Roboticist: description and place of work

In the modern world, robots began to be used in literally all industries, and robotics began to rapidly gain popularity. In this regard, new professions began to appear that have a connection with the modeling, development and creation of robotic systems. One such profession is robotics.

Robotics or robotics engineer is one of the newest professions in the modern world, the relevance and demand for which is only rapidly increasing over time. A robotics specialist is a micromechanical engineer. He is engaged in the creation of robots and robotic systems.
At the present time, such specialists are in great demand on the world labor market, and their work is prestigious and highly appreciated by employers. This is because robots are now used almost everywhere. They are used for domestic purposes to simplify housekeeping, for scientific and research purposes, and sometimes in military operations. Robots are able to perform dangerous work for people and perform precise and quick actions, which a person is simply physically unable to repeat.
In addition, robots can perform their activities efficiently and without interruption, and in many industries they can become a good substitute for humans. All this contributes to the robotization of almost all spheres of life. In this regard, we can say for sure that the demand for robotics and other specialists who will be involved in the maintenance of smart devices and their creation will only grow in the near future.
However, it should be noted that a person who decides to become a specialist in this field must have certain skills and qualities. First of all, it is the presence of a mathematical mindset and the ability to solve complex mathematical problems - it will be very difficult for a humanities student in this area. This should also include the love of the exact sciences, since without in-depth knowledge of algebra, programming languages, applied physics and mathematics, mathematical analysis and geometry, robotics simply will not be able to carry out their activities efficiently and fully.
Such a person should have good communication skills and be able to work in a team, since several specialists are often involved at once to create complex robotic systems.

This should also include ability to think critically and analyze, as well as the presence of such qualities as perseverance and perseverance, because even the most experienced robotics technician does not always manage to quickly and the first time deal with a particular problem or error.
Also important is such a human quality as observation, which helps in time and quickly notice an error or defect in the system. The presence of imagination and developed imagination, a penchant for experimentation is also useful for a specialist who works in the field of robotics. It is a good imagination that greatly contributes to the creation of new devices and the improvement of those that already exist.
Of course, a specialist who works in this area, it is important to be able to systematize your knowledge. All knowledge related to the field of mechanics, programming and not only, a specialist must be able to combine and apply in practice. This also includes skills such as rapid assimilation and processing of large volumes of very different information.
In addition, it is of great importance for robotics ability and commitment to self-study... This is due to the fact that literally every day new, more advanced technologies appear in the world, and therefore even the most experienced specialist will periodically need to update their knowledge, improve their skills in working with updated devices. Courses can help him in this, and many of them can be taken on the Internet for free.

Pros Cons
The profession of robotics, like any other, has its merits and demerits. Let's talk first about the positive aspects of this profession. The most obvious plus is high salary of such a specialist. The work of a robotics engineer is quite difficult and painstaking, but it is appreciated at its true worth. The amount of wages depends largely on the place of work and field of activity. So, specialists who take part in important projects or carry out their activities in the military or space industry can earn about 300 thousand rubles a month.
Another big plus is demand for specialists of this profession in foreign countries. A robot technician who knows his job well and does his job efficiently has the opportunity to get a job in an international corporation and move abroad. This is quite a prestigious and promising opportunity, especially considering the fact that the work of such specialists in foreign countries is very highly paid.
Another advantage is employment... Due to its wide range of competencies, it is not difficult for a robotics engineer to find a job, and not only in the field of robotics, but also in many other industries. In addition, it is important to note such an advantage of this profession as its relevance.

The profession of robotics can rightfully be considered the profession of the future, because every year it becomes more and more in demand and popular.Therefore, a person who has received an education in this area need not worry about the fact that in the future his profession will lose its significance.
Now let's move on to the disadvantages of this specialty. The first one is difficulties with finding a job in the Russian labor market specifically for this specialty. In the conditions of our country, such specialists can receive high wages, but first they need to find a job. Difficulties may arise with this, since the number of vacancies is extremely small, and the competition for them, on the contrary, is quite high.
Another disadvantage is poor education... Robotics is a relatively new profession. Specialties associated with this field of activity appeared not so long ago. Because of this, educational programs in these areas may differ depending on the university. As a result, it often turns out that the graduate simply does not have the proper knowledge and skills that are necessary for him to successfully get a job.
Also, another big drawback is difficulties with admission. As mentioned above, robotics and mechatronics is a new specialty that is not found in all universities. In this regard, in order to enroll in training in this area on a budgetary basis, you will have to make every effort.

Professions related to robotics
There are many professions associated with robotics. This is a fairly broad area that is not tied to a specific industry. A specialist in this profession, in simple terms, must create and maintain robots, including robotic technical systems. Another profession is robot designer. It has several branches: a designer of neurointerfaces for controlling robots, a designer of children's robotics, a designer of medical robots, a designer of domestic robots, and more. Each of these areas has its own nuances and specificity.
So, child robotics designer creates educational games and other products for children, while taking into account the psychophysiological characteristics of children. And the designer of home robots, on the other hand, puts more emphasis on the functionality of a smart machine, which should make everyday life easier. But, if we talk about the profession of a designer in general, a specialist working in this field is responsible for the development, design and programming of smart devices.
There is another profession that is directly related to robots - this is mobile robotics... A specialist working in the field of mobile robotics is responsible for the installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance of mobile robotic systems. He also develops, simulates and optimizes the activities of mobile robotics, is engaged in its repair and improvement. If you look in general, then a person who wants to connect his life with robotics has a place to roam. It remains only to choose the field of activity that you like.

The profession of robotics is quite complex and time consuming.... A person who works in this field has a large number of responsibilities. So, he is engaged in modeling, development and creation of robots and robotic systems, and also selects and develops materials and electromechanical equipment necessary for them, identifies and corrects critical errors in the created developments. His responsibilities also include organization of maintenance and repair of robotic equipment and control over it.
The duties of such a specialist also include participation in experiments and tests of implemented robotic systems, control over consumption and availability of necessary spare parts and parts in warehouses, personnel training, as well as maintaining reports and working documents. Of course, as a rule, more than one person is involved in all this.
Often, to create a smart machine, program its actions, develop mechanics and electronic parts, specialists have to unite and work as a team.

In order to get the profession of robotics, higher education required. First of all, a future specialist needs to graduate from college, unlearn 11 classes at school, pass the necessary exams or undergo professional retraining. However, professional retraining is only suitable for people who already have a higher education. If we talk about studying after college or school, then to master the profession, you need to enter the university at the mechanical faculty in one of the following areas: "mechatronics and robotics", "computer control technologies in robotics and mechatronics" or "robotic systems and complexes."
There are few higher educational institutions in which these areas are available in our country. These include the following universities: National Research University "MPEI", Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin, Ural State University of Railways, Novosibirsk State Technical University and Far Eastern Federal University.
It will take 4 years to study for this profession. However, at this stage, the person will only receive a bachelor's degree. Development in the field of robotics will require go to magistracy and go through a few more years of training. Of course, at this stage, even after employment, training does not end. To improve qualifications and further advance the career ladder, a person will have to take additional courses, the duration of which is, as a rule, at least 3 months. Such courses will not only allow a specialist to acquire new knowledge and skills, but also increase his value as an employee in the labor market.

Place of work
Robotics is a fairly broad area. Having mastered this profession, a person gets a job opportunity in many industries, be it media, medicine or manufacturing. For the most part, specialists work in research centers, at various enterprises that specialize in the creation of robotics and the creation of robotic systems. Among such companies there are those that relate to the military industry, oil production, mining, mechanical engineering and not only.
How much does he earn?
The salaries of specialists who are engaged in robotics can be different. This largely depends on the experience of a specialist, the complexity of his work, the amount of knowledge he has and applies in practice, as well as what contribution he makes to the creation and development of a robotic system. In addition, the amount of salary also largely depends on the region of the country in which the specialist lives and operates. So, the salary of a robotics engineer in Moscow starts from 50 thousand rubles and more. Its exact size depends only on the field of activity.
In the northern capital of our country, the salary of such a specialist starts from 40 thousand rubles and more. If we talk about the salary in the regions, then in this case it largely depends on the knowledge, skills and abilities of a specialist.
In general, the income of such workers is about 50 thousand rubles. If we talk about the average salary in the CIS, then it ranges from 40 thousand rubles a month.