Professions after grade 9

The end of the school year is approaching. Graduates have questions about where to go to study, what profession to choose. This choice is very important, because the future is at stake. What professions can be mastered on the basis of 9 classes, what specialties are suitable for girls and boys, and will be discussed in our article.

What are the most profitable professions?
There are many interesting professions. The most profitable are professions that are well paid and in demand by employers. The highest salaries today for workers who repair industrial equipment are also always relevant construction specialties. There are other interesting and promising professions that make it possible to have a good income and a social package. They are made up of different directions. The most promising ones should be considered.

Technical professions:
- locksmith;
- welder;
- plasterer;
- painter;
- milling machine.

Perhaps there is no special prestige in this list of professions, but they are highly paid and are among the top most in demand. Such specialists are needed everywhere: in Novosibirsk, Krasnodar, Kazakhstan and Perm, Chelyabinsk and Surgut. Even the capital cannot do without them.
Economic professions:
- cashier;
- manager;
- salesman.

This group of specialties is also in great demand. Surely they are required in Saratov, Vologda, Volgograd, and other cities and villages.
Creative specialties:
- designer;
- florist;
- painter;
- choreographer.

These professions are designed for creative and creative people. They teach to see beauty and create unusual and beautiful things from ordinary objects.Perhaps these specialties are not the most profitable, but they are definitely necessary not only for the people themselves, but also for those around them, because they give joy and pleasure. They can suit both boys and girls. Advertisements with directions for vacancies of this kind can be found in Abakan, Bryansk, Krasnoyarsk, Nizhny Novgorod and Yaroslavl.

What should a girl choose?
In modern society, girls can master any profession. The restrictions apply only to harmful and physically difficult industries. The list of professions more suitable for girls should include certain specialties.
Nurses work in schools, factories and factories, and in medical institutions. It is the nurse who is always next to the doctor, being his reliable assistant. In the medical college, extensive and solid knowledge is given, sufficient to identify and diagnose various diseases, to be able to provide the necessary assistance.
It is the nurse who gives injections and IVs. And also her tasks are to measure pressure in patients and carry out medical procedures.

The duties of a nurse in district polyclinics include:
- writing out certificates and prescriptions;
- preparation of directions for examinations and collection of analyzes;
- maintaining outpatient cards.
Much more responsibilities are performed by a nurse working in hospital departments.

She is obliged:
- make injections;
- measure pressure;
- dispense medications to patients;
- if necessary, provide assistance to patients (until the doctor arrives).
The nurse monitors the necessary sanitary condition of the wards and the regimen of patients, as well as the routine prescribed by the doctor in the department. Also, nurses assist the surgeon as an assistant during operations. They prepare the room and equipment, supply the necessary instruments, clean the operating room.

The position in question has many positive aspects:
- this is the most demanded female profession;
- in the future, you can get a higher education;
- awareness of involvement in saving human life.

This is a noble, interesting and very rewarding profession. To become a nurse, you must go to medical school or college.
Random people do not become veterinarians. This profession is closely related to medicine, only animals play the role of patients here. This specialty is chosen by those who cannot imagine their life without their favorites. These specialists treat animals.
Their main responsibilities are:
- health care;
- conducting inspections;
- implementation of vaccination;
- conducting operations;
- chipping;
- consultations with pet owners.

This profession is in great demand, because there are always animals near a person in need of help, vaccination and treatment. Circus, zoos, agriculture need the services of veterinarians.
A cosmetologist can be called a beauty expert, he helps to correct and, if necessary, heal a person's face and body. This profession will be able to be mastered by graduates of the 9th grade, who are distinguished by solid knowledge of chemistry and biology. In addition, they must be very neat, clean and have good fine motor skills. Cosmetologists are highly demanded specialists. They are needed by state clinics, private hospitals, beauty salons, spa salons.

The main responsibilities of these specialists are:
- control and treatment of acne and lipodystrophy;
- treatment of diseases accompanied by ticks, fungi, allergic reactions;
- treatment of warts, papillomas, moles;
- elimination of scars and calluses;
- correction of weight, smoothing of scars;
- control over vascular neoplasms;
- treatment of skin pathologies.
In addition, cosmetologists know how to stop aging, maintain youthful facial skin, health and beauty of hair.

Preschool and additional education teacher
Graduates of the 9th grade who want to work with the younger generation can get the specialty of a teacher of preschool or additional education. This work is more suitable for girls, because they are expectant mothers and will be able to understand the baby, caress and calm him down, help him solve problems. However, the requirements for such representatives are quite high. They should be an example for children, have high literacy, be comprehensively developed.
In the course of work, the teacher is engaged in:
- child development;
- education;
- correction of the psyche.

This profession is in demand everywhere and is well paid.
In addition, teachers have a large annual vacation in the summer, they have the opportunity to send their children to kindergarten without waiting in line. This is a very interesting job, without a routine, giving an opportunity for self-expression.

Chef, pastry chef
It is pleasant and interesting to create sweets and kitchen masterpieces, and you can also take part in culinary shows and competitions. To achieve this goal, you need to unlearn a chef or pastry chef. Girls after the 9th grade in colleges and technical schools will be taught the intricacies of cooking a variety of dishes, the ability to understand food.
The training process will focus on:
- chemistry and biology;
- cooking;
- confectionery technologies;
- hygiene;
- sanitary requirements when working with food.

Chefs and pastry chefs are needed all the time, because people will always want to eat, which means that the need for these professions is high.
These specialists are needed:
- schools;
- kindergartens;
- pizzerias;
- sushi bars;
- cafes and canteens.

It is prestigious to work in cafes or restaurants, and the salary is high here. However, it is worth remembering that this profession is creative and requires attention, accuracy and aesthetics. In addition, it is necessary to memorize dozens of recipes, and it is also desirable to learn how to create something of your own - branded.

This profession can be called, perhaps, the most demanded on the Internet.
Copywriter activities:
- writing advertising texts, articles and posts on social networks;
- coming up with slogans, names of goods;
- generating ideas for promoting goods;
- creation of scripts for commercials;
- participation in round tables, etc.
The main task of a copywriter is to create a set of activities in order to increase the sales of customers' products. Bright leaflets, booklets that catch the eye of the consumer, catchy speeches - all this is also a product of the creativity of such specialists.

To be successful in this activity, it is necessary to know human psychology, to anticipate the desires of the buyer, to understand what the consumer wants to hear about the purchased goods. In this profession, you need to constantly improve. A lot of vacancies await such specialists everywhere, and not only on the Internet. Remote work has its advantages. For example, it allows you to work for several customers without leaving your home. The salary of a copywriter depends on the number of completed projects. Salaries in large companies are much higher, but there are many times more responsibilities there. Even better are copywriters turned content marketers. Numerous courses will help you master and improve your copywriting skills, prepare a content marketer for work, and teach you the basics of website creation.

This is a bright and notable profession, sung in songs and films. Many girls see themselves in pretty uniforms on international flights serving drinks and making big bucks. Actually A flight attendant is a junior technical position responsible for the safety and assistance of passengers on ships and aircraft. Plus, she must also be a pretty waitress who speaks several foreign languages. You don't need to have a college degree to become a flight attendant.The profession can be mastered in college or technical school, in extreme cases in courses. If you undergo training from an airline, then after graduation you will have to work out in it, but this can be considered a kind of employment opportunity and gaining work experience. A number of requirements are put forward for applicants for this profession.

You must have:
- attractive appearance;
- height 165-175 cm;
- between the ages of 18 and 30;
- clothing size 42–46;
- there should be no scars, moles, tattoos.
In addition, clear diction, soft timbre of voice, good eyesight, quick reaction and calm character are required. Girls should be well-mannered and sociable, restrained and diplomatic, as well as stress-resistant. The reward for hard work will be a good salary, an opportunity to see the world with your own eyes, a vacation of up to 70 days, and retirement at 45.

This is a modern and interesting creative profession. The applicant must have perseverance, patience, as well as out-of-the-box thinking, creativity and good taste.
- Landscape designer. This person must have a sense of style. He can give style and beauty to a garden plot, arrange plants in a backyard area, give it an attractive appearance and nobility. Combining the knowledge of a florist, botanist, soil scientist and agronomist, he will easily select the necessary plants. By combining them, he will create the optimal combination in accordance with the specific conditions and style, and possibly add alpine slides, grottoes or sculptures to this composition. After such work, the territory will be pleasing to the eye and look expensive.
- Fashion designer. Representatives of this profession create new fashionable clothes. It is they who determine what will be "worn this season." Such clothes are always recognizable, they “fit” impeccably and expresses the peculiarities of the owner's inner world. To master this profession, you need to have the necessary qualities. Such a specialist is distinguished by impeccable taste, developed spatial thinking, he must have the gift of an artist. A designer must be well versed in fabrics, skillfully use this knowledge when creating clothing models.
- Ad designer. Of all the specialties of this type, it is the most demanded and promising, entering the top of the most prestigious and highly paid ones. The advertising designer has ample opportunity to create and bring his ideas to life, receiving significant monetary rewards for this.

To achieve success in these professions, you must have great diligence, be able to hear the customer, understand his desires and at the same time be able to defend his point of view.
Hair stylist
Humanity has always needed hairdressers, so this profession will be in demand all the time. Public people always have their own face, and a decent hairstyle is part of this image. A hairdresser doesn't just make people neat - he creates an image. There are many hairdressers and beauty salons in all cities, so we always solve the issue of employment. The salary of such a specialist directly depends on his skill. A hairdresser has a lot to know and be able to do.

- know chemistry, physics, aesthetics;
- understand the structure of hair, such as faces;
- own a haircut technique.

There are many requirements for the physical data of the future master.
- Be hardy. After all, you have to work standing up for the entire shift, keeping your hands in the raised state.
- Have high mobility and flexibility in your fingers.
- Have a calm disposition. He must be able to establish contact with clients regardless of their mood.
- Have a good aesthetic taste.
A good specialist should follow fashion and know the latest trends in haircuts, approach work with responsibility and creativity.

Actor, artist, singer
Actors are professional performers of various roles in film and theater. The main thing in their profession is the ability to transform into heroes of works, to make viewers empathize with the characters. Artists are musicians, variety and circus performers. The main goal of their profession is to create a spectacle, a show. Applicants must have strong creativity.
In addition, they need:
- be artistic;
- not be afraid of the stage;
- know psychology;
- be able to transform;
- have musical ability;
- have good diction;
- be charming and charismatic.

These creative professions are very popular and therefore desirable for many. Talent and a lot of hard work are essential requirements.
Where can a guy go to study?
Most male majors are geared towards the physical capabilities of the guys. First of all, these are professions related to technology. Having received the specialty of a car mechanic, mechanic, driver or welder, you can always find a worthy job for yourself with a high salary. Graduates who choose the profession of a locksmith or an electrician can get education free of charge. Under the same conditions, they teach at vocational schools the specialties of a welder and a turner.

More opportunities open up for young men with a good certificate, they can continue their studies in various educational institutions.
- College. This educational institution is the first step towards higher education. Before entering college, you need to find out what subjects you need to take. Having provided a certificate and passed exams, the graduate studies in college for four years in order not only to get a secondary education, but also to master the chosen specialty. After receiving a diploma, he can continue his studies or get a job.
- Lyceum at the university. The Lyceum prepares students for university studies.
- Schools. Studying at a school is the easiest way to get both a specialty and a secondary education at the same time. In this case, the first two years are trained according to the school curriculum, and the next year or two, training is conducted in the chosen specialty.
- Courses. Courses can take several weeks or several months. Courses equip with knowledge and skills to perform a specific job. For example, you can take courses for programmers, drivers or cooks, having received the appropriate certificate after graduation.

Military specialties are considered to be purely male professions. You can get them at the schools of the same name. They form responsibility, endurance in young men, develop good physical shape, and give special technical knowledge. Such specialists are in demand in military and civilian organizations. To get a legal education, you need to go to a law college and decide on a legal area. After graduation, you can get a job in the legal department of the company, work in a law or law office.

How to decide?
Even advanced high school students are very far from the correct understanding of many everyday issues. The choice of a future profession after the end of the 9th grade is one of them.
To determine the specialty, you should take into account some features.
- Choice by vocation. Many young people, having chosen a profession by vocation, dream of doing this favorite thing all their lives. Usually, from childhood, they know exactly what they like and choose a profession taking into account their inclinations, skills, desires.
- Material choice. If it was not possible to decide in advance on the work of a lifetime, then any profession with a good salary will do.
- For company. Not understanding what they really want, graduates often decide to go to study for the company. Such vicious practices often run counter to individual inclinations or abilities.

Good career guidance can help young people in this matter, providing young people with complete information not only about the variety of educational institutions, but also about the specialties themselves. Graduates have the opportunity to undergo special testing. This will help to get an idea of the graduate's personal qualities, his capabilities and aspirations. Thanks to this, the graduate will be able to decide on specialties suitable for himself and, after consulting with his parents, make the right choice.