All about the professions associated with drawing

The most pleasant thing that can happen in life when a person devotes himself to professional activities related to his favorite hobby. More often than not, just having a vocation is enough. But if a person is naturally talented and can create cartoons, draw up drawings of innovative buildings and draw sketches of unusual outfits, he has a direct road to creative activity. Consider all about the professions associated with drawing.

Until recently, it was believed that painting is just a hobby with which it is impossible to get a decent income. Today this axiom has failed. Many modern professions are associated with creativity, a person's ability to draw and see the world in different colors.
- The most common and widespread creative profession is the artist. Creating his masterpieces as a child, no painter even thought that his paintings could sell for several billion dollars and euros.
- The list of professions requiring the ability to draw includes an illustrator. People who have dedicated themselves to this business will be in demand until the books lose their value. The main task of the illustrator is to create the cover, decorate the pictures inside the books. Having read the book, a real professional immediately understands which points need to be emphasized and presented in the form of a picture.
- Production designers who can imagine the future surroundings of a film or scene in their heads will never be left without work. They easily select decor elements for theatrical performances and create interiors in film studios.
- Any school takes great pleasure in hiring professional drawing teachers. Moreover, their low workload allows opening additional circles for children who love painting. However, it is important for a drawing teacher to have not only artistic knowledge, but also to understand child psychology in order to find an approach to each child and interest him.
- Graphic designer is a modern profession. The works of specialists in this field can be found on every corner of cities and towns. Advertising brochures, billboards, posters, in-store product packaging, signs are all the work of graphic designers. In addition, they develop an individual style of the company, new types of fonts. They turn dull internet sites into vibrant and memorable pages.
- An architect also belongs to the creative field. But well-known specialists in childhood simply loved to draw, but they could not even imagine that in the future they would become famous professionals in the architectural world. In addition to the ability to draw, they need knowledge of mathematics, computer science and special programs. The works of architects can be found on every corner. These are buildings, residential complexes, entire microdistricts and settlements.
- Many girls who can draw dreamed of becoming fashion designers in childhood and creating beautiful clothes for themselves and their families. Those who managed to make their dreams come true can only be envied. Every day they immerse themselves in a creative flight of fantasies, create new masterpieces that famous movie and music industry stars wear.
- It's no secret that every adult is still a child at heart. He enjoys his favorite cartoons from childhood with great pleasure. People who have a passion for cartoons, especially those who can draw, were destined for the road to animators from childhood.
- Today, a game artist is a popular profession. It is these professionals who develop online games for gamers. Their tasks include drawing up the perfect graphics, creating stylish characters and working out the intricacies of online games. But it is these nuances that gamers evaluate when deciding whether to continue playing this game or not.
- Few could have guessed, but the specialty of a tattoo artist also belongs to the creative field of activity, and at the same time it is very complex. If a damaged canvas can be thrown away, then an incorrectly made line on a person's skin cannot be corrected. In simple terms, the tattoo artist works in the final version.
- The profession of enamel painting artist is very interesting, but not very popular. They must have technical knowledge, taste and know the intricacies of artistic delights. An enamel painting artist works with decorative crafts, creates unusual decorations for the interior.
- Many printing houses are recruiting calligraphers to their staff. Few people understand what this is about. These are specialists in the design of invitations, postcards. They also develop new types of fonts.
Calligraphy is completely handmade. And modern fashion is increasingly giving preference to products made by hand without the use of nanotechnology.

Who are they suitable for?
The range of specialties presented is ideal for those who love and enjoy drawing. It is impossible to become, for example, a graphic designer without artistic talent, as well as imaginative and spatial thinking.
Specialties of the creative direction are ideal for creative people who have the ability to invent something new. They should be distinguished by courage of spirit and character, not be afraid to embody unique projects in reality.

Any profession requires education.Today, in order to get a job, it is enough to provide a crust of graduation from a secondary specialized or higher educational institution. At the same time, it makes no difference what specialty is indicated in the document. If a person decides to devote his life to a creative profession based on the ability to draw, he must decide in advance on his future profession.
- To become an artist, you need to go through 3 stages of training, a school, a college, where you can enter after grade 9, and a university. This specialty does not allow to study remotely.
- Those wishing to become illustrators are required to graduate from a university. In the case of retraining, you can use distance learning courses, which include the study of computer programs, stylistics and different areas of painting.
- It is very important for production designers to get a higher education. Distance learning options are not considered.
- People who want to become art teachers need to graduate from an art school, college and pedagogical university.
- Those wishing to become graphic designers can graduate from art school, and then find distance learning courses for advanced training in a specific specialty.
- It is much more difficult for people who want to become architects. Of course, they can get an education at any leading university in the country. But for this you need to have not only the ability to draw, but also to know mathematics, drawing, building standards and design.
- Fashion designers can go for higher education at the end of grade 9 or 11. After the 9th grade, they should go to school. And after grade 11, you can safely go to the university.
- Those wishing to devote their lives to animation need to get a higher education. To increase the level of knowledge, you can use distance courses.
- To become a game artist, you need to graduate from a higher education institution and take specialized courses over the Internet.
- You can get the specialty of a tattoo master only through specialized courses. Unfortunately, higher educational institutions do not train specialists in this field.
- The specialties of enamel painting artist are taught in colleges and vocational institutions. There is also a remote learning method. However, there is no sense in it.
- To become a calligrapher, you need to take specialized courses that study various types of art, ranging from the Chinese style to the European direction.

Work and career
Having received a letter about graduation from an educational institution, a specialist is faced with the question of where to get a job in order to build his future.
- Artists, for example, go to work in publishing houses, museums and art workshops. Some try their hand at specialized schools or in the advertising business. The artists who have proven themselves from the best side have a decent income.
- Illustrators get a job in a publishing house and the media. But at the same time, they agree to private orders, thereby increasing their earnings. And thanks to the base of regular clients, they can open their own agency.
- The work of production designers requires high professionalism. It is not possible to create projects remotely. Contact requires communication with the writers and actors.
- Drawing teacher can get a job in high school, but not qualify for career growth. Those wishing to receive more income are allowed to engage in tutoring. But if you think about it, you can open your own art studio to train young talents.
- Graphic Designer - a profession of a wide profile. Specialists can work in several directions at once. Young talents need to start their careers with advertising agencies. And having gained experience, already open your own business.
- Architects in the matter of career growth have a higher scope.They start out in construction businesses. After gaining sufficient experience, they can apply for a promotion. Highly qualified specialists can hold the position of an architect at the city hall, design bureaus.
- Fashion designers after graduation, they go to work in a factory. As they gain experience, they change jobs. And only after that they can open their own sewing workshop or a fashion house.
- For multipliers a direct road to television, an advertising agency or an animation studio. Initially, a young specialist is a student. He learns the intricacies of work. And after some time, the student turns into an assistant, and then becomes a specialist, whose career growth can reach world-famous film studios.
- Game artists start their careers in gaming organizations developing games for phones. And after gaining knowledge and skills, they are retrained as creators of computer online games. They can grow to be an art director.
- Tattoo artist workflow takes place in a specialized salon. However, it is impossible to improve your qualifications or obtain a degree in this specialty. The maximum career growth is the owner of his own tattoo parlor.
- Enamel painting artists work in both public and private workshops. They design exhibitions and advertising projects. By working tirelessly, they can achieve the title of "master".
- Calligraphers demanded in private orders. Those who want a steady income need to get jobs in art studios and agencies.
The opening of their own business is considered as a career growth.