Prosecutor: duties and functions

Many graduates know in advance which professional path they would like to choose, so they pay attention to the relevant disciplines. Someone sees himself as a prosecutor in advance, having seen enough action-packed films and fascinating TV series about this profession. But for the right choice, this is clearly not enough. You need to know what duties and functions a representative of this profession performs.
Who is that?
The prosecutor is a position, the main essence of which is to control the implementation of the laws in force in the country, by various structures, organizations, institutions, as well as individual citizens. The concept of a prosecutor is quite extensive and the description of his activities includes many aspects. The peculiarities of the prosecutor's activity lie in the fact that he is also a public prosecutor in court. This position can be taken by a person with extensive experience in law enforcement, an impeccable reputation, his characteristics should include not only milestones of professional growth, but also certain information about his merits. Before becoming a prosecutor, an employee can work in the positions of assistant prosecutor, senior prosecutor, deputy prosecutor.
Besides, there is also some division of responsibilities. In addition to the fact that there is a prosecutor dealing with civil matters and the observance of the rule of law in this area, there is, for example, a military prosecutor, a transport prosecutor. The first is responsible for the observance of the rule of law among military organizations, the second - for everything that happens in the transport sector.This includes air routes, railways, and road transport.

History of the profession
Crimes have always been committed, just retribution has also been committed at all times, so the emergence of this profession is rooted in the distant past. The system of work of the court has been known since the days of Ancient Rome, at the same time the profession of the prosecutor appeared. Under the watchful eye of a just judge, two opposing sides also acted - defense and accusation. As for Russia, the emergence of such an institution as the prosecutor's office owes to the innovations of Peter I. But often this work resembled the activities of secret services.
But the form that the prosecutor's office is in these days, this service acquired already in the XX century, during the formation of the USSR.

Advantages and disadvantages
There are no ideal professions, each one has its own pros and cons. Consider the benefits of being a prosecutor.
- This profession is on the prestigious list. This position suggests that a person is smart, has a good education, rich experience behind him. He has achieved a lot in this life, knows how to set goals and achieve them.
- Work and affairs associated with this activity allow a person to feel satisfied with their work with the successful completion of affairs and the opportunity to achieve justice in one case or another.
- Working in the prosecutor's office is the satisfaction of some of your ambitions. This is especially true for girls, since it is most often believed that this work is more suitable for men. However, in recent years, everything has changed a lot. And the fair sex does not lag behind men, seeking high positions in law enforcement.
- Another significant plus is that this is a demanded profession. A person with the necessary knowledge and skills will never be left without work. In addition, work can be found in any city.
- The high salary can also be attributed to the positive aspects. This is also a very good incentive in any kind of activity.
- An important point is that the life of such an employee is very eventful. Every day we have to solve new problems. The feeling of need is always present, and for many it is very important to feel it.
There are also disadvantages to this activity, namely:
- most of the time you have to spend at work, very little free time;
- work can be associated with certain dangers and stresses, threats, pressure from the participants in the process or higher authorities are not excluded;
- There are a lot of requirements and you need to correspond to the position held;
- often you have to face injustice and defend your position and principles in order to remain an honest prosecutor who defends the interests of people.

Job responsibilities
Let us dwell in more detail on what the work of the prosecutor is, what he does on a daily basis.
- When investigating criminal cases, the investigator at the final stage gives the case to the prosecutor, who examines it, makes his conclusion. If there are no questions, the case goes to court. If there are any ambiguities, the case can be sent for further investigation. In court proceedings, the prosecutor acts as the state prosecutor, while he and his employees must collect an extensive evidence base. Otherwise, the perpetrator of the crime may escape punishment. Nevertheless, even an unsatisfactory sentence for the prosecution can be appealed within a certain period of time. The task of the prosecutor is to punish the culprit in the end.
- There is another area of activity of the prosecutor. He is obliged to ensure that the rights of citizens are respected. Therefore, this representative of the authorities accepts complaints from the population, examines, and, if necessary, conducts an investigation.And also the prosecutor carries out a reception on certain days, during which any citizen, having registered in advance, can come and voice his problem. Any appeal should be influenced by the reaction of law enforcement agencies. The function of the prosecutor at this stage is to help in all situations to achieve a positive resolution of the situation.
- The prosecutor controls the actions of the law enforcement agencies, which are subordinate, and, if necessary, makes his own conclusions and punishments. He also exercises control over the activities of enterprises and organizations. If necessary, prosecutorial inspections are carried out.
If violations are identified, the activities of the enterprise can be suspended, and in case of more serious violations, the enterprise can be closed.

Not everyone can get this position and perform well in it. There are a number of requirements for persons appointed to this position.
Personal qualities
Ideally, of course, the prosecutor should be an honest and principled person. He must have a strong character, have courage and determination. It is very important to have an analytical mindset, to be able to solve logical problems. Stress resistance is also important in this profession, the desire to understand everything thoroughly and find the right solution, not focusing on extraneous factors and influences that can interfere with the work.
In such work, you often have to give preference to work, sometimes sacrificing family responsibilities. You also need to be prepared for this. It will not be out of place to be a bit of a psychologist, to understand the moods of people, to be able to evaluate their actions and understand the reason for their occurrence.

Knowledge and skills
As for the requirements for a candidate for this position in a professional sense, a higher education is a prerequisite. Naturally, the future prosecutor must be thoroughly familiar with the civil and criminal codes, the constitution and other documents that are necessary in his activities. No one can become a prosecutor immediately after graduation, no matter how much knowledge he shines. First of all, experience in law enforcement is needed here. Often, this specialist works as a detective, investigator, assistant prosecutor, and then he can get the position of prosecutor, when there is enough knowledge and skills to fully fulfill the duties assigned to him.
A representative of this profession, among other things, must have perfect literacy, correct speech. He will have to not only deal with documents, but also conduct a dialogue in court, with visitors.
Despite the higher education, the prosecutor, like his other employees, will have to be certified, which takes place regularly at regular intervals.

Rights and responsibilities
The prosecutor has the right to use all documents and powers regulating his activities. He has the right to be a state prosecutor in court, to collect missing evidence. It is in his competence to organize any checks, if necessary, and to impose punishments if the law is violated. At the same time, it should be remembered that the prosecutor bears a certain responsibility before the state and people. Violations and abuse of office can lead to serious consequences, including punishment in the form of imprisonment, so this line must always be observed very clearly.
Important! When choosing such a path in your life, you must also bear in mind that joining parties is unacceptable, as are positions in government. There can be no commercial activity as an addition to the main job. But at the same time, the prosecutor can teach at the university, conduct scientific activities.
How much does he earn?
The salary of a prosecutor consists of a salary, as well as some allowances and bonuses.It also depends on the length of service, over time it can increase. In addition, the level of remuneration may vary by location and region. At the initial stage, the salary can be 30-35 thousand rubles. On average, a prosecutor with work experience and relevant skills and knowledge receives from 40 to 80 thousand rubles. With a great length of service and a high rank, this figure may be higher.

Education and career
It should be said right away that if, at a young age, there was a strong desire to get a profession related to jurisprudence, then you need to start learning at school. And attention will have to be paid to both the exact and the humanities. Currently, you can prepare for admission and get primary education in this area by enrolling in a specialized class, where special attention is paid to those subjects that will be needed when entering universities, and in addition, legal foundations are given in such specialized classes.
After leaving school, one will have to study at the institute at the Faculty of Law for at least five years. There are full-time and part-time forms of study. In any case, you need to pass the exam with a high number of points, most likely, it should be subjects such as Russian, history, social studies. But upon admission, one must also take into account the requirements of the educational institution to which one is to enter. Perhaps the list of items may be slightly different or include a larger number of items. Important! Courses for obtaining this specialty are not provided. These can only be refresher courses or those provided for those who want to get a narrower specialization.
In Russia there are a large number of institutes, universities, academies where you can get legal education on a free or paid basis. In the first case, it should only be high marks, perhaps the presence of a gold or silver medal. For example, these can be educational institutions such as:
- Moscow State Law Academy;
- Academy of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation;
- Ural State Law Academy;
- Saratov State Academy of Law;
- Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law.
But in almost every city there are universities where there is a law faculty, where you can get the necessary education. After graduation, he will have to work as an investigator, assistant prosecutor, and his deputy. And only then, subject to successful work, you can get the position of a prosecutor. He can work in city, district, regional prosecutor's offices, as well as military or transport.

In the next video, you will find one day in the life of a prosecutor.