Who is a realtor and what does he do?

People often use words borrowed from other languages, and only in general terms represent their meaning. Realtor is one of such terms, which appeared in Russian from the English abbreviation Realtor, meaning the phrase "real real estate agent". In this article, we will take a closer look at who a realtor is and what he does.
Pros and cons of the profession
Each of you probably knows that the position of a realtor is related to real estate. Many people think that a professional is only engaged in the selection of real estate suitable for a client, but in fact, he has many more tasks.

The work of an agent, like any other position, has its advantages and disadvantages. We suggest considering a description of the pros and cons of the profession before you decide to connect your life with it.
First, consider all the positive aspects of the work.
- The freedom of action. The salary level depends only on how much you work and how you evaluate your work. The agent has the ability to decide in which city or country to carry out his activities. The amount of time you spend communicating with customers and working with official papers is also determined by you. However, if you are planning to build a career in this area, you must always make an effort, execute transactions quickly and efficiently, and not allow yourself to relax.
- Additional income... The schedule, determined by the employee himself, allows you to make the occupation an additional part-time job. This opportunity will be especially interesting for students who can easily combine education and part-time work.For busy people, this is an opportunity to try something new and take the first step towards a change in life.
- No age restrictions. From the age of 18, everyone can try themselves in this position. Realtors are not always young people, if you are going to test yourself in this profession, your age should not limit you.
- Ease of mastering the position... Even a person who does not have the appropriate education can build a career as a "realtor".
- Search for real estate on favorable terms. The advantages also include the ability to find a house, apartment or land for yourself, because a professional thoroughly studies the real estate market.

Now let's look at the negative aspects of the profession.
- Lack of salary. The job is not suitable for those people who are used to stable, equal earnings. The salary depends only on the quantity and quality of the transactions performed by the realtor. If a person has dedication and hard work, the absence of a fixed salary becomes a plus, because he can earn much more than the set amount.
- Stressful situations... An employee is responsible for communicating with clients, which increases the risk of conflicts. Mediating the sale of real estate is hard work and requires a stress-tolerant character, problem-solving skills and the ability to build business relationships.
- Competition... Real estate trading is a rapidly developing sector of the market that provides good income. To get into the job, you need to be a competitive person.
- Abnormal working day. You can choose the time of day and the duration of meetings with clients, but do not forget that earnings depend on this. The more you put effort and time into work, the better the result will be.
When you have weighed all the advantages and disadvantages and decided to try yourself in the profession, you can begin to study the details, such as responsibilities, requirements for the employee and the level of earnings.

Job responsibilities
A real estate agent's job is to mediate between a buyer and a seller of real estate. The realtor's activities also include consulting and assistance in the implementation of the transaction. Legally, a professional does work for a certain percentage of the amount.
Simply put, this is a person who finds sellers and buyers and is responsible for the transaction for the sale of land, houses and apartments.
Let's take a closer look at the duties of a realtor.
- Study of the real estate market. To provide quality services, you need to familiarize yourself with the supply and demand in the real estate market. The agent selects successful and lucrative offers for rent or sale and purchase of real estate.
- Consultations... A professional must provide comprehensive advice to his clients. The consultation concerns the assessment of the condition of the property, the layout of the premises, the location of the property, the cost and other issues that may be of interest to the buyer and seller.
- Demonstration of objects... The realtor's duties include communicating with the buyer or tenant, as well as organizing the inspection of real estate.
- Conducting conversations about rights and responsibilities... The agent is responsible for the transaction, therefore he is obliged to tell each party to the agreement about their fundamental rights. It is also necessary to tell clients about what kind of responsibility they will incur if they fail to comply with the points specified in the contract.
- Resolving conflicts. When disputes or disagreements arise between the parties to the transaction, a professional should deal with their resolution and settlement. A good professional must anticipate and prevent unpleasant disputes and conflicts from arising.
- Paperwork. The specialist is obliged to provide assistance in collecting the documentation necessary for the transaction. Also, the realtor undertakes to draw up all the documentation within the framework of the laws of the country in which it provides services.
- Making report. The agent is engaged in the maintenance of abstracts during the conclusion of the contract and prepares a report on the work done. The employee provides the result in the form of a receipt or other official documentation.
- Ensuring the legality of the transaction. When buying or selling a house, apartment or land, the realtor is responsible for the legality of the contract. In order to properly maintain documentation, a professional must have certain knowledge of real estate law.
- Advertising creation... The employee submits a huge number of ads every day, each of which must be original in order to interest the demand side.
The work of a realtor, at first glance, seems to be of the same type, but in fact, a specialist must have knowledge in various areas of real estate. Each transaction is individual, therefore, it is necessary to be inventive and knowledgeable in all matters.

Primary requirements
A successful realtor must know the intricacies of his profession, as well as have a strong character. To be able to win over customers, you need to learn more about the requirements for knowledge, skills and personal qualities of the intermediary. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with each item in more detail.
Personal qualities
To become a worthy real estate agent, you need to improve in your character and behavior in some important details. Let's talk about these subtleties in more detail.
- Sociability... To close a deal, a realtor must be able to communicate with clients, correctly ask and answer questions. The professional must keep a conversation with the client, receiving all the necessary information for the contract, and at the same time carefully listen to the wishes and requirements of the client.
- Customer focus... To conclude an agreement that suits both parties, the agent must quickly and correctly determine the desires of the parties to the transaction. The more often you can find the most beneficial offers for each side, the more loyal customers will turn to you.
- Delivered speech... A confident voice and well-chosen words make people trust you. You need to take care of the quality of your speech and learn to answer unexpected questions.
- Resistant to stressful situations. Working with people very rarely goes smoothly, so there should be no weakness and uncertainty in the character of a realtor. The conflicts that arise should not cause surprise and confusion - it is necessary to prepare for such situations, learn to notice the premises and prevent disputes.
- Tolerance... Each person has his own unusual character traits and principles that may seem strange. An agent's job is not to argue with clients about their worldview, but to find a common language with them and a suitable offer in the real estate market.
- Grooming... Appearance is the first impression that customers have of you and at the same time determines their level of trust. Clothing is just as important as a well-placed voice. The realtor must carefully monitor his appearance, be neat and neatly dressed.
Harsh smells like cigarette smoke or alcohol can shake people's confidence, so you should refrain from bad habits before meeting.

Knowledge and skills
The main skills of a mediator are the ability to find a common language and compromise in any situation. But in order to build a career as a realtor, this is not enough, you still need to learn how to be organized and responsible. Let's take a closer look at the skills of a professional real estate agent.
- Drawing up plans... A realtor can have several active tasks at the same time, and without a planned schedule it is very easy to forget or overlook something. You need to allocate the time that you will devote to different tasks: answering calls, studying the real estate market, creating ads, communicating with clients, or improving yourself. Punctuality is very important when dealing with people, so always schedule appointments in advance.
- Designing your work... Write down in your diary all the transactions made and the data on the property for rent. Over time, these records will help you navigate the real estate market in the area you serve.
- Creation of reports on their activities... To let the client know about the work you have done, tell or describe the details of the work. It doesn't matter in what form the report is drawn up - written or oral, formal or simple - the main thing is that your customer must know that you are working on his task.
- Keeping promises... Only take on tasks that you are able to accomplish, and do not make promises that you doubt. Irresponsible behavior can damage your reputation and make it difficult for you to advance.
- Acceptance of failures... Every unsuccessful trade must be analyzed in order to learn from your own mistakes.

To provide high-quality services, the intermediary must have certain knowledge and skillfully use it while communicating with clients and drafting documents. Let's take a closer look at what a professional needs to know.
- Fundamentals of Legislation. A realtor should understand the preparation and conclusion of contracts for the purchase, sale, exchange, privatization and lease of premises or land so that it is within the law.
- Service evaluation. It is necessary to study how the amount of remuneration for the work of a mediator in your area is formed.
- Property valuation. The duties of the realtor include the assessment of the object of sale, therefore, before starting work, it is necessary to learn how to perform this task correctly.
- Knowledge of their responsibilities. First, you need to carefully read the list and order of services provided by the company in which you are going to work.
- Preparation of documentation. Learn to be clear about how to help clients collect a set of documents for different situations.
- Ability to work with people. Before starting work, ask your colleagues to tell you how to properly communicate with clients. Practice talking on the phone with people you know as if you were talking at work to overcome your fear of talking to strangers. Explore the psychology of working with people, make a plan for building trust, templates for questions and templates for answers to common questions.
- Good local knowledge... Each buyer and tenant is interested in the infrastructure around the housing, so the intermediary needs to get a good look at the area around the property with which he works.

To learn how to be a mediator from scratch, you can start learning on your own, taking the time to educate yourself. For this you need look for information yourself in different sources to get acquainted with the field of work with real estate.
It is best to start your self-directed education with books or blogs written by successful intermediaries. In addition, you can attend forums, seminars and web conferences dedicated to the position of "realtor". At the events, you will gain new, interesting knowledge and the opportunity to make friends who are interested in the same topic. Studying a profession in a company is much easier, because then it will be easier to spot mistakes and practice skills by practicing together.
The next step in mastering the specialty is contact a real estate company... In our country, there are no educational institutions where you can take the exam for admission to the profession of an intermediary, so many companies create special courses for beginners. Training at the enterprise is paid, but after successfully completing it, you get the patronage of the company. Sometimes deals are unsuccessful - the problem that has arisen is resolved through the courts. Finding a way out of the situation is much easier if you are an official employee of the company.
By mastering training in a real estate company, you will receive real experience from professionals and will be able to adopt their skills and knowledge. Practice is valued much more than dry facts on paper, so be sure to reinforce all the knowledge gained with actions.

The salary
The realtor receives income after the transaction is concluded between the parties to the contract. An employee working for a company does not have a fixed rate. The amount that real estate agencies evaluate their services is usually 2-5% of the value of the property. Official real estate agents representing the firm earn 25-75% of the profit on a successful transaction. Enterprises pay the employee a percentage depending on the professional level of the employee.
An agent who is not a member of the company and operates independently, retains all the profit. The average salary of such an employee is higher than that of a company employee, but at the same time he does a lot more work and does not have the support of specialists. A realtor who receives legal assistance and information support from a company is much faster in concluding a contract and is less likely to make mistakes.
From the outside, it seems to many that the duties of the intermediary are only in organizing a meeting between the seller and the buyer, and it is quite easy to get income for this. In practice, everything is much more complicated, and intermediaries do a tremendous job to ensure that the transaction is successful and legally.
Only true professionals with great knowledge can independently, without the support of the company, be able to correctly fulfill all the clauses of the contract and leave both parties to the transaction satisfied with the decision.

Place of work and career
It is best for an intermediary without work experience to get a job in an agency where professionals in their field work. A novice employee needs advice and support from the company - such a valuable experience at the start of a career will not give high earnings, but in the future it will open up great prospects for development. It is better to make a small amount of money in the beginning representing the company and getting support than to learn from your own mistakes, which can be very serious in mediation.
By getting a job at an agency, you get formal employment and all the related positive aspects. After gaining experience in the enterprise, having learned how to work with clients and draw up documentation, you can gradually try to engage in activities on your own. Most successful realtors have built their careers this way - first by getting a job in an agency, and then starting their own business.
While you are an official employee of the company, you must show your best qualities and diligently perform duties. There will certainly be competition among newcomers that you need to prepare for.

Review overview
Like any other job, the profession of a realtor has its positive and negative sides. Before deciding to build a career as a real estate agent, we propose to consider the subtleties of the position, which were compiled on the basis of feedback from employees of companies and private entrepreneurs.
The positive aspects include complete freedom of action: you yourself draw up a work schedule, you can combine activities with other types of earnings and build a career. Full-time employment is a good income if you put in enough effort.After coming of age, you can try a new type of work at any age.
The negative aspects of the profession include unstable earnings and high psychological stress. Unfortunately, fraudsters are very common in the real estate market, so the level of customer confidence in realtors is low. You also need to be prepared for distrust. you need to be able to build trusting relationships with people.
In the profession of an intermediary, there are enough both pros and cons, so each future employee must weigh the possible risks for himself. The decision to become a real estate agent means that you are ready to face possible challenges in order to achieve your goal.