Who is a pharmacist-analyst and what does he do?

The main task of a pharmacist-analyst is to fulfill the requirements of the job description, to act according to the professional standard. His responsibilities include checking the quality of medicines and the original ingredients from which they are prepared in the pharmacy.
The profession of a pharmacist-analyst differs in some peculiarities. They consist in replacing specialists of similar positions, but only within the framework of one instruction. This gives the employee satisfaction with the profession, dynamism of activity. The position can only be occupied by a person who has completed training in higher educational institutions.
The peculiarity of the specialty is that only a professional who has the necessary knowledge can work as a pharmacist-analyst.
A specialist with a high level of professional training, having the necessary knowledge and skills, at his workplace must act in accordance with the job description. The pharmacist makes various samples and analyzes using the equipment available at the workplace. To do this, he must:
- know all types of chemical, physical and chemical analyzes;
- possess a control technique to check compliance with manufacturing technologies, storage conditions of medicines, shelf life of semi-finished products;
- withdraw from circulation a series of drugs for repeated control.
The job description instructs specialists to systematically improve the level of professional knowledge and skill, as well as master modern innovations in conducting analyzes.

Pharmacists-analysts include persons, according to the professional standard, with a higher education in the specialty "Pharmacy", having an internship, residency in the course "Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmacognosy".
When applying for a job, you must provide:
- accreditation certificate, personal certificate;
- a medical book with the results of a medical examination.
The main requirements are:
- actions in accordance with the professional standard;
- maintaining order at your workplace;
- monitoring the order at the workplaces of all employees.
Requirements for a pharmacist in accordance with the professional standard:
- check and correlate with the current requirements the provision of medicines to buyers;
- ensure the availability of the necessary reagents;
- carry out intra-pharmacy quality control of medicines prepared in their institution.
The result of all the pharmacist's activities is to meet the needs of the population with effective, high-quality medicines, which is what the professional standard for this specialty is focused on.

Personal qualities
A pharmacist-analyst can be a person who is aware of responsibility for his actions. This is the most important quality.
There are special requirements for a person's personal qualities:
- accuracy and pedantic attitude to work;
- stress tolerance;
- striving to improve professionalism;
- the ability to build relationships in a team.
This refers to the moral and ethical standards of interpersonal and work communication.
Knowledge and skills
According to the job description, a pharmacist-analyst must have the necessary professional knowledge, skills, and abilities.
The list of knowledge includes:
- regulations of the Russian Federation concerning the preparation of medicines, methods of intra-pharmaceutical control;
- methods of working with testing equipment available in the pharmacy;
- instruments, measuring equipment, manufacturing technologies used in the preparation and quality control of medicines.
Specific skills include:
- ability to work with laboratory equipment;
- knowledge of methods for assessing the need for equipment;
- operating with fresh information about rejected series of drugs, making a decision to stop their sale;
- the ability to correctly calculate the consumption of reagents, constituent components of drugs;
- documenting the results of the tests carried out on the medicine prepared in the pharmacy.
Working with the established documents on the movement of reagents, constituent components is considered an important skill in the activity of a pharmacist.

In addition to the obligatory course preparation, which takes place every 5 years, the pharmacist must daily replenish his knowledge about new drugs and their manufacturers. This is how a pharmacist updates knowledge about new pharmaceutical products, learns to competently draw up applications for the supply of medicines, analyze stocks, and know three steps ahead of the list of in-demand assortments. The training uses the latest developments in analysis methods. After advanced training, a pharmacist-analyst receives the appropriate accreditation, which gives the right to work in his specialty.
During the courses, the pharmacist increases knowledge that helps:
- improve the work with clients of the pharmacy;
- increase turnover, profit;
- to minimize the supply of illiquid goods.
Over time, the requirements for the work of a pharmacist change. Analytical work is carried out by computer systems, the volume of important knowledge is increasing.
In accordance with the instructions, the employee is allocated a separate room in the pharmacy with special equipment, which includes reagents, laboratory equipment of all types.
A set of equipment for a pharmacist's workplace:
- devices that detect contamination in prepared solutions, eye drops;
- fluorescent-type analysis devices;
- refractometer.
It is necessary to keep at the workplace teaching aids describing the latest methods for analyzing drugs and their constituent ingredients. The pharmacist is assisted in his work by reference books, tables for the interpretation of analyzes. An effective organization of the pharmacist's workplace is required to comply with the necessary sequence in the performance of official duties.