Overview of Office Professions

Everyone knows that the most important professions are firefighter, policeman, doctor. Every day they fight for the safety of people. But not every person wants to deal with them every day. But sometimes you have to see office workers more than once. Someone might say that controlling a computer mouse is much easier than holding a fire hose or catching a criminal. But this opinion is wrong - any work is difficult to perform. And if you think about it, entire companies can collapse without office workers.
The concept of "office professions" is generalized. One phrase contains many specialties, between which there is one common requirement - the location of the workplace in the company's office.
Starting a conversation about office professions, thoughts of such specialties as director and secretary come to mind. About 20 years ago, this list was supplemented by a personnel officer and an accountant. And now - the office was ready. Today the picture looks different. Large companies have created numerous departments. And each one employs representatives of office professions. These are assistants, managers of different directions, operators, archivists, document managers and many others.

Surely many people know the phrase "office plankton". It sounds a little offensive, especially for people who, sitting in comfortable chairs, successfully cope with their duties and see how their companies grow upwards through their efforts. However, the "office plankton" are not only the usual managers and accountants. They also include specialists in charge of communications, collecting and analyzing competitive information, and those who provide office workers with comfortable conditions.
Due to technological progress, most of the office work takes place in the online space. Through the Internet, production resources are monitored, candidates for vacancies are searched for, financial transactions are carried out and much more. Office employees must keep up with the times, improve, and acquire new skills.
Moving with a technical breakthrough on the same wavelength, it will be possible to climb the career ladder from a secretary to a manager.

The most important professions
Every weekday, office workers take their places and, as it seems to representatives of other professions, they create the appearance of work. But this opinion is wrong. The "office plankton" is not used to talking about their achievements in the work sphere. Winning a major tender or concluding a long-term contract with a large customer is a common thing for them.
Of course, not all companies can afford to have a large workforce. Therefore, they opt for specialists, without whom the work in the office will simply stop. This list consists of only 5 positions that should be filled by people with work experience.

Office Manager
More recently, these specialists were called secretaries. Many were convinced that their main task was to bring coffee. And when the word “secretary” was changed to “office manager”, the public was told what this employee should do. First of all, he must know the state standard of paperwork. His responsibilities include keeping records of the company's affairs, arranging business trips for the company's employees. Another job for the office manager is to keep the boss calm while he negotiates or deals with securities.

Security guard
Someone will say that it is not difficult to sit in uniform at the entrance to the office, that everyone can cope with this work. But no. The main task of the security guard is to control the security of the office space and its employees. He must watch the people coming. In case of danger, immediately react - suddenly the criminals will have a desire to rob the office accounting department. Only a person with a good reaction and physical fitness will be able to neutralize the enemy.

And again, public opinion is distorted about this profession. Most people think that the accounting department only counts money. Maybe 20 years ago it was like this, but today they have a huge responsibility. These are tax reporting, preparation of financial documents, work with several banks in which the company has accounts, and much more.

No, this is not a cleaning lady. The person in this position is the keeper of the office hearth. The main task of the caretaker is to guide people who create cleanliness and comfort in the office. It is this manager who is given the right to establish some rules of conduct for the company's employees in the office space. It is the caretaker who plans to carry out repair work not to the detriment of production.
Often this position belongs to women, and the fair sex know from their own experience how to clean the carpet or where to turn in the event of a lack of electricity.

System Administrator
The main function of the representative of this profession is to monitor the correct operation of the office network of computers. This person connects new system equipment, installs the programs necessary for the operation, and solves problems with the malfunctioning of computers and printers. If necessary, system administrators write programs for the company.

Other specialties
In addition to the types of professions presented, without which the work of the office will fall in one place, there are other specialties that play an important role in promoting the company.
Purchasing manager
One of the list of key specialists involved in working with suppliers.Thanks to his activities, the company timely receives the raw materials necessary for the production of products sold. They know everything about the quality of the purchased materials, their price, they can bargain in favor of reducing the cost in the invoice.

Marketing Manager
An important position in any company that requires a candidate to have a higher education and work experience in a similar field. This is one of the highly paid professions, since a specialist has a wide range of tasks. But first, he must find different solutions to increase the company's profits, starting from the profitability of production.

GR manager
A relatively new office profession that requires a person to have higher education and the presence of such qualities as communication skills and responsibility. The work of a GR-manager is connected with communication with authorities, establishing business relations with government agencies. He should be the first to know about the upcoming political changes and inform his leadership about it. Rarely is a woman in this position.
Often, ladies are not interested in political issues, although it is the fair sex who know how to establish business relationships with different people.

IR specialist
Great job for girls with a college degree in jurisprudence. The profession itself has been known on the market since the 2000s, but not everyone understands its significance. The main task of an IR specialist is to establish business relationships with investors and then interact with them.

In addition to the specialties presented, several conflict managers, a planning specialist and an anti-crisis manager should be present in the office. They are also divided according to the type and specification of the organization. In large holdings, entire departments are created for these specialists, where each employee works on tasks corresponding to his profession.
By the way, recently there have been announcements from large companies looking for assistants for leading specialists. But the requirements for them are tough, and first of all it is work experience.
It was interesting.