All about the teaching profession

The activity of a teacher implies not only a high level of knowledge in the subject, but also constant self-study, you need to be a responsible and disciplined person. This work is suitable for people who are passionate about scientific activity and who want to share their knowledge. The profession is in demand, so young professionals will not have to worry about employment.

Many do not know how the teacher differs from the teacher, and believe that these are synonyms. In fact, these are different positions. At the same time, one and the other specialist can be called a teacher - this will not be a mistake. The teacher can work in schools and other general education institutions of primary or secondary level. The activity of such a specialist involves not only the transfer of knowledge, but also has an educational character. Almost all teachers are also class teachers, conduct educational activities for children, monitor their progress and behavior. The teaching profession implies work in secondary specialized educational institutions - colleges, technical schools or universities.
The teacher presents the students with material for study, gives assignments and evaluates the work performed. This specialist is not involved in education. Although, in some cases, a teacher can also be a mentor in a college if he teaches underage students. In this case, his duties are similar to the activities of the class teacher of older students.The teacher also introduces students to scientific activities so that they can participate in conferences, implement their projects, and publish articles.
At the same time, the teacher is engaged in self-education - he conducts research, develops his own methods, can get an academic degree and move up the career ladder.

Advantages and disadvantages
Any profession has advantages and disadvantages. The activity of a teacher is attractive in its own way.
- The position gives the opportunity to do science... You can conduct research and implement your ideas. Large universities have their own laboratories and other conditions necessary for practical experiments.
- If your ideas deserve attention, you can apply and receive a grant. Government agencies provide good funding.
- You can take part in various events, speak at conferences... This is not only an exchange of experience with colleagues, but also an opportunity to travel - such meetings are often held abroad.
- You can find interesting interlocutors among students with original views, also interested in scientific activities.
- A good teacher usually uses respect in society.
Low income is a significant disadvantage. Large metropolitan universities offer good salaries, but things are worse in the regions. Often teachers have to look for additional sources of income, such as tutoring. And also among the minuses is a high psychological load. Working with people requires patience, and there may be problematic individuals among colleagues. Over time, some professionals become discouraged due to the lack of student interest.
Another problem is irregular working hours. In addition to the full rate, there are usually extracurricular activities, scientific research, participation in any events. It also takes a lot of time to fill out various documents and reports.

There are different positions that involve teaching at a university. You cannot get such a job with only a bachelor's degree in your hands. The applicant needs to complete a master's degree. For career advancement, you should go to graduate school, and then try to get an academic degree.
At a university or high school, positions have a certain hierarchy.
- Assistant... You can become one if you have a master's degree or a specialist and experience in teaching, or after graduating from graduate school. This specialist helps professors - advises students, conducts laboratory and practical classes with them, attends tests or exams.
- Senior Lecturer... You can get this position if you have a three-year teaching experience or a Ph.D. degree. The teacher not only gives lectures, but also develops methods and manuals.
- Assistant professor... This position is available for candidates of sciences who are active: they are researchers, publish articles and their works, speak at conferences.
- Professor... This is the highest position, for which you need to put a lot of effort. A specialist must have the title of Doctor of Science, a number of published works and monographs, as well as at least 5 years of teaching experience.
An associate professor can also apply for the role of head of the department if he wants to try himself in a leadership position. Professors can be appointed as the dean of the faculty or the rector of the university.

And you can also divide specialists into categories depending on what subject they teach.
- General education disciplines. These are subjects that are compulsory for all students. These include mathematics, English, philosophy, history, physical education. Other directions may be added depending on the orders in a particular educational institution.
- Profile disciplines. They give knowledge directly in the specialty chosen by the student. For example, future lawyers will certainly have various legal disciplines, the study of social studies, sociology. Economists have management, doctors have anatomy, and artists have a history of arts and crafts and design.
- Disciplines by specialization... They are aimed at in-depth study of the chosen direction. For example, psychology can be a general discipline for a number of courses, and its varieties - children, age, criminal - will already be specialized.
In addition, the teacher can supervise the university circle for students - in robotics, chess, foreign language and other areas. In addition, a specialist can conduct courses for applicants wishing to enroll in this educational institution. Often these are practical classes necessary for passing a creative competition: drawing basics, ballet, vocals.

Job description
The teacher has a number of responsibilities and rights. All these points are spelled out in the job description, which the applicant can familiarize himself with before hiring. Depending on the position, the requirements may differ, for example, they will be different for an assistant and an associate professor, but there are some general provisions.
There are state educational standards - they regulate the activities of the teacher. And also the specialist must:
- promote the formation of professional skills among students;
- use the most effective techniques and technologies;
- participate in the development of educational programs;
- observe the rights and freedoms of students;
- to improve professional qualifications in a timely manner.
An important role for the position of a teacher is played by perceptual activity, which includes the ability to correctly perceive and assess the psychological state of a student and his ability, to see a personality in him. This is necessary to build an adequate interaction between the teacher and students.
In addition to the perceptual function, there are other competencies that a specialist must master:
- informational;
- controlling;
- organizational;
- communication;
- developing.

The teacher has certain possibilities:
- he has the right to make proposals regarding the improvement of working conditions, elimination of shortcomings of the educational institution, the activities of other employees;
- a specialist can request from structural divisions the information necessary to perform duties;
- the employee can familiarize himself with the draft decisions concerning his activities.
And also the teacher has the right to involve other employees in the performance of certain tasks, if this is indicated in the job description, and to demand assistance from the management in the performance of professional duties.
A responsibility
This category includes the following points:
- the teacher is responsible for the improper performance of his duties;
- also, the employee will be liable before the law in case of any offenses or material damage.
The activities of the employee are regulated by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, and the main provisions are spelled out in the job description.

Qualification Requirements
The competence of a teacher is made up of many characteristics. This is not only professional knowledge, but also other qualities. These include:
- the ability to feel how the student understands the material;
- the ability to select the best teaching tools and methods;
- striving for self-study and professional development;
- the ability to form students' motivation, find an individual approach.
And also a teacher must be able to explain the same material in different ways so that everyone can learn it... In addition, it is important to share experiences with colleagues, to be able to learn from other people's examples. The teacher must be able to manage his behavior, switch attention, show empathy. In addition, it is necessary to have developed verbal communication skills.
Personal qualities
Working in an educational institution is not for everyone. You need to have certain inclinations and character traits.
- Sociability... Activity involves not just communication, but the need to establish relationships with different people, to find an approach to them.
- Tact... It is important to show understanding and restraint in certain situations.
- Patience... It is required both in contact with people and in scientific work.
- Passion for your work. This is one of the keys to a successful career, because the teacher must constantly engage in self-education and have creative thinking in order to find new ideas.
- Responsibility and hard work. Such work requires a considerable investment of time and effort.
In addition, the teacher must have an active life position, not hesitate to defend his scientific opinion, to promote it by participating in various events. For this, self-confidence and adequate self-esteem are important.

Unlike a teacher who graduates from a pedagogical university and goes to work at school, a teacher will have a more difficult path. It is not enough to get just a bachelor's degree, you need to complete a master's degree and then go to graduate school. At the same time, it is not necessary to receive a specialty at a pedagogical university, the direction can be any. The main thing is the availability of professional knowledge, and teaching methods will be taught in graduate school.
The methods of education can also be different. You can get a specialty in person or in absentia. Postgraduate studies can also provide for distance learning; more and more educational institutions are practicing this approach.
Place of work
A teacher can get a position at a university. And you can also look for vacancies in secondary specialized educational institutions - colleges, technical schools, schools. In addition, a specialist has the opportunity to earn extra money by tutoring by conducting private lessons.
average salary
The income level depends on the availability of a scientific degree, experience, scientific field and the prestige of the educational institution... Sometimes teachers work on a piecework basis and are paid according to the number of lecture hours, practical work and research done, but most have a certain rate. And also a specialist can receive a grant or award. The average income level in the country is 20-50 thousand rubles. In the capital, the salary will be higher than in the regions.