All about dangerous professions

Everyone likes to watch films where the main characters catch criminals, save people and, in general, do difficult and dangerous work. In real life, there are also professions that do not allow you to relax, keep you in constant stress and can adversely affect human health.
In addition, many risky specialties can easily take lives if the rules are not strictly followed or by chance. Nevertheless, there are quite a lot of vacancies for such positions, and people continue to get down to business. In this article, we will tell you about the most dangerous professions in the world.

Every person dreams of not needing anything, and for this we all wake up early in the morning every day and go to school or work. The whole process begins with the choice of the field in which the future specialist wants to work, and after graduation, an endless chain of similar days begins. There are also lucky ones who have found their dream job and wake up every day with the thought of it, but work based on a hobby rarely brings a lot of wealth.
There are also complex and dangerous specialties that take away from people most of the time and the lion's share of health. The constant awareness that production factors can lead to irreparable consequences at any time has a strong effect on the psyche of workers. Therefore, workers in risky occupations often experience emotional decline, acquire bad habits and often experience stress.
To work in a dangerous profession requires a strong, strong-willed character, a strong psyche and coolness of thinking. Therefore, such specialties are most often chosen by those people who are looking for adventure, thirst to feel the real danger and are ready to rush adrenaline. But life is a complex and unpredictable thing, you never know for sure what awaits you in a particular profession. Therefore, we suggest that you consider the top of the most unsafe specialties that exist on our planet.

Overview of the most dangerous professions in the world
Thanks to progress, many dangerous professions have disappeared from the labor market, but new, equally difficult professions appear in their place - for both men and women. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most risky activities for health and life in more detail.
The profession, without a doubt, ranks first on the list of the most dangerous professions. The working conditions of miners are life-threatening - they are constantly in a tight space deep underground, using hand tools or a jackhammer to extract minerals.
Accumulation and release of methane, landslides, occupational diseases, explosions - this is not the whole list of hazards and unpleasant consequences of the profession.

Finding and defusing ammunition or traps is a mission with an incredibly high level of responsibility. Not everyone will be hired in such a specialty - you need to undergo serious training and have a cold-blooded mind, because the slightest delay, mistake or careless movement can cost a sapper's life. This is a noble and extremely risky occupation - sometimes it is necessary to clear explosives in a minefield or in a public place.
Situations often happen when people, while building or cultivating land, find echoes of the past. - not exploded bombs, grenades or other ammunition. In such a situation, the time comes for people of this profession to work, and they have no room for error - demining or neutralization should be successful on the first try. Sappers clearly understand that work can cost them their lives, so they are usually fearless, calm and reasonable even in civilian life - their specialty affects them so much.

The profession, thanks to the technological process, is becoming less and less dangerous for workers, but nevertheless it is considered one of the most risky in the world. In the process of work, professionals must be extremely careful at all times and strictly follow felling and logging technologies. Failure to follow safety precautions can seriously injure or injure an unwary lumberjack.
Besides, During their work, timber harvesting specialists live far from civilization - in a dense, dark forest, therefore, the possibility of encounters with predatory animals is not excluded. Lumberjacks live in temporary huts, food for workers is provided by the field kitchen - their whole life passes according to a strict schedule.

Working with electricity is very traumatic and unpredictable - every time a specialist does his job, he knows for sure that any negligence can cost him his life.
There are many factors for an accidental short circuit - insects, bad weather or a gust of wind. In addition to the fact that an electrician can receive a discharge with a current, it is blinded by a short circuit with sparks - in such a situation it is easy to fall from a height, for example, when repairing wires between poles.

Protecting civilians, catching criminals, fraudsters, thieves and robbers - this is just a short list of the noble activities of the police. The life of professionals while patrolling, pursuing and detaining criminals is constantly under threat, because people who knowingly violate the law are ready to do anything in order not to go to jail.
Also, law enforcement officers must be able to conduct a dialogue with unbalanced people, terrorists and mentally unhealthy individuals before the arrival of narrow specialists.The police are always at the heart of life-threatening events.

For many, fishing is a peaceful time on the banks of a river or lake for a pleasant, unhurried business. But professional anglers fish in completely different conditions - in the open sea or ocean. A long journey by water becomes a real test for the representatives of this craft, because at any moment a storm may begin or far from friendly pirates will meet on the way.

Airplane pilots
Raising a sophisticated aircraft into the sky is not an easy task, but keeping it in the air and successfully landing it on the ground is even more difficult. Pilots of major airlines have a great responsibility, because they are trusted with the lives of a huge number of people. A plane crash is always a large-scale tragedy, which the whole world will surely know about, so future specialists are trained with special care. The professional must be able to handle inclement weather and occasional problems that may arise during the flight. The proper level of pilot training provides passengers with safe and fast transportation.

Despite the fact that there are many advanced technologies and special equipment, rescuers on every call can be hit by fire or carbon monoxide. This is because the primary task of firefighters is to save the lives of people caught in the fire. When training future professionals, there is even such a point: "First, the victim must get out of the burning room, and then the firefighter." Firefighting specialists perform no less responsible work than medical workers. There are many requirements for professionals - they must be fast, dexterous, strong and fearless.

The modern world is firmly on its feet thanks to such minerals as gas and oil, so there is a demand for specialists who drill wells. The position of a driller involves working with complex mechanisms of drilling stations, as well as repairing them in the event of a breakdown.
Equipment used for oil extraction requires constant treatment with special substances that are harmful to human health.

People of this profession are forced to spend most of their lives behind the wheel, and a constant sitting position is accompanied by various diseases. Besides, truck drivers transport cargo for many kilometers, and often this cargo is very fragile or valuable to robbers and terrorists - this increases the danger of work. We must not forget that truckers have a rather poor view from the cab of the car, so they quite often get into accidents with careless cars.
Also, truck drivers often deliver perishable food, so trucks must move very quickly. Specialists get very tired even when they work in pairs and take turns driving the car. Moreover, an important factor is the observance of traffic rules by drivers of other vehicles and the condition of the road surface.

There are quite a few risky and dangerous activities in which only the most daring people work. But there are also workplaces that are familiar to everyone, which, at first glance, do not seem at all unsafe. Let's consider several professions in each category.
- Street cleaner. It would seem what could be dangerous about simply sweeping the streets or removing snow. But in fact, the occupation is not in vain one of the most dangerous professions - janitors face problems related to the climate: they work on a frosty winter morning and a sultry summer day, under the cold autumn rain and during the spring melting snow. In addition, representatives of the profession often encounter dangerous people, because they start working from the very early morning, when the sun did not even think to rise above the horizon.
- Stuntman. There are both male and female positions in this job. Representatives of this profession are necessary so that the stars of the film industry do not risk their lives on the set. Scenes with fierce fighting, extreme racing or jumping from great heights pose a high degree of health risk to the actors. Such shots are filmed with the help of stuntmen.
- Journalist. The profession is common among both boys and girls, and is equally dangerous for every gender. The task of journalists is to tell the people about the situation in the country and the world as quickly as possible. Some wealthy individuals may not like the curiosity of the media representatives, and an attempt may be made on them.
In addition, reporters often report from places where terrorist attacks or other complex conflict situations take place.

Specialties with increased danger in Russia
Each state has its own distinctive features in language, mentality and attitude to the choice of profession. Consider the rating of the most dangerous professions in Russia.
- Metallurgist. Specialists in this business have very difficult working conditions, because they work with huge open-hearth furnaces. Metallurgists change their work clothes very often, because the molten metal constantly sprays hot drops that burn through the fabric. When sparks strike a worker's skin, it causes severe burns, sometimes even fatal.
- Roofer. The most obvious danger in this job is the high probability of falling from a height. But, besides this, there are still quite a few risk factors, such as harmful fumes from roofing materials, the possibility of getting burned with hot slate or getting an electric shock. In addition, most of the time a professional is in direct sunlight, which can cause skin burns or sunstroke.
- Joiner. An ancient craft that at first glance seems less dangerous than it really is. In the process of work, there is a high risk of injury to various parts of the body or falling from a high floor.
Also, in the process of manufacturing pieces of furniture, there is a risk of seriously injuring your hands, therefore, carpenters must strictly observe safety precautions for performing work.