What are the promising professions where mathematics is not needed?

Jurisprudence, medicine, psychology, philology - and this is not a complete list of specialties where knowledge from the field of mathematics is not required. Such professions have both pros and cons, which are recommended to be familiarized with before entering a university or technical school.

Profiles that do not require knowledge of mathematics are mainly focused on creative pursuits or working with people. In such areas, knowledge of arithmetic alone will be sufficient.
- There are professions that are not directly related to the mathematical discipline, but sometimes you have to carry out calculations. For example, for representatives of the construction industry who do a good job with certain types of work, they often have to calculate the amount of materials on their own. You need to calculate how many rolls of wallpaper or cans of paint are required. There is no need to be intimidated, because this is basic school knowledge.
- Even if you have chosen a humanitarian specialty for yourself, then at work, you will need to constantly make reports and summarize the results of activities... There is nothing complicated in this, the only thing is that it will require competent compilation of analytics based on the collected numbers and data.
- There are specialties on the market where you just need to memorize the number sequence... For example, this applies to the work of postmen, every day they go around hundreds of apartments, studying the topography will help you complete tasks faster. But there is no need to worry, since the numbers are remembered after a certain time and by themselves are brought to automatism.
- If you decide to choose a profession where there is not even close mention of mathematical calculations, then you need to develop your communication skills.... As a psychologist, journalist or translator, you will have to be in constant contact with people.
Do not forget that knowledge of mathematics, although not required for a number of professions, is very useful. They help develop critical thinking, improve the speed of thought.
A person will be able to find options suitable for himself, including in terms of work, faster.

Actual and demanded professions
According to a study by the American Business Insider a list of highly paid professions was compiled. It is far from being necessary to be the owner of mathematical knowledge in them. It is enough to have skills in your profession and experience gained over the years. Current specialties include:
- therapist;
- teacher of political science and jurisprudence;
- judge;
- psychologist;
- acupuncturist;
- power plant operator;
- elevator installer;
- Auto Mechanic;
- dental hygienist;
- director on TV and radio.
It is also worth paying attention to such professions as a teacher of sociology, history, ethnic cultures, religious studies, ship personnel, compliance manager, technical director of TV and radio, navigational engineer. By American standards, representatives of such specialties receive an average of 70 to 110 thousand dollars a year. Despite the fact that the research was conducted in the United States, most of the vacancies remain relevant for the Russian market. The only difference is the level of income. But when working for a foreign company, the difference will hardly be noticeable.
Additionally, the study reveals that experts in the fields presented did not have an adequate level of mathematics. All of them passed the test in the mathematical discipline and received about 10 points out of 100.

Where to go?
First of all, after grade 11, you need to decide on your future specialty. Depending on it, the study of specialized disciplines is required. For example, if you want to become a history teacher, then most likely you will have to pass the Russian language, the basics of statehood and demonstrate your historical knowledge. You can go both to a higher educational institution and start training in secondary technical institutions. Please note that it is much more difficult to find a dream job without specialized training, so it is worth getting at least a minimal education.
If you plan to do without mathematical knowledge, then it is better to choose a specialty that has practically nothing to do with it. Here are a few directions to help you choose a direction to study with a high school diploma.
- Psychology. The most important thing here is to be able to properly communicate with people. In the event of difficulties with communication, such a specialty is not recommended to be considered. Additionally, you will have to study the structure of the brain and society, because you need to know where the basis lies in solving a particular problem.
- Medicine... This is one of the most difficult specialties, where you do not need mathematical inclinations. At the same time, it will be necessary to show excellent knowledge in the field of chemistry and biology (problems also need to be solved there). Depending on the profile, the doctor requires the ability to conduct a dialogue with other people, to ask questions correctly in order to establish a diagnosis. You need to immediately prepare for the fact that the study will not be easy, plus an internship is provided for.
- Veterinary... This direction is suitable for those who are not indifferent to medicine, but still do not see themselves in working with people. Animals are very grateful creatures, saving their health and lives is a whole vocation. As in the medical industry, knowledge of chemistry and biology is required.
- Ecology... One of the most trendy and demanded directions over the past few years.Solving environmental issues is becoming more and more relevant, so the demand for specialists from this area will only increase.
- Jurisprudence. If you plan to choose such a specialty, then you must have a good knowledge of social studies. You are required to know the state structure, laws and regulations. An analytical mind, the ability to conduct a constructive dialogue and be objective are welcomed.
Additionally, among the most demanded specialties you can find philology and librarianship... This area also includes journalism and film criticism.
Another profession that may appeal to those who do not like mathematical calculations is pedagogy. This direction will always be relevant. For admission to the pedagogical specialty, knowledge of social science, the Russian language, history, religious studies or rhythm of choice is required.

Further employment and salary
With a diploma of higher or secondary special education, you can safely go in search of work. It is advisable to look for vacancies that will be related to the specialty. A specialist with no experience is recommended to focus on a workplace with the possibility of undergoing a paid internship or probationary period. During this period, you can gain experience and master the intricacies of the profession.
Depending on the line of business, the revenue side at the first stage may differ. Also, the amount of payment will depend on the region. In Moscow, wages will be 2-3 times higher than the national average. For example, a philologist or a history teacher in a region should count on an income of 12 to 15 thousand rubles per month, as a beginner specialist. A medical worker or veterinarian will receive from 20 to 25 thousand rubles for the same number of hours that were spent at the workplace.
Jurisprudence and ecology, along with medicine, may become one of the highest paid specialties in the future. A beginner employee will receive from 15 to 25 thousand rubles.