placement. Vacancies are often already taken. However, the job search situation is far from hopeless.
Often, international relations have a great responsibility due to the fact that the work is related to negotiation. It is very important to have control and resilience, to remain polite. Among the shortcomings, it is also worth noting the low salaries of specialists in the civil service.

Profession overview
There are several popular professions in this area. Below is a more detailed description of some of them.
- Lawyer. As a rule, a lawyer is invited to work for the organization if it frequently enters into transactions. One of its main tasks is to negotiate the necessary issues and clarify legal details. And also a lawyer helps in the conduct of court cases and can even represent one of the parties in international or foreign courts.
- Interpreter. Any specialist working in the field of international relations needs knowledge of a foreign language. Knowledge of English is becoming even more than a must.
- Political scientist, diplomat. Such people play an important role in resolving various interstate conflicts and often permanently reside in another country on the territory of the embassy or nearby. Usually, people holding this position already have extensive experience in government and other organizations. An important role is also played by representatives of a related profession - conflict resolution specialists.
- International journalist. Thanks to the popularization of the profession of "journalist" and the breadth of modern opportunities, a graduate of the Faculty of International Relations has good chances to build a successful career in this field.
Graduates with a Master's degree from the Faculty of International Relations can work as analysts, experts, advisers or even teachers. Others related to this area of the profession are an assistant and international specialist, tour guide, secretary, consultant, analyst, manager and administrator, an expert on a particular region, art and cultural studies. Departing a little from the topic, it should be noted that it happens that graduates of the Faculty of International Relations can work in a field that is not related to this specialty, such as, for example, show business. A striking example is Ksenia Sobchak. There are cases when graduates of this faculty even went into programming.
All graduates, in order to be realized in this area, need to have or develop charisma and have a well-delivered speech. Despite the clear belonging to the humanitarian field, every student and worker needs to develop critical thinking.

Place of work
Of course, the first place of work and position that comes to mind is an employee of an embassy or consular mission. It will be considered special luck if the graduate manages to get a job in such institutions, even as an intern. Graduates may also consider government agencies such as various ministries (economy or foreign affairs) as an alternative place of work. By the way, initially graduates of the Faculty of International Relations were patronized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which always needed new personnel.
The lack of young personnel still exists. Specialists in the field of international relations can work in various large international corporations, even such as Microsoft. The media and educational institutions also need workers in the field of international relations. All students have the opportunity to undergo an internship in such international organizations as the UN, EU, SCO, UNICEF and others.

The salary
The average salary can range from $ 1,000 to $ 5,000. For an intern or a novice specialist, it can be relatively low: 30 thousand rubles. But it's important to keep in mind another factor that affects salaries: the level of organization. Thus, if the organization is quite influential and has tough factors for selecting candidates, then the salary level will be higher than the average. On average, a translator can earn more than a specialist. The salary of a manager with knowledge of a foreign language can approach 100 thousand rubles already at the initial stage of his career. A logistician of an international company can earn about the same amount. The average salary of a foreign economic activity consultant is about 50 thousand rubles.
It should be noted that it makes no sense to enter this faculty only for reasons of prestige in the conditions of modern reality. Now there are many other equally promising and prestigious professions and activities.
Entering this specialty, you need to find the answer to the main question - "what exactly will I do." You always need to think about the mainstream of your professional growth.