Profession rewriter

A rewriter is one of the most famous and demanded Internet specialties, which any literate and erudite person can easily master. With a desire and certain knowledge and skills, both a schoolchild and a representative of a mature and even elderly age can master the basics of rewriting. What is this profession? What does a rewriter do? What knowledge and skills do you need to have to master this interesting direction?
Who is it and what does it do?
From English, the word rewrite is translated as "rewrite", which generally reveals the essence of this online specialty. In simple terms, a rewriter is a specialist who creates unique text materials for Internet sites for a fee.
As a source for creating his texts, he uses articles published in various sources: the global network, print media.

The main task that arises before the rewriter after studying the thematic material is to present the studied information in his own words so as to obtain at the output a competent, reliable, informative, structured and logically connected text that does not have full or partial duplicates in the global network, that is, absolutely unique ( original).
Here it is necessary to tell in more detail why the uniqueness of the text created by the rewriter is important. The uniqueness of the material is one of the key parameters by which search engines (in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet, it is mainly Yandex and Google) assess the quality of not only content, but the site as a whole. The presence on the resource pages of non-unique materials copied from other sources is one of the main reasons why search engines lower sites in the search results, or even block them altogether, imposing certain sanctions and filters and making them inaccessible to users.

At the same time, it is important to note that the uniqueness of the text is not the only criterion by which search engines determine the quality and usefulness of a resource for users. Sanctions and blocking by search engines may result from the presence on the site of publications containing false information, information prohibited by applicable law or misleading the user. In addition, publications containing a large number of logical, spelling, grammatical and other errors can become the reason for blocking the site.
Given these circumstances, during the work on the text, the rewriter must not only preserve the meaning and essence of the source material, but also prevent distortion of the facts.
It is also natural that the resulting text should be impeccably literate, logically structured and interesting for the reader.

The list of the main job responsibilities of a rewriter includes the following points:
- search and analysis of text materials on a given topic;
- writing unique articles based on found sources in accordance with the received terms of reference;
- search engine optimization and text design in accordance with the requirements of search engines (work with keywords, headings, lists);
- work with services and programs for checking the uniqueness of texts.

In most cases, the sequence of actions in the work of a rewriter is as follows:
- receiving technical specifications from the customer;
- study of the source thematic material (in its absence, the specialist searches for information on a given topic on his own);
- search and analysis of additional thematic and reference information;
- drawing up a plan for a future article, including logically related blocks;
- writing text;
- entering keywords (if this item is provided for by the terms of reference);
- proofreading and editing of text;
- checking the uniqueness of the text using special online services or programs;
- delivery of the finished article to the customer or its placement in the article store.

The complexity of the work in each individual case depends on the complexity of the proposed technical task and the type of rewriting required by the customer. So, in a professional environment, it is customary to distinguish between 3 main types of rewriting:
- classical;
- deep;
- SEO.
In the first case (classic rewriting), a specialist rewrites the text in his own words based on information taken from one source. The source material can be offered by the customer or selected by a specialist on his own. This approach is often used when writing news or reviews.
Deep rewriting, in turn, involves working with several thematic sources. In this case, writing the text takes much more time than in classical rewriting, but such work is also paid much more expensive.
Most often, this method is used by rewriters when writing texts for information resources.

SEO rewriting (SEO rewriting) involves writing a unique text that not only useful and interesting to the reader, but also contains keywords (keywords) by which search engines determine the topic of both the page itself and the resource as a whole. The presence of keywords in the text allows the site to get on the first pages of search engine results for certain user requests.
For example, when writing texts for online stores, rewriters most often use keywords such as "buy", "buy cheap", "buy online".This type of rewriting is considered the most time-consuming, since it involves not only writing a unique text, but also the organic inclusion of keywords - so that the frequency of their repetitions does not cause rejection when users read the material.

Skills and knowledge
The basic knowledge and skills that a rewriter must possess is the following:
- perfect command of the Russian language (both written and oral);
- rich vocabulary;
- broad outlook, developed intellect;
- knowledge of the basics of copywriting and rewriting;
- knowledge of the basics of SEO (search engine optimization);
- knowledge of internet etiquette;
- the ability to quickly find, study and analyze sources of information on a given topic;
- ability to work with programs and online services for checking uniqueness;
- the ability to compare facts, check information for accuracy;
- high printing speed;
- ability to work with electronic payment systems;
- ability to work with various text editors.
In addition, the rewriter should be well versed in the legislation governing the activities of the media, as well as in the regulations regarding the placement of text materials on the global network, the protection of personal data and intellectual property.

How to become a rewriter?
To master the profession of a rewriter (from scratch), you can sign up for special online courses or be patient and learn the basics of this direction on your own. In the case of self-study, you should pay attention to thematic sites, content exchanges, forums of rewriters and copywriters, professional communities.
After studying the necessary information, you can proceed directly to the actions. In its most general form, step-by-step instructions for those who decided to master the profession of a rewriter will look like this:
- search for text content exchanges (article stores, freelance exchanges), for example: Textsale or Advego;
- registration on the exchange;
- registration in electronic payment systems;
- downloading and installing on a PC any program to check the uniqueness of texts.

After that, you can proceed to writing a test article. To do this, you need to decide on the topic of the future text, find one or more sources and draw up a writing plan. A standard text outline usually includes three parts:
- introduction;
- the main part, divided into logical blocks;
- conclusion (conclusion).
After careful study, the original text is rewritten in their own words, without distorting the facts and without changing the semantic content. Then the finished article is carefully re-read, making corrections and correcting errors if necessary. Next, the edited article is checked for uniqueness using the program installed on the PC. In addition, you can check the text for uniqueness using special online services (Content-watch. Ru or Text. Ru). A unique article should have rates of 95-100%.

After analysis, the text is placed in a special form on an exchange or content store and sent to moderators for review.... If the moderation is successful, the article will become available to buyers. If the moderator considers that the text needs corrections or correspondence, he will send the material to the author for revision.
In the future, in order to purchase an article, the buyer transfers the payment to the author's details (electronic wallet, bank card). After payment, the text is at the disposal of the buyer.
Another scheme of work is the interaction of the rewriter with a specific customer through the exchange. In this case, the exchange also acts as an intermediary between the participants, monitoring their compliance with the established rules. In both the first and second cases, the exchange as an intermediary receives a certain commission from the concluded transaction.
Experienced rewriters prefer to work directly with customers.However, in this case, the risks associated with the non-receipt of payment by the author after the delivery of the text increase significantly.
For this reason, for novice rewriters with no work experience, at first it is better to interact with customers and close deals through content exchanges and article stores.

Where does it work?
In addition to online exchanges and article stores, rewriters work offline: copywriting agencies, web studios, companies engaged in the development and promotion of sites. In this case, having got a permanent job offline, a rewriter receives all the same privileges as representatives of other professions: a stable salary, paid sick leave and leave, social guarantees, incentive payments and bonuses, and the accrual of seniority. At the same time, this format of work requires a person to be full-time with a daily visit to the office on weekdays (however, some companies offer their employees the opportunity to work remotely and only occasionally visit the office to provide reporting).

How much does he earn?
The size of a rewriter's salary on the Internet depends on his rates (the standard for 1 thousand characters) and the total output (the total number of characters of the typed text). The minimum prices offered by customers to beginners with no experience vary between 10-30 rubles per 1,000 characters. Thus, with a daily output of 10 thousand characters, a novice rewriter can earn about 3-9 thousand rubles a month. It is logical that at this level of earnings, rewriting should be considered only as a side job, and not the main income.
More experienced rewriters offer their services based on prices of 50-100 (and more) rubles per 1,000 characters. In this case, monthly earnings can reach 30 thousand rubles - subject to the daily minimum output of 10 thousand characters (without days off).
Rewriters who officially work in an office full-time usually receive from 15 to 20 thousand rubles a month. The production rate (as well as the list of job responsibilities) in this case is set by the company's management.