How to find a job you like?

Today, many people are in the process of looking for a job, but not everyone is guided by a job they like. Nevertheless, having decided on your vocation and having dealt with common stereotypes, it is quite possible to find a vacancy that will bring not only money, but also pleasure. This, in turn, will have a beneficial effect on both psychological and physical health.
How do you define your calling?
Quite rarely, young people from a young age not only imagine what they would like to do, but also find the support of others in this, as a result of which they immediately get a job they like. In most cases, a person has already completed higher education, gets some kind of professional experience, starts a family, but still does not know what he really wants. However, in order to feel satisfaction from each working day, the activity must be comfortable, interesting and, in general, enjoyable. In order to easily and correctly choose a job, you should focus on three main parameters: what a person loves, what he does well, and for what you can get sufficient payment on the market. At the intersection of these three spheres is the occupation of the dream.
To put it simply, in order to understand yourself, you should start by analyzing your hobbies and hobbies.
- It is better to take into account those activities that are also good at, because you cannot earn much money from mere enthusiasm.
- Next, you should think about whether you can use your own hobby to get a permanent income.If at the moment there are not enough skills for monetization, it is necessary to think over in what direction then you should develop.
- It may also happen that only assistants, special materials or a workshop are not enough to make money. In this case, the direction of further movement is also well traced.

I must say that the choice of an occupation for your liking should not be limited to your own business. Quite often, an interesting and highly paid position is hidden in an existing company. In principle, you can choose a good job without experience and without education, but in most cases this is an exception to the rule. Firstly, without a “test of the pen” a person simply won't be able to understand whether he likes the job or not, and secondly, the development and acquisition of knowledge are an important component of success in any profession.
It should be added that when a person is approximately determined with what he would like to do, it is recommended to him to ask for an internship or go to apprentices... You should definitely "try on" a vacancy for yourself before applying for a permanent job and dedicating most of your free time to it. Many experts recommend taking career counseling tests. They, in principle, help in the condition, but they do not always guarantee the result. A conversation with a psychologist may turn out to be much more effective; if he does not immediately voice the ideal profession, then at least he will nudge you in the right direction.

It must be admitted that at the present time, a sufficient number of new professions appear every year, therefore, a career guidance test may not be able to give any answers, because a job to the liking of a particular person has yet to be invented on his own.
By the way, at the stage of identifying your favorite things, psychologists recommend remembering what a person liked to do in childhood and adolescence, analyze how he fills his free time, and think over what he would like to learn. You can also go from the "opposite" - to find out what a person categorically would not like to do, and what he is not ready to spend his time on. Interesting answers can be obtained by imagining a situation where there is no need to make money, and you can only do what you want. It is this business that can turn out to be a dream job as a result.
An approach in which a person focuses on what he could give to others is also considered correct. For example, even an ordinary housewife can start a blog with original cleaning tips and consultations for young wives on freeing up space from trash.

What's stopping your search?
In fact, almost everyone could find a job to their liking, but many are hindered by several rather commonplace and common reasons.
Unfortunately, most stereotypes about work are created and imposed within the family. Of course, parents want to keep their children safe from further setbacks, but instead only make them worse. It is their phrases “Not everyone can find a job to their liking”, “Representatives of creative professions do not earn anything”, “You must always choose a reliable profession - for example, an economist” that are forever fixed in the still emerging minds of children. When a child grows up, he often, without thinking, continues to repeat the program, feeling only negativity and fatigue from everyday work.
Moreover, many parents take upon themselves the right to decide who the child will become in the future, demanding that he continue the family dynasty or not bother himself with all sorts of nonsense and focus only on "serious" professions - doctor, lawyer, teacher.

Low income fear
Just as often, people give up a job they like for fear of low wages. This aspect, by the way, is also part of common stereotypes. In this case, it is important to remember that You can succeed in almost any vacancy if you do work with sincere pleasure, constantly "pump yourself" and do not get stuck in the comfort zone... In addition, experts recommend developing in related areas - this will allow you not to deviate from the chosen path, but to earn more. For example, a manicure master can further study the procedure for nail extension, start teaching others, open an online sale of consumables, or conduct unusual master classes.
The next way to earn more is to improve your skills to receive more complex orders or to accelerate the execution of more available ones. Finally, a banal search for a place in which a large sum of money can be earned for the implementation of the same functions can also help.

Uncertainty and inaction
One of the main problems when looking for a job is the lack of a clear goal. When a job seeker himself does not understand what he would like to do and how to make a living, it is unlikely that he will be able to find a suitable vacancy. Another common reason is the fear of the new, as a result of which uncertainty is formed. A person is scared to change something in his life, and therefore he chooses to remain with stability instead of finding what he wants. Self-doubt is also manifested as the inability to adequately assess their skills. Low self-esteem and inability to present oneself leads to the fact that the candidate initially applies for a less prestigious or interesting position.
Passivity, and therefore inaction, always prevents you from getting a job where you would like. It is extremely unlikely that the employer himself will look for a specific employee, and he will simply wait for a successful case. On the other hand, initiative and active actions in most cases lead to outstanding results.

Does age matter?
While finding a job that suits the older generation can be a bit daunting, you can still get the results you want. For example, at the age of 40, a person already accumulates enough experience, including everyday experience, in various fields, as well as a clear understanding of what kind of activity really brings pleasure. Such an interesting and purposeful candidate, especially one who shows a desire to learn and develop, will definitely find his employer. Moreover, at this age in families, as a rule, there are grown children, which means that parents can begin to pay more attention to their hobby, and, in the future, and monetize it.
I must say that even at the age of 50, you can fulfill your dreams, since recently there have been various courses to improve or change qualifications specifically for representatives of the pre-retirement age... A person who has been creating furniture of the same type all his life, but dreamed of realizing his ideas, has the opportunity to take a design course and either get a job in a new place, or even open his own business.

Why is it so important to do your own thing?
Despite the fact that people are engaged in an unloved business for various reasons, according to psychology, the result of such a decision is always the same:
- the person begins to feel dissatisfaction;
- get tired quickly;
- get annoyed over trifles;
- gradually lose the joy of life.
Moreover, there are possible consequences such as insomnia, apathy, headaches and even the very depression that cannot be cured on its own. The advice of psychologists in this matter is unambiguous - you should still like to look for a job, otherwise no salary, prestige and privileges will cover the negative that arises from everyday occupation of an unloved occupation. Thus, the right job is the key to both psychological and physical stability.
If a person is uplifted from what they are doing, then even fatigue will be pleasant, and the stressful episodes that arise will not harm health.