Unclaimed professions overview

The situation on the labor market is constantly changing under the influence of a huge number of factors. Today, many young people go to university for a specialty that seems prestigious to them, and after graduation they cannot find a job for themselves, since there is no high demand for such employees in the economy.
Why are professions becoming unclaimed?
The modern course of life is going so rapidly that the latest technologies, which used to be introduced into everyday life for decades, now become commonplace in a couple of months. And more and more often a person in the workplace is replaced by mechanisms, special devices that do not need to be paid a salary, paid sick leave or sent on vacation.
And many professions are also becoming unclaimed because the need for specialists in a particular industry disappears altogether.

For example, a large number of catering companies and related to the food industry can do without such specialties as a sommelier-taster of expensive wines and a tester-taster of elite tea. There are not so many modern establishments in which the client can choose the real “Chateau” of the 75th year, and not diluted with water “Cabernet”. In such restaurants, sommeliers are not really needed at all, they are sometimes even contraindicated. The specialist will be in shock if he sees what is actually being served to customers from the bar.
Many offices today can easily do without a clerk, because all documentation is transferred to electronic databases, and the person who previously was in charge of all affairs and manually classified them is no longer needed.

What specialties are irrelevant?
The list of the most unnecessary professions in Russia is constantly updated, but it also includes those specialties that have been rapidly losing their high positions for decades, but many universities still continue to train specialists in this profile en masse.
Lawyers are an extremely popular specialty among today's youthHowever, even the most common calculations and analysis of requests from the labor market show that such a number of law graduates is simply not needed by anyone. The number of professionals needed is clearly limited, and for this reason, many young lawyers are forced to go to work outside their direct specialty.
Psychologists, orientalists and a receptionist are yet another professions that are quite newfangled for the modern Russian labor market; every new year more and more active graduates enter these specialties, hoping to make themselves a dizzying career in this area.

However, the profession of a psychologist, which is quite popular and even very much in demand in the West, has absolutely not justified itself in Russia. In our country, going to a psychologist's appointment has always been considered a shameful, unusual and strange act. Although many Russians clearly need the advice of an experienced psychologist.
Such a strange profession as an orientalist appeared almost out of nowhere, but it has become quite popular among curious young people. But significant success at the end of it still should not be expected, since not every large company nowadays is promoting its goods in the eastern direction, and therefore very few experienced and competent specialists in this area are required.

As for the work of a receptionist (and this is a hotel employee who stores and issues keys, accepts mail and conducts customer service in the lobby), it will take a lot of work and work to find an appropriate and highly paid job. In our country, there is simply no massive demand for this specialty.
Another fairly modern and even in some regions fashionable profession of ecologist in Russia has not yet received either recognition or proper development. For some reason, the majority of directors of factories and plants perceive the environmental protection professional as another and annoying obstacle to the successful expansion of any business. Alas, the level of environmental awareness in our country is too low.
Waiters, cooks, security guards and cleaners have been recognized as the most unclaimed professions today amid the coronavirus pandemic and the introduction of a self-isolation regime.

Which ones might become unpopular in the future?
Consider a number of professions that could become extremely unpopular in the future.
- Just a couple of decades ago, a representative of such a profession as librarian, was a very respected person in society, especially this specialty was appreciated in villages and regional centers. The librarian, together with the teacher and the doctor, was perceived as the local elite for a long time, he actively worked with rural children, teaching them to read, and at the same time was distinguished by a high level of intelligence and literacy. But the rapid introduction of gadgets and the home Internet has unfortunately led to a serious displacement of books from our homes. The prestige of the librarian profession has fallen sharply these days.
- Despite the fact that today there are a huge number of different media outlets, the need for professional journalists is also not so great. Well-thought-out and superbly written articles turned out to be out of favor.Many electronic resources are chasing "hot" and shocking news, and for this it is necessary not so much to have a sharp pen and talent of a writer, but to have high efficiency and imagination. The development of various social networks makes it possible for any person to feel like a real journalist without appropriate education.
- Sociologist and political scientist - not so long ago, representatives of this profession were considered specialists who had access to secret and sacred information for the majority of the population, it is for this reason that their forecasts were taken quite seriously by ordinary people of all ages. At the present time, a person with the ability to analyze, carefully studying information in various sources, will be able to draw all the necessary conclusions on all kinds of issues of the future development of human society.
- Traditional and familiar mail has long been going through difficult times, and in the very near future it is clearly awaiting a real crisis, which, quite possibly, may lead to the disappearance of the entire postal industry. Letters in envelopes and bright postcards, all kinds of printed newspapers and magazines have been losing out to fashionable electronic counterparts for a long time, for this reason the exchange of information is actively moving into the virtual world these days. And if even in big cities young postal workers can quickly switch to couriers, then in the villages they will be left without work.