How to become a plus-size model?

Plus-size models are the fashionable trend of the XXI century, reflecting all the changes in society. People have become freer, more honest, and certainly better. From now on, fashion is available to everyone, there are no more complexes and size restrictions. The development of the modeling business in this area generates an offer, and more and more girls with curvaceous forms dream of becoming a star of the plus-size modeling business.
Where to begin?
You need to start your career as a plus-size model with an understanding of what it is about. Plus-size models are girls with a height from 170 to 180 cm, whose clothing size is from 48 and above (up to 54). A plump, curvy girl has every chance to build a successful career as a plus-size model.
Before starting a career, you should also understand the basic principles of such work. A fluffy model from size 48 of clothes promotes not fullness, but a healthy lifestyle, and most importantly, self-acceptance. Non-standard models are not just fashion models, they are fighters against body shaming. Body shaming is discrimination based on any external feature, including body shape and weight.
Plus-size models, through their active propaganda work, demonstrate a healthy attitude towards their bodies, no matter how large they are. Thanks to the first of them, the world of fashion is accessible to any girl today.

Of course, in addition to promoting these ideas, plus-size models are ordinary fashion models performing the same functions, but if the future model sincerely does not support the ideas of movement or does not accept herself as such, but just wants to make money on her completeness, her chances are sharply reduced... A full model who loves herself and helps other girls by her example will succeed.
So, we figured out the philosophy of the profession, but not only this is worth thinking about before starting a career.
Before starting your career, consider whether this profession is right for you.... Flip through magazines, watch videos, blogs of famous models. Determine for yourself the pros and cons of this profession. Consider your potential photo shoots: can you pose in a swimsuit without embarrassment and awkwardness, do you like being in the spotlight. A model, especially in plus-size sizes, should radiate self-confidence with all its looks, because our society, unfortunately, for the most part still suffers from body shaming.

How to build a career?
It is impossible to become a popular and highly paid plus-size model in one day, it is a difficult and long journey. Patience and perseverance will definitely bear fruit. In the modern modeling business, it is extremely important in which country a career starts: in Russia or abroad. In Russia, in contrast to Europe and the USA, the non-standard modeling business lags far behind in development. This is primarily due to the attitude of society: Russians, according to journalists, to this day are not ready to see girls in size 48-54 in advertising and at fashion shows.
In Russia
In order to become a successful plus-size model in Russia, first of all, it is worth finding a suitable modeling agency or agent for cooperation. To pass a casting to a particular agency, a novice model will need photographs. For the first casting, these do not have to be professional photos, the main thing is that the photos fully reflect the appearance.
Currently, there are not many agencies cooperating with girls of 48-50 clothing sizes, so to start a career it is worth going to major Russian cities. First of all these are cities with a population of over one million: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg. Despite a lot of competition, the chances of breaking into modeling in these cities are better if the model has the right characteristics and self-confidence.

The start of a modeling career abroad is real, but many times more difficult than in Russia. The principles are the same: more city - more opportunities. It is more difficult to conquer the fashionable capitals of Europe or America for several reasons. First, it is difficult to obtain a visa as well as a temporary residence permit... This is real, but preparing the documents will take a lot of time and money. Secondly, knowledge of the language is required at a level not lower than the average. Even if the model already has an agent abroad, it is imperative to know the language in order not to be deceived. Working abroad without knowing the language can be dangerous. Thirdly, there is huge competition, as more and more girls tend to leave for developed countries to build a career there.
The safest way out into the international world of modeling is rightfully recognized obtaining a contract with the countries of Europe or Asia. Having started your career and having established yourself on the territory of Russia, you can get an international contract. This will ensure work for a certain period of time, an understanding of your financial situation, which means a safe stay abroad. The agency will also help with the preparation of all the necessary papers for departure and work.
Often, representatives of prestigious fashion houses track Russian modeling to find unique girls, including non-standard sizes, for their shows or advertisements.

Tips for beginners
- Be careful. A lot of model training agencies promise employment and overseas contracts, but in fact this is just a trap for novice models. Consider the choice of agency carefully.
- Prove yourself... The goal of any novice model is to show herself as a self-confident and ambitious person. Photo, manner of communication - all this characterizes the model.
- Engage in self-study and self-development... A model appearance and a high level of self-development are the keys to success in any area, including the modeling business.
- Follow fashion trends. To be a model means to be in trend. Even a model's daily wardrobe is a whole collection from the catwalk, because her look must always remain impeccable.
- Visit trendy places (theaters, exhibitions, film premieres). The model should be aware of social life, become a part of it. Visiting trendy places provides an amazing opportunity - new acquaintances.
- Start your blog. The era of modern technology requires modern solutions. A blog for a model is her online portfolio. He will bring offers of advertising and prosperity.