About the profession of firefighter

It is necessary to know everything about the profession of a firefighter if one is going to choose this profession in the future or, for some reason, would like to change the type of activity and master a new specialty for himself.

People have long extinguished fires and bonfires, as it was necessary. So one way or another, in ancient times, all men had to have the skills of a firefighter in order to protect their homes and fellow tribesmen. But it is believed that officially the profession of a firefighter appeared on April 30, 1649. It is on this day that all firefighters celebrate their professional holiday. Although there is information that the first fire brigade was officially formed in 1504. The characteristics of this profession are very extensive, firefighters are not only those who directly go to calls and fight fire in buildings, go to extinguish fires in forests and reserves. They and the rescuers who are involved in the elimination of emergency situations associated with fire, know how to provide first aid and organize searches in hard-to-reach places, if necessary.
There are other specialists who are not directly involved in extinguishing a fire or various kinds of emergencies. Their activities are related to the development of documents that control the basics of fire safety, they control various organizations and institutions, make sure that everything is normal, and if there are certain violations, that they are promptly and completely eliminated, since life and the health of people working in a particular institution.This is the kind of activity that a fire safety specialist or a fire supervision specialist is engaged in.
These people know thoroughly everything about how fire exits should be equipped, where fire extinguishers should be located, how to arrange evacuation exits and other important points.

This is just that rare profession, the pros and cons of which are very conventional. And here the whole point is that a common man in the street will see many disadvantages here, here they are:
- daily risk;
- danger of serious injury;
- nervous tension;
- psychological trauma associated with situations when one has to deal with other people's tragedies;
- often irregular working hours and the need to be always ready to travel to the scene of the tragedy;
- constant physical and emotional stress;
- the need to be always in very good physical shape and constant training.
All these disadvantages, of course, are taken into account by those who have chosen this profession. But at the same time, they choose her precisely because they are people of a special temperament with their own specific worldview, and they see advantages in this work:
- the ability to come to the rescue and save someone's life;
- satisfaction from the fact that they managed to avoid casualties and successfully liquidate the emergency;
- the opportunity to move up the career ladder and become a specialist in their field;
- in addition, qualified firefighters receive good remuneration for their work, they have various benefits;
- retirement occurs much earlier than people with civilian qualifications.

What is the difference between the concepts?
For some, there is no difference at all between the concepts of "firefighter" and "firefighter", others understand and realize that the word "firefighter" is an exclusively colloquial variant, and it is correct to say only "firefighter" and nothing else. Meanwhile, there is a huge difference between these two concepts, and it is better to grasp it right away so as not to get into an awkward situation later. People of this profession may be humorous about such an inappropriate use of the word "firefighter", but they may also be offended. It all depends on the person. But it is believed that for representatives of this profession, the name "firefighter" is simply offensive.
For a long time, this word was understood as a variety of meanings, so they could call a person who suffered in a fire, and even someone who, using the tragedy of others, could steal something during a fire. Besides, so were the people who organized volunteer squads.
Be that as it may, this word is inappropriate when talking with a person who has chosen this profession, does his job at a high level and not only saves property engulfed in fire, but also human lives.

Job description
The set of rules and responsibilities for these people is quite extensive. But there are basic things that can be singled out in order to understand what awaits a person who decides to connect life with such a profession. This should be a very well thought out decision.
In addition to fighting fire and rescuing people, firefighters do other work that is associated with normal everyday life. Let's consider only the main responsibilities.
- The firefighter is obliged to ensure that his uniform and uniform are in perfect order, and he is always ready to go to the call.
- On alarm, he must meet the allotted time and be ready to go to the rescue.
- The firefighter takes all possible ways to save people. It does not leave the place of fire until the fire is completely contained.
- He takes part in all trainings and exercises that take place on the territory of the fire station, and also takes part in events, contests and competitions where it is necessary to protect the honor of the team.
- This specialist must know all the rules for working with the necessary equipment and be able to apply experience in practice.
- An important point is to be able to provide first aid to the victim before the arrival of an ambulance.
- Mandatory measures are regular medical examinations, which allow you to monitor your health and timely identify problems and, if possible, eliminate them.
- The firefighter must be in good physical shape, constantly train and pass all the required standards.

A responsibility
The main thing for which this person is responsible is for the property and lives of people. These aspects are about doing your job. It carries enormous risks. But if a firefighter feels that performing certain actions is dangerous to his life, he has no right to leave the scene or stop the fight with fire and the search for injured people. He is responsible for his actions, and this is especially important in this work.
The fire inspector, for example, is responsible for all documents drawn up and issued permits. If he closes his eyes to certain shortcomings and issues permits for the operation of an object that is not ready in terms of fire safety, responsibility in the event of loss of life will lie with the inspector.
A firefighter has the right to be provided with everything necessary for successful work: uniform, uniforms, communications. He is also entitled to receive timely wages and annual leave. He is provided with paid travel to the place of rest or treatment once a year. Upon reaching retirement age and due hours of work, a firefighter can retire and leave the service.
He has the right to participate in all events organized with the aim of improving his qualifications and improving his skills. He can also receive training at the expense of the organization, if required.
In the event of difficult situations during work and other stressful situations, the firefighter has the right to receive the help of a psychologist, who must be in the fire brigade.

Personal qualities
The profession of a firefighter is fraught with various difficulties and, possibly, overcoming oneself. Therefore, it must be a person of a certain character. First of all, he must be courageous, decisive, able to make the right decisions very quickly and implement them. This is the person who is not afraid to take responsibility in an extreme situation and act exactly according to the situation. Very often there are situations that do not fit into any set of rules. It is at these moments that the firefighter must turn on his intuition, which must be developed in him at a sufficiently high level. You need not only good athletic training and physical endurance, but also mental balance. A large number of tragedies that often arise before the eyes of this person cannot but leave a mark on the soul. But you need to be able to abstract yourself every time, otherwise it will be extremely difficult to do your job.
But at the same time, such qualities as the ability to support in difficult times and calm a person are also extremely important when performing work, since it very often happens that it is the firefighter who arrives at the scene of the accident who is the only one who can support a person and provide him with medical care. and moral assistance.
Of course, then there will be medical and psychological assistance, if necessary, but the first person is always a firefighter. To provide full assistance to the victim and calm him down, you need to have certain talents and be a bit of a psychologist yourself.

If the desire to become a firefighter matured at school, then it is worth paying attention to the exact sciences, which primarily include mathematics and physics. You should not exclude from the area of your interests such subjects as the Russian language, history and social studies. In addition, you should pay attention to physical fitness.In addition to the usual physical education lessons, classes in various sections will not be at all superfluous, where you will be able to work out various useful skills that will be useful in the future. There are also special classes for those who are definitely going to enter college in the future and get the profession of a firefighter. Education in these classes presupposes familiarity with the profession. Students can learn the basics of fire fighting, get familiar with equipment, learn to provide first aid. After school, you can go to a college or institute to get the necessary qualifications, for example, it can be a fire and rescue college in St. Petersburg or a technical fire and rescue college in Moscow.
There is a chance to go to college, where you can also get the necessary knowledge or improve the existing ones. These can be institutions such as the Russian State Geological Prospecting University. Sergo Ordzhonikidze in Moscow, Polytechnic University in Moscow, North-Eastern Federal University named after MK Ammosov in Yakutsk, Polytechnic University in Komsomolsk-on-Amur. If you wish, in almost every city you can find the educational institution that will allow you to get the necessary education, you just have to improve your skills in special centers and gain experience in the process. No one from the first days will send a beginner to a particularly difficult fire until the person is ready for this. Constantly in the process of study, special attention should be paid to health and physical fitness. Therefore, constant training should become a habit.

Place of work
Firefighter is a profession that will be in demand always and everywhere. In addition to the fact that large enterprises have their own fire departments, these specialists work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, specialized fire departments, forest aviation protection, where they guard and protect the forest from fires, and in case of trouble, extinguish fires.
You can get a job in educational centers. A firefighter not only extinguishes fires and rescues people. He often goes to schools with lectures and practical exercises, where he teaches children the most important skills and reminds them how to behave in the forest and what to do in the event of a fire. Preventive work is extremely important these days, when the number of fires increases day by day precisely because of the negligent attitude of man towards the environment.
The salary
These specialists are in high demand in Russia. There is no such settlement where firefighters are not needed. At the same time, the salary can vary greatly depending on the region, organization, education and experience of the employee. The salary level also depends on the bonuses associated with the rank and length of service, additional work shifts. Therefore, one can only judge approximately.
For example, the salary of a firefighter with a certain experience in Moscow and St. Petersburg can be 40-50 thousand rubles, in the Irkutsk region this figure can be about 30 thousand rubles. At first, a beginner specialist will not receive more than 25 thousand rubles. But there is always something to strive for - gain experience, receive titles, accumulate experience and remain faithful to your profession.