How to choose a profession by date of birth?

Choosing a profession by date of birth is not a common practice. But still, this approach allows you to pay attention to precisely those specialties that really suit a person, and not just imposed on him by society.
Calculation features
There are several calculation methods to find out how to choose the best profession for yourself. As a rule, the future profession is determined based on the Soul number or its zodiac sign.
According to the number of Soul
It is this method of calculation that is most often used in order to determine their vocation. But it is mainly suitable for young people under the age of thirty. It is very simple to calculate the Soul number. If a person was born from the 1st to the 9th day of the month, then the number of the Soul is any of these numbers. For those born from the 10th to the 31st, you just need to add the 2 digits of the birthday. So, for example, if a person was born on July 21, his soul number will be 3. If his date of birth on October 22 is 4.

Zodiac sign
You can also define your profession by your zodiac sign. It's much easier to do this, just know your date of birth.
- Aries tend to be in leadership positions. They calmly make decisions in stressful situations and are not afraid of competition.
- Taurus loves working with finances. They make good bankers or accountants.
- Gemini loves attention, so public professions suit them.
- Cancers are well suited for social specialties. They can safely occupy any public office.
- Leos choose professions in which they can easily realize themselves. Like the twins, they enjoy a certain amount of publicity.
- Virgos are distinguished by an analytical mindset and show themselves well where it is necessary to lead the activities of other people.
- Libras are great psychologists. They feel equally good when interacting with people of different ages. Leadership positions are also suitable for them.
- Scorpios are capable of being responsible for other people. However, they are not afraid to take risks. Therefore, they make talented managers.
- Sagittarius get along well with both animals and people. All kinds of social professions suit them.
- Capricorns love planning and stability. Therefore, "office work" is quite suitable for them.
- Aquarians have a high sense of justice. They make excellent lawyers and teachers.
- Pisces love creative professions. They can combine their main activity with a part-time job.
However, in order to choose a suitable profession by year and birthday, it is advisable to get more detailed advice from a professional.

What professions are suitable for different numbers?
Knowing the basics of numerology, you can determine your own vector of development yourself. Having designated your Soul number, you can proceed to the list of professions that are suitable for a person.
Such a person is under the strong influence of the Sun. This makes him strong, courageous and inclined towards leadership. Therefore, the corresponding professions are suitable for "units":
- manager;
- manager;
- politician;
- teacher;
- military.
In addition, such people make excellent pilots, lawyers and doctors. They are also good at organizing successful business projects. By definition, they are good at dealing with any difficulties that they may encounter on the path of developing their own business.
People with a soul number of 2 are especially susceptible to the influence of the Moon. This strengthens the person's intuition, makes them more diplomatic and able to feel compassion for others. Such professions as a doctor (speech therapist, therapist, pediatrician), psychologist, diplomat or consultant are excellent for him. In addition, "twos" are not afraid of hard work and are highly stress-resistant. The negative qualities of "twos" are dependence on others, high sensitivity and unwillingness to take risks. Therefore, it is always more comfortable for them to work under the supervision of someone stronger.

The "threes" are influenced by Jupiter. For this reason, they get along well with people. They make good doctors, teachers, journalists, lawyers. In addition, the "troikas" are perfect for creative professions. They can be successful in areas such as writing, acting, filmmaking. Their weaknesses are impatience and intolerance. Therefore, professions that involve the performance of some monotonous actions are absolutely not suitable for them.
The "fours" are ruled by the planet Rahu. Like Luna, she is responsible for such qualities as intuition and the ability to find a common language with people. At the same time, "fours" are more practical than "twos" and strive for stability in life. The following specialties are suitable for them:
- realtors;
- sales managers;
- recruiting professionals;
- programmers and designers;
- marketers.
Such people are great at organizing others and leading long-term projects. The weaknesses of the "fours" are criticality, a tendency to constantly control everything and pressure on others. In order to succeed in your business, you need to learn to hold back a little.

Such people are influenced by the planet Mercury. They are distinguished by an excellent sense of humor, sociability, quick wit and a penchant for foreign languages. Such specialties as announcer, journalist, analyst, writer, consultant, trader are perfect for them. It should be noted separately that it is very important for the “fives” to feel that they are free. Therefore, they should opt for work, where they can build their own schedule and not depend on others.
The weak points of the "five" are vanity, superficial judgment and intolerance. You can get rid of these shortcomings only over time.
In order not to be disappointed in your business, you should not work where there are no prospects for promotion and opportunities to communicate with more successful people.
A person with a soul number of 6 is under the influence of Venus. They are creative and love to take care of others. The following professions are suitable for them:
- cosmetologist;
- artist, poet or writer;
- stylist and hairdresser;
- designer;
- an employee of a charitable foundation;
- an employee of a shelter or childcare center.
Separately, it should be noted that the "six" are reliable and responsible employees. Therefore, you can safely trust them with any projects. Their disadvantages are unwillingness to take risks and self-criticism. But all these shortcomings become completely invisible if a person finds "his place" and works with those people with whom he feels safe.

"Sevens" are ruled by the mystical planet Ketu. She makes them very strong, balanced, observant and inclined to see the true essence of things. That is why they make excellent astrologers, psychologists, theologians, historians or writers. Such people like to control the process of work and watch how others create something new under their leadership.
If a person's Soul number is 8, he is under the influence of Saturn and is distinguished by such qualities as wisdom, caution, endurance, strength, seriousness and devotion. He makes an excellent politician, civil servant, editor, bank or tax officer, secretary, teacher or philosopher. The weaknesses of the G8s are intolerance, the tendency to abuse their power and the desire to gain benefits.
Nines are heavily influenced by the bright and fiery planet. Mars endows them with qualities such as determination, perseverance and independence. Therefore, they make excellent leaders, spiritual leaders, testers, hunters or foresters and doctors. Monotonous work is absolutely not suitable for them. They struggle to adhere to strict rules and succeed where independence is granted.

Selection recommendations
In order to choose an ideal profession for yourself, it is not enough to pay attention to the facets that numerology opens up for a person. When choosing your specialty, you need to think about the following things:
- whether he likes this job and whether he will develop there;
- whether this type of activity will benefit other people;
- whether he will be able to realize all his talents while doing his chosen business;
- whether this type of activity will allow him to provide a comfortable life for him and his future family.
A correctly chosen profession will allow you to achieve success in all areas of life. Therefore, you should listen to yourself and to those who are professionally engaged in numerology.