Overview of professions after grade 11

The correct choice of profession after grade 11 is reflected in the whole future fate. Therefore, it is necessary to find out in advance how to decide for guys and girls, to choose an occupation for life that will appeal to them.

The most demanded professions
In addition to the professional orientation, the eleventh grader has to choose between higher and secondary specialized education (college or university), offline or distance (correspondence) education. There is also an easier way to acquire a profession after grade 11 - special courses for obtaining professional skills. They are usually on a paid basis, and will require some amount to pay, but immediately after them you can start work and reimburse the costs.
Girls choose the hotel business, the profession of a hairdresser, pedicure or manicure master, florist or manager, guys prefer the path of a masseur, bartender, driver or waiter.
These positions are always in demand, do not create difficulties with vocational training, and, according to people who are not particularly inclined to plan their future, they always give two cash flows - tip and salary.
Such options have negative aspects - professional deformation, lack of personal and career growth, age qualification (the inability to do this in adulthood due to lack of demand). A constructive way for young people is to get an education immediately at a university or in stages - at a college, and then remotely, improving their qualifications and degree of preparedness. This applies to professions that are always in demand (as a doctor and teacher, lawyer and engineer), or in line with modern trends (information technology specialist, marketer, beauty industry worker, ecologist).

IT specialists
The recently published ranking of profitable professions in fundamental and applied mathematics has 12 positions, but it is far from complete. The rapid growth of innovative technologies, the improvement of stationary and mobile devices every year increases this list, offers vacancies for those who know and love computers. Some of them are already at the intersection of two or more sciences, require extensive knowledge or the ability to quickly use reference and information resources. Decent pay isn't the only bonus. There is an opportunity to save time on the way to work and the obligatory sitting in the office, working remotely, at a convenient time of the day.

Here are a few professions in which talented and experienced specialists are constantly needed and receive good money.
- Programmer - an excellent specialty that requires knowledge of several programming languages, the ability to develop algorithms and programs, to master the art of adjusting and fine-tuning your brainchild to the level of uninterrupted functioning. The basic requirements are not limited to technical and theoretical aspects. This requires a certain mindset and giftedness. However, professionals are always paid generously and are needed by employers.
- Mobile Application Developer - is considered one of the most promising professions. The choice of this segment of information technology will ensure the demand for the offered services, since the future belongs to mobile devices. You need a little less knowledge for mobile development, but it is she who is considered one of the highest paid, while there is a high probability of getting a job as a freelancer.
- System Administrator maintains and checks equipment, manages servers and networks, ensures the security of information. Distance learning courses last three months and cost 1 / 10th of the potential minimum wage.
- Web Designer leaves room not only for the application of practical knowledge and skills, but also gives a huge scope for creativity. You can deal with the design of sites, the development of logos and banners, the placement of ready-made structural elements. This is a new kind of art in which, if you have talent, you can self-actualize and at the same time earn good money.
- Tester - an excellent specialty that allows you to earn money by observing or even playing computer games. Identification of bugs, failures in the process, gaps in the security system, preparation of test documents on the identified shortcomings - for people who are attentive, quickly rebuild, with certain knowledge in the field of programming and design codes.
- Game designer or video game developer Is an exciting profession that can bring millions to a creative person. You can participate in corporate development, engage in individual development, creating worlds and universes for hundreds of thousands of players. This is not only good earnings, but also creativity, self-realization and career opportunities.

Some professions were not included in the list, but not because they are not in demand or poorly paid. They are simply on the verge of other sciences and require double or triple the amount of knowledge. For example, a curriculum developer must be an educator whose specialization is physics, chemistry, or geography. A 3D animator will need knowledge of the editor, human anatomy and ways of expressing the psycho-emotional state.
A software architect, marketer and advertising specialists should be mathematicians, salesmen, psychologists, ERP consultants - be able to select personnel, optimize their work.
Design engineer
Only one of the incarnations that a person who has received an engineering profession can choose. This group of specializations also includes a network engineer, communications, construction engineer, but design, creation of preliminary diagrams and completed plans of structures of any type will require knowledge of mathematics, the laws of physics, and the properties of materials. This profession also requires a specific set of abilities - from the flight of creative thought to the ability to accurately calculate, so a good design engineer will always find a job.

A noble and honorable profession that requires knowledge not only in the chosen field. Physicists, mathematicians, geographers and humanities must be good psychologists, literate, fluent in oral and written speech, in order to convey their knowledge to students and be loved. Perhaps, show the way to your industry, instill valuable human qualities. There is always an urgent need for primary and secondary school teachers and university teachers.
Children are one of the priorities of state policy, and it is very disappointing that the low salary pushed the teacher out of the first places in the ranking of prestigious professions, yielding positions to cosmetologists and managers.
It is a general collective term for many specialties. This specialist must know the laws and be engaged in their observance, without prejudice to the interests of his client - a corporation, company, state or individual citizen. The length of the training process is compensated by a good salary, especially in the private sector. But knowledge of the laws is not enough - you need good speech, charisma and personal qualities.

Another noble profession, representatives of which are always in demand. A doctor is a person who has chosen a difficult mission that requires extensive knowledge, professional skills and universal human qualities - compassion, mercy, sympathy for someone else's pain. It is easy to get into the top-paid ranking by becoming a beautician, dentist or plastic surgeon in a private clinic. But we always need therapists, surgeons and pediatricians who are forced to replenish their knowledge base all their lives.
A marketer is invariably included in the rating of always in-demand modern specialists.
These are people who are engaged in a promotion strategy, no matter whether a social media account, a problem product or a business.
They are often confused with targeting experts or managers. However, a marketer is a strategist and analyst for an entire market segment. He draws up a phased plan for the implementation of the product, focusing on demand and psychology, advertising campaigns and the target audience.
Recruiting Specialist
Another specialty in which good workers are now worth their weight in gold, especially if they own electronic technology. Their salaries are above average, but there are also many responsibilities. They are responsible for training human resources and their professional level, optimizing positions and selecting worthy candidates for rank-and-file and managerial positions.

Production workers
In the modern sense, these are already trained workers with a good level of knowledge of technologies required in the manufacture of industrial products. Mechanical assembly production is now impossible to imagine at a primitive level, and the main workers are responsible for 60% of the processes in this industry. They are always in demand and receive a salary for the development of their type of product.
Beauty industry workers
They are invariably present in the rating because of the desire of a modern person to meet standards, achieve success and aesthetic visualization. Hence the popularity of cosmetologists, make-up artists, stylists, masters of manicure and pedicure, hairdressers and eyebrows. Talented people with taste and skillful hands quickly gain popularity and do not lack clients, but ordinary performers do not remain in the loser after completing the courses.

Human activities have caused irreparable damage to the environment and nature. The noble mission of the environmentalist is well appreciated in the environmental inspectorates. Recommended for caring people who are interested in research activities, in the preservation of nature, clean air, and reservoirs.
Many horizons and paths open up for graduates. You can choose a profession for every taste. Tourism manager, flight attendant and air traffic controller, administrator and crisis manager, biotechnologist, geneticist and blogger - any job is needed if it is occupied by a person who meets the requirements, has the abilities and baggage for the chosen path of life.

Here are a few more careers that might attract a graduate.
- A person who knows the art of words can become a copywriter. Authors of articles and texts are almost always freelancers, they can manage their time and regulate the amount of work performed, while making good money.
- The work of a secretary - an assistant manager requires a good knowledge of computers and special programs. His responsibilities include managing information flows, coordinating and scheduling working hours, sending correspondence and paperwork. And most of this is done electronically.
- Those who are proficient in mathematics and special programs can choose to work as an accountant. Neither a small firm nor a large company can do without this specialist who works for a salary or in a freelance system. Taxes, cash flows, transactions, staff salaries were previously done on paper. Now for this there are special programs that process information layers and facilitate hard work, for which they pay well.
- A photographer can exhibit his work on a universal exchange, record events for electronic publications, work as a freelance or a regular salary. The quality of the images is determined not only by the equipment, but also by the person's ability to react quickly, subtly notice, find the right angle or photoshop defects. Skills and practice are required in working with cameras and a camera, the ability to use a graphic editor.

Who should the guy go to study for?
The choice of professions, which were previously considered exclusively for men, has significantly decreased, but there are established traditions and stereotypes - for example, military professions (gunner and pilot, missile operator and naval sailor).
A young man can be advised to become a geologist, an ambulance doctor, a winemaker or a geophysicist.
The most profitable majors are rarely romantic. A masseur, lobbyist, political strategist and psychotherapist, a good cook and programmer require not only skills and abilities, but also certain qualities. And a firefighter, policeman and a chemical technologist can hardly be attributed to work with a good salary, therefore it is difficult to give strong recommendations, especially when it comes to vocation and the call of the soul.

What specialty should a girl choose?
There are also interesting proposals for girls. Artistic abilities can be realized in the beauty industry. It will also make a profit. Girls are often advised to professions related to dancing - dancer, choreographer, but this requires not only data and appearance, but also a certain level of training, desire, perseverance.
A teacher, educator, TV presenter, judge or flight attendant - all this requires a desire to achieve success, self-improvement and a penchant for one or another type of activity.
How to decide?
There are more and more places to enter every year. The possibility of distance learning removes territorial restrictions and costs of travel, accommodation, which are inevitable in the case of correspondence.

Before choosing a profession, you need to look at what subjects you need to take, whether there is an inclination towards them, whether the level of knowledge is sufficient, what marks are in the certificate and points in the exam.
- AT TYUMGU, where specialists are trained in 175 professions, including remotely, you can enter, and without being in Tyumen, there are full-time, part-time and distance learning forms.
- UDGU in Izhevsk consists of 13 institutes and faculties, from history and sociology to oil and gas. At UDGU, which is a member of many international associations, there is a huge number of student exchange programs with foreign countries, and broad prospects are opening up.
- AT VYATSU in Kirov, 20 thousand students study in 140 areas, and there is even a Lyceum for innovative education.
- PSU posted detailed information in the "Personal account of the applicant", including the preparation for admission, and about the employment of graduates. Penza provides an excellent opportunity to choose a profession - there are 6 faculties.
- In LSTU in Lipetsk - 10 faculties, from mechanical engineering and metallurgy to the humanitarian and social direction, there is a correspondence course.
- In Novosibirsk you can study management economics, medicine and pedagogy, NSTU guarantees the synthetic nature of curricula and in-depth study in any chosen field, there are electronic and interactive courses, a wide scope for scientific activity.
Even those who live in Kazakhstan can receive a prestigious diploma without leaving their country of residence and enroll in the desired specialty without leaving the room, thanks to the latest information technologies.
Now the choice of profession and the acquisition of knowledge are available to a wide range of 11th grade graduates. All that remains is to find your vocation and go along your life path not only for material benefits, but also for the pleasure of your favorite work.