An overview of popular and highly paid professions in Germany

Germany is widely known in our country as a state with a well-developed economy and a high standard of living, which attracts many Russians. At the same time, even the developed sectors of the German economy sometimes lack highly qualified specialists to whom local enterprises are ready to pay absolutely fabulous money by our standards.
It is not surprising that many domestic high school students, who have not yet decided on the choice of their future specialty, already want to know which profession will provide employment prospects in Germany, because for them this is a unique chance to live a different life.

The most demanded professions
No economy in the world can be ideally balanced - there are always scarce specialties that there is really no one to close. It is widely believed that blue-collar occupations are popular in Germany for applicants without higher education who will “hump” for relatively small (in the understanding of the Germans) money, but in fact there are several more intellectual occupations where there is a serious shortage of workers.
Here are some areas of potential training worth paying attention to:
- an engineer in the field of construction and energy - paradoxically, but in the presence of luxurious educational institutions, the Germans lack such specialists, or rather, they are ready to admit that an individual foreign specialist can plug many domestic ones into the belt;
- computer security specialist - in developed Germany there are a huge number of industrial giants who carefully preserve their own technological secrets and developments, but are forced to establish communication between employees via public communication channels;
- programmer - being one of the most high-tech countries in the world, Germany constantly needs to write more and more computer programs, including those requiring a creative approach from the developer;
- economist - again, having ideal conditions for business development and a large number of businessmen, the German economy is interested in people who are able to correctly assess the prospects for its development and general trends;
- trade manager - the huge competition of goods on the German market leads to the fact that it is no longer enough for a manufacturer to just produce excellent products, but also need to know how to properly promote it in order to move competitors;
- mechatronics - for our country is still a rather rare specialty, the essence of which is to be able to repair and establish advanced modern mechanisms controlled by electronics;
- food technologist - unlike most European countries, the German population is constantly and steadily growing and it needs to eat right, which creates jobs for specialists familiar with cooking technology;
- a specialist in caring for the elderly - any modern developed country is characterized by a rapid aging of the population, therefore, many citizens, being in old age, need outside help, and most importantly, they can pay for the services of someone who helps them;
- teacher of natural sciences or exact sciences - one of the criteria for achieving success for Germany is an excellent school education, but if there are no problems with teachers of the humanities profile, then there are not enough "techies" in the country's schools, since they prefer to work in enterprises.

High pay options
Above, we examined those professions whose representatives Germany, as a state, would be glad to see at home, but this does not mean that only prestigious or highest-paid jobs are listed above. In some cases, the exact opposite happens - there are many vacancies just because practical Germans are unhappy with wages in the industry and give their choice to other specialties. If you believe in yourself and are ready to compete for a job even with local residents, then you can pay attention to those vacancies that do not open so often, but promise super-profit.
What makes Germany fundamentally different from Russia is a clear understanding that a person who is responsible for the health and life of citizens cannot receive a penny. The salary local physician very variable - it depends on the specific place of work (public or private), and on a specific specialty, and even on the region. At the same time, career growth is theoretically possible, because a good doctor can eventually lead his own department or even the entire medical institution. As a result, for an ambitious and persistent person, a monthly salary in the future can be provided in the form of a five-figure amount in euros.
Chemical engineers
The high-tech German industry needs huge amounts of synthetic materials - the same plastic, only not cheap Chinese, but high-quality - such that products made from it will be praised all over the world. Specialists in this dust-free job, suitable even for women's hands, are looking for new formulas every day to make the materials created even stronger, can be easily recycled and reused, are safe for humans, withstand even higher temperatures, and so on.
It is always pleasant to do business that is useful to society, and if they also pay for it from five thousand euros a month - even more so.

Bank employees
The banking sector in Germany does not lag behind the economy as a whole - local citizens know very well that to start a business, you need to take out a loan, and you can take it in order to buy a house or a car right now while working in a stable and well-paid job. However, German banks are so successful in that their employees carefully screen all customers, as well as diligently look for directions for profitable banking investments. Working in a bank as an ordinary specialist is not quite what can be considered a top job, but it is already a quite visible career path to something more acceptable.
Executive managers of companies
Individual specialists, even the most advanced and classy ones, in most cases are no more than individual screws, scattered parts for a large mechanism. A manager is called upon to assemble such a mechanism and debug its work - a person who could not replace any of his employees personally, but who can develop a general development strategy, highlight the weak link in the team and change it, correctly stimulate subordinates to conquer new frontiers.
How much you will receive in such a position depends on the size of the company and your position in it, but there is no doubt that many dreams will come true in the first year.

The law can be cruel to a person, depriving him, in the case of proven wrong, almost everything: property, freedom, and even honor. At the same time, the legislation of any country in the world, no matter how clearly it is formulated, is not spelled out so that there is no room for discussion at all. That is why good lawyers are highly valued everywhere - even if there is no chance of getting a client out of the water, you can try to at least minimize the damage caused to him, which in some cases would also be correct to consider a victory.
Individuals - and even more so industrial corporations in Germany - have a completely different scale of claims compared to ours, which means that even legal advice will become a very profitable business, not to mention the legal profession. A beginner lawyer in the firm's staff receives 5-6 thousand euros a month, and this is already very good.
Computer specialists
Germany, being one of the leading engines of modern high-tech civilization, is highly dependent on computers. The machines in this country have already been entrusted with many important tasks, which a smart program will cope with faster and more reliably than a human, especially since the notorious human factor in this case is completely excluded. On the one hand, this allowed the Germans to achieve much greater comfort for their citizens, on the other hand, any breakdown of a computer, which can never be completely ruled out, can paralyze various spheres of daily human activity.
A specialist who is able to quickly solve such problems earns predictably a lot - from 10 thousand euros per month.

Possible professions for immigrants
Some of our citizens choose the following tactics of moving to Germany: first they arrive in the country, supposedly for a short time, for seasonal or temporary earnings, and then they gradually assimilate and remain permanently. Here you need to take into account a lot of nuances associated with labor and migration legislation, because in some cases it may turn out that you, even being a great specialist, simply do not have a diploma recognized in the country. In this case, you may still be hired, because the employer understands that you do not need to pay taxes for an illegal immigrant, but then be prepared for the fact that from the point of view of the law you have not worked anywhere all this time, and if you still and get caught in tax evasion - beware.
There is no doubt that some Russian citizens will agree even to such conditions, because someone really just came to earn a little extra money and return home, while someone believes that over time they will be able to grab onto the chance that comes up. If you are ready to work without official registration, the list of vacancies, of course, will be the least paid and the most "dirty" - you will have to work as a gardener, nurse, handyman at a construction site, nanny, waitress, and so on. Please note that the most obvious disadvantage of informal employment for an employee is the unsecured conscientiousness of his employer - after all, he can always say that the foreigner did not actually work for him and pay nothing. For this reason, it is still worth focusing on official employment, and usually those bosses who need an electrician, plumber, railroad worker, a refrigeration equipment adjuster or a specialist in the installation and maintenance of air conditioners and heating systems are ready to deal with the registration of a Russian migrant.
At the same time, theoretically, you can stay in the country, having established yourself in absolutely any official position, if only you are needed by the boss and show yourself from the best side. To do this, of course, you need to know German in order to find a suitable vacancy and talk with the employer or write a resume, pass the selection, agree on acceptable working conditions and sign a document in which all this is recorded. If everything is done correctly, the employer is obliged to inform the authorities that he has employed a foreigner - this is the custom in Germany, and this gives you a chance to officially declare yourself to the state as a valuable member of society.
If government agencies have no reason to personally interfere with your employment, they will allow you to open a visa and take the first step towards immigration.