All about the profession of assistant driller

Oil fields are being actively developed throughout the territory of our country, therefore, such a profession as an assistant driller has become especially in demand. To get the appropriate position, you must first unlearn, then pass certification.

Features and specialization
In oil and gas exploration, driller assistant - one of the most demanded specialties. Such an employee has many responsibilities, and special requirements are imposed on him. He must be familiar with the current rules and regulations for the production of gas and oil, safety rules at a similar facility.
The driller assistant's job is not only in well workover (workover), but also in carrying out production and exploration drilling (ERBS). This profession implies that the employee has basic knowledge in the field of geology and mining technology.
The peculiarity of the specialization is that the assistant driller must know purpose and design features of the equipment used on drilling rigs of the described type. In addition, during the training he is introduced to safety devices. In the process of carrying out his activities, the driller's assistant must know the main reasons for which industrial accidents may occur, as well as measures to prevent them and ways to eliminate the consequences.
People who want to get a job of this kind have high professional requirements. Persons over 18 years of age are admitted to the object.

What are the responsibilities?
The professional standard prescribes that a representative of the described profession has a lot responsibilities... Such an employee does not work alone - only as part of an oil brigade. He is engaged in the maintenance and repair of wells, must be present at activities to extend their life.
According to ETKS, the assistant's job responsibilities include overhaul. This is a rather broad concept that covers a large area of tasks, so the driller almost always has several people as assistants. Depending on the complexity of the work, there can be up to three people. Overhaul refers to the restoration of the pipe and the functionality of the face. It is also necessary to timely eliminate the consequences of major accidents when the wellbore collapsed.
If necessary, the assistant should conduct parallel drilling of the second hole or expand the existing underground network.

Always before starting work, it is required to draw up a detailed project, which includes an action plan. Is the driller's assistant doing the hardest job? Yes, indeed it is.
All preparatory work before the start of the overhaul also falls on the shoulders of the driller assistant. He also works at height, installs compression equipment and is engaged in the installation of pipes, installations located both above and below the ground.
Preparation of reagents and plugging mixtures is also the responsibility of the employee. He must carry out routine repairs of all (included in the installation) equipment, monitor the work:
- pump;
- rotor.
It is important to monitor the parameters in accordance with which the pumping of the working fluid into the ground takes place. Even the maintenance of the lighting fixtures is handled by an assistant.

Pombour has many responsibilities, so it must be a person who can grasp everything on the fly. The assigned tasks must be completed on time and quickly. As a rule, such employees work on a rotational basis. This is the specificity of the profession. The main oil and gas fields are located in the North, where people from all over the country go to work.
I must say that to work in such conditions young people with good health are suitable, in which no medical contraindications have been identified. The driller's assistant must undergo a medical examination before each shift. The commission is tough in selecting employees seeking north. Those who have congenital health problems will not be able to get such a position, which is why it is important to pass the commission before starting training.
In addition to health, the drill assistant is required to knew well workover technology, was familiar with the technical features of the equipment used. He is obliged to know the requirements in accordance with which climbing and slinging works are performed.
Pombour should be familiar with the fire-technical minimum and how to act in an emergency, be able to provide first aid.

Such an employee must be well trained to avoid mistakes. An assistant of the 5th category can carry out activities on wells belonging to the 2nd category. An employee of the 4th category should be able to:
- carry out preparatory measures before the start of the main repair;
- develop wells;
- use the method of repairing drilling rigs, which is known as wire rope;
- participate in the repair at any stage of the work;
- install pipes and lay them on bridges;
- measure the pipes to be installed;
- to assemble, disassemble and seal not only the pipeline, but also all the equipment available at the facility;
- take part in the equipment, adjustment, adjustment and maintenance of the machines used;
- screw pipes together and unscrew them;
- prepare machines, elevators and keys.

Among other things, he must produce monitoring the condition of the flight stairs, used bridges and battens, lubricate the equipment. This includes the need to monitor the parameters of running pumps, to produce working mixtures and reagents.
Treating a well with acids or using a hydrotechnical method is also included in the list of skills that an assistant driller should have. He also conducts shooting, fishing work. Employee must be able to use electrical equipment, including turning it on and off in accordance with safety requirements and manufacturer's recommendations.
People who are able to provide first aid, familiar with the requirements prescribed in the standards for labor safety, electrical and fire safety, are accepted for the position.

Without the appropriate education, it is impossible to obtain the described position. Training is available to anyone who has decided to master a new profession. Studying takes place in a college where there is an oil and gas direction. To obtain a diploma, you will need to complete a full course. Today educational institutions of Tyumen and Bashkortostan graduate such specialists. Training period - 3-4 years... Students after grades 9 and 11 can enroll in the course. The educational process is carried out in absentia, remote technologies are used with success.
After studying each topic, you need to complete a practical task. After completing the entire course, students are sent for certification.

Today it is difficult for an assistant driller to find a job without experience. Large objects require people who are not only in good health, but also have the skill to work on such an object. Such employees should be sociable, easy to train, responsible.
A person with experience gets a good salary. In the north, it reaches 150 thousand rubles a month. The good salary is due to the difficult working conditions in the North. Throughout the working day, you have to be at the entrusted facility, monitor equipment, carry out repair work, and work with chemicals.
This kind of work is dirty and hard, you constantly need to be in the dust in difficult weather conditions. This is why the driller assistant has more vacation time.
On the Internet, you can find a vacancy for a pomboor without difficulty, only everywhere they want to see qualified employees with the qualities and skills declared in the ad.
The search for job seekers is carried out throughout the country, the salary can be negotiated individually and depend on experience, age and other indicators.

Almost always, the employee is offered a probationary period to see if he is suitable for the specified position. Every year it is required to improve qualifications, only then career growth and an increase in salary are possible.
Of the advantages of the described profession, one can single out:
- solid salary;
- the opportunity to be formalized, to have a full social package;
- work in the North is taken into account, so you can retire earlier;
- you can get a job without experience on a small object.
Among the disadvantagesinherent in the profession - the complexity of work, poor working conditions, special requirements for the state of health. In addition, you often have to work far from home, and the schedule can be called stressful. Pombour always carries a great responsibility, while performing the tasks assigned, the likelihood of injury is high.