Overview of new modern professions

The emergence of new technologies invariably leads to the emergence of new professions in various fields. Every year the demand for specialists, who until recently could only be observed in popular science films, is growing more and more.
Modern professions in the world
Popular occupations of the industrial era are gradually being replaced. The development of technology requires specialists who can work with various programs and techniques. So, which of the new professions have appeared in our country over the past few years, and which have been around for a long time?

The profession of a programmer is one of the most demanded and highly paid in our country due to the rapid development of information technology. In a nutshell, a programmer is usually a specialist who creates source code for video games, operating systems, or applications on a mobile phone.
The task of the programmer is to develop code that consists of words and symbols. At the moment, there are more than a hundred programming languages. However, a person who wants to devote his future to this profession does not have to be familiar with each of them.
For to be a sought-after specialist, it is enough to know the most popular languages: JavaScript, C, C ++, Python, PHP, Objective-C. The choice of language will directly depend on the task set by the client.
For example, applications and games on a mobile phone are written in Java. PHP and Python are often used to create online stores.

There are three specializations in the programming profession.
- Applied programmers. They are engaged in the development of programs and applications: computer games, office services, instant messengers and many others.
- Systemic. Operating systems are being developed, including the well-known Android and iOS.
- Web programmers. Their main task is to create sites and programs that support them.
Now you can study for this profession at the university. In this case, it is necessary to choose one of two directions: "Informatics and Computer Engineering" or "Information Security". You can also learn programming by taking special retraining courses.

The emergence of a market economy gradually led to the emergence of a new profession. A marketer is a person who studies the consumer market.
The task of a marketer is to assess a product that has appeared on the market. He has to predict whether he will be in demand among buyers. If not, for what reason.
Further, a marketing specialist must offer the client ways to promote his product, that is, in other words, he must build a sales system that would bring profit to the company in the future.

The marketer performs the following tasks:
- is looking for a target audience that needs this product;
- evaluates the actions of competitors;
- carefully examines the preferences of buyers;
- builds a sales system;
- supervises the work of copywriters, designers and brand managers working with him in the same team.
To learn to be a marketer, you need to focus on one of three areas: "Economics", "Management" or "Sociology".
You can get a job as a marketer in any advertising company or in an enterprise where there is a marketing department.

Cybersecurity Specialist
This profession, which has appeared on the market quite recently, has become one of the ten most demanded in the world in just a few years. The goal of any cyber attack is to try to gain access to a computer system or network. This is the only way hackers can look at the data of a bank card, passport, or steal information classified as "top secret".
At the moment, cyber attacks pose one of the most dangerous threats to any enterprise and even an entire country.
This is largely due to the high level of software development. If earlier programmers assembled a program from scratch, now there are many so-called frames. So: a hacker, having gained access to one of such third-party libraries, can immediately take possession of the data of thousands of Internet resources.

The cybersecurity professional should:
- develop a special system for protecting information;
- analyze all possible risks of information leakage;
- write critical sections of the code.
In other words, the person holding this position in the company is a high-level programmer. He should be well aware of the downside of new technologies appearing on the market.

Interface designer
Interface designer is a specialist who develops the site's interface. It should provide easy navigation on the Internet site so that its future visitor does not get confused by the endless number of links.
A person who decides to associate himself with this work activity must first of all have a good analytical mind, because it depends on him whether the client wants to use a mobile application or website.
A good specialist in this field should:
- always anticipate the actions of future customers;
- develop custom scripts;
- be able to present promotional materials on a sheet of paper;
- distinguish a good design from a bad one;
- test the finished site;
- be able to create infographics;
- know the technology of creating an Internet resource.
This profession, unfortunately, has not yet received widespread demand in the Russian market.Often times, the responsibilities of an interface designer are performed by a programmer or web designer. Therefore, in the universities of our country, those wishing to study for this specialty will not be able to find separate programs. In order to become an interface designer, you need to master the profession of a programmer or web designer.

IT medic
The emergence of IT medicine was facilitated primarily by the increase in the population of our planet. Another reason was the lack of qualified medical care in third world countries. The increase in life expectancy has naturally led to an increase in chronic diseases among the elderly population. Therefore, in all clinics in our country, you can observe long lines in front of offices, consisting mainly of retirees.
A difficult task fell on the shoulders of doctors - processing a huge amount of data. Therefore, more and more doctors are resorting to the help of modern technologies.
The task of the IT physician is to develop a medical database. In addition, he creates software for medical devices. In the not too distant future, people will be able to complain about their health online. And the service will prescribe treatment for them literally in a matter of seconds.
A person who decides to become an IT physician must have basic knowledge in the field of programming. His daily tasks include the development of special programs. He also needs to have a medical education in order to make correct diagnoses.

SEO specialist
A profession that has also recently appeared on the Russian market. The main task of any SEO specialist is to develop the correct sequence of actions, thanks to which the site can be at the top of the search engine lines. For example, it is important for the owner of an online hockey equipment store that his website always be on the top line of Yandex. To do this, he needs to contact the person who will promote the store for the requests “buy hockey equipment” and “hockey equipment price”.
The main task of site owners is to acquire a high rating among the numerous Internet users. Therefore, a competent SEO specialist will never be left without work. Moreover, it is suitable for quick earnings, since the income consists of orders.
Anyone who wants to work in this area must have the following skills:
- good command of English;
- know the programming languages HTML, CSS;
- be familiar with the site management system;
- be able to work with a lot of information;
- know the features of search engines.
At the moment, Russian universities cannot prepare a full-fledged SEO specialist. Therefore, those who want to master this profession are recommended to take special courses.

A bioengineer is a specialist who develops effective methods in the field of medicine. The people in this position work with living organisms and apply the latest technologies in solving their problems. They are directly involved in the creation of medical devices, based on interdisciplinary knowledge.
Experts in this field consider the deepening of already existing knowledge in the field of engineering and medicine as their main goal. Bioengineers are taking a technical approach to the challenge of improving human health.
The creation of artificial joints is considered one of the main achievements of this scientific field. Also, thanks to bioengineering, computed resonance imaging was born. However, bioengineers are also found in horticulture. The tasks include the development of new varieties.
The main qualities that a bioengineer should have:
- analytical mind;
- love of natural science.
In Russia, the training of specialists in the field of bioengineering is carried out by the Moscow State University, the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia and a number of other well-known universities. Applicants wishing to acquire this profession choose the direction "Biology".

This profession has existed in Russia for over thirty years. Literally translated, manager means "manager" or "manager". A manager in a large organization directs the work of the employees. Different industry structures need this kind of specialists:
- construction and production;
- heavy and light industry;
- transport;
- financial.
The manager's tasks include:
- planning the activities of employees;
- solving business problems;
- control over the activities of employees of the enterprise;
- providing a system of incentives for employees;
- organization of sales.

Depending on their job functions, managers are divided into several levels: lower, middle and high. Low-level specialists manage a small group of people and work with them to accomplish a given task. Middle managers control sales and advertising. Finally, the top tier is usually the commercial director.
Managers are trained in almost every major university in the country. Applicants usually choose the specialty "Management" or "International Management".

A cosmetologist is a beauty specialist who takes care of face and body skin, treats and restores them. Usually this profession is suitable for people who value neatness and cleanliness.
For to work as a beautician in spas and beauty salons, you do not need to have a college degree. However, those who decide to become a good, in-demand specialist must graduate from at least a medical college.
It is a mistake to believe that beauty professionals only deal with skin problems. They identify the root cause of change and prescribe comprehensive procedures to address them.

The cosmetologist performs the following procedures:
- treats acne and tick and fungus lesions;
- removes warts and moles;
- eliminates developmental anomalies;
- leads a constant fight against age-related changes in the skin of the face.
You can learn to be a cosmetologist at courses organized by medical colleges. At the Medical University, future cosmetologists choose the direction of "General Medicine". Upon completion of the main course, they enter the residency in the specialty "Dermatovenereology".

Drone operator (UAV)
Unmanned aerial vehicles are a fairly young invention. In our country, such a profession as a drone operator became relevant in 2017. Drones are widely used in the modern world. However, there are still very few professionals who know how to operate unmanned vehicles.
The drone operator's tasks include:
- preparation of the apparatus for flight;
- route development;
- monitoring the technical condition of the drone;
- processing of the received digital data;
- filling out documents.
A person who decides to operate a drone must have well-developed fine motor skills. He must have an analytical mind and be able to find quick solutions in critical situations.
In Russia, the profession of a drone operator has acquired an official status quite recently. Therefore, people who have received an education in the field of aviation are offered to take retraining courses. Young people wishing to become professionals in this field must first graduate from a flight school. It should be noted that upon admission, attention is paid not only to subject training, but also to physical culture.

In addition to the above, there are also the top 4 professions of the 21st century.
- Web Designer. Deals with the development of the external appearance of the site.Should not only have artistic skills, but also have at least a basic understanding of the work in different programs. The main qualities that distinguish a web designer are outstanding creative thinking and love for the work being done.
- Internet coach. Another profession that is actively developing in our country. A coach is a person who advises people online. The only thing that is required in personnel services from a specialist hired is to be a real professional in any field of activity. For example, if a person wants to teach English on Skype, he needs to be fluent in it.
- Event manager. "Holiday Man" is another name for this far from boring profession. The fact is that an event manager is a specialist who organizes various types of events: from weddings to corporate parties in a narrow circle.
- Copywriter. Specialist in writing custom texts. All the information that people see and read on the sites is created thanks to their hardworking pen.
Naturally, all professions in demand in society are simultaneously monetary, since competition provokes an increase in wages.

Which ones appeared in Russia?
Such professions as a manager, a cosmetologist, an SEO specialist, a programmer and a marketer have long appeared and have become well established in our country. Specialists in the field of cybersecurity, bioengineering and IT medicine are also gaining more and more popularity every day. But as for interface designers, they are actively trying to replace them with programmers and web developers.
Let us also present a list of professions that have appeared in our country quite recently, but will be relevant for many years to come:
- SMM specialist;
- targetologist;
- genetic counselor;
- ecoanalyst in construction;
- trainer of creative states;
- game practitioner.
Training in many modern professions is offered only in the form of additional courses.

Which ones are the most demanded?
One of the most in-demand professions at the moment is a programmer and a cybersecurity specialist. The demand for them, as a rule, greatly exceeds the supply. This is due to the wide development of the field of information technology.
It is possible that a number of completely new professions will soon appear, for the development of which it will be necessary to create separate faculties.