The easiest professions

It may seem incredible, but today, among a huge list of different professions, you can easily find a job where you do not need serious skills, and you will not need to apply any significant effort. A number of companies are willing to pay their employees for hugs, jumping on mattresses, and routine viewing of groceries on store shelves.
Of course, such vacancies are considered very rare, and in everyday life they are not easy to find. Nevertheless, there are quite real and easy activities where you can always make good money.

The simplest professions in the world
Let's start our review with the simplest specialties. Some of them are quite unusual.
- Watchman. For many ordinary people, the job of a night watchman is when you sleep, and you will also be well paid for it. It goes without saying that sleeping at work is prohibited, but this rule is rarely followed. The guards are usually required only to press the alarm button in time and notify the police of an unauthorized entry into the facility.
- Lighthouse keeper. For most lovers of long solitude, this profession can become a real dream job. Upon employment, the employee will receive not only free housing and food for a fairly long period, but also high wages.
- Hotel tester. Today, the profession of a tester is also present in the travel industry. Evaluating the quality of service in various hotels is quite fun.People in a state of incognito test, and then describe in detail in their reports the quality of the food they received, how clean it was in the establishment, whether the rented room was convenient, and how well-trained staff serve customers.
- Hostess. Hostesses can work quite successfully in cafes and restaurants, at various exhibitions and all kinds of conferences, at airports or hotels. These professionals usually greet guests, entertain them, so they must look stylish, smell great, and have well-developed communication skills.
- Life coach. These people are usually paid a lot just to quickly teach their clients how to live right. They distribute diverse advice, supposedly helping to find their vocation in the world around them. Professional coaches gather huge halls, or even whole stadiums of adepts.
- Hunter for antique rarities. You can custom-search for original jewelry, ancient books, vintage art and décor online or in small local shops, and then sell them to influential collector clients.
- Mystery shopper. Many companies hire mystery shoppers to check stores and malls to meet standards. Those in the reports indicate whether the store is selling an expired product, whether it is overpricing cheap goods.
- Professional bridesmaid. Such a girl at a wedding should perform all sorts of functions of a real girlfriend - prepare the bride, organize contests, and actively entertain guests. You can get this kind of work in many wedding agencies.
- Psychologist for pets. These people analyze the behavior of pets, then explain to their owners the reasons for the strange behavior of pets, and also help them in solving problems that have arisen with four-legged friends.

What light specialties are there in Russia?
Traditionally, the easiest Russian professions are all specialties of the so-called white collars. And also the overwhelming majority of Russians believe that the simplest job today will certainly be associated with the world of cinema and show business. The residents of Russia consider work in politics and government bodies to be less paid, but very easy professions.
- Archivist. An archivist or librarian is a great job for all those who like to read. Positive aspects: quiet place of work, intelligent people around, a lot of free time for self-education and self-development.
- Administrator. Administrator at a restaurant, salon, fitness room. A friendly smile, good looks - and the place is yours. You just need to win over the client so that he has a pleasant impression of the establishment.
- Watchman. Many believe that only grandmothers take this place, but often young people also get jobs as watchmen. And in elite households it is not easy to get a job as a concierge-watchman. There are simply excellent working conditions here, and there is almost no visible work.
- Taster. It's easy, simple, and very enjoyable work. Most often, you need to taste alcohol, sausages, sweets and cakes. The only negative side of this profession is gaining excess weight.
- Food critic. Many establishments themselves offer critics a tasty lunch at their expense and serve very cordially. And all because even a small negative review will negatively affect the rating of a cafe or restaurant.
- Tour guide. It is very pleasant and simple to visit the most interesting places on our planet on a constant basis, and all the time to share your impressions with an enthusiastic audience.
- Song's author. Many eminent authors do not know music at all, they have no musical education. However, they still successfully sell their works for many thousands of dollars.
- Copywriter. This is a person who knows how to create text content - thematic articles for sites.They can blog, write posts on social networks. A copywriter must create a text that is understandable to the layman, thereby inspiring people to buy or any action.
- Many Russians find the job easy conductor and ticket collector, also the professions of a croupier, a secretary, a courier, a janitor are often referred to as easy ones.

Many respondents believe that it is easiest for oligarchs and large landlords to work. And someone, oddly enough, is sure that the easiest way is to occupy a subordinate position and not be responsible for anything.
Unusual professions
Today, there are also very strange professions for which certain skills are not required, but they can be easily mastered.
- Penguin lifter. It turns out to be a very necessary and at the same time noble profession. The lifters usually get a job at different polar stations and are engaged in helping penguins, who are staring at flying helicopters, to get up after falling on their backs back to their feet. Penguins cannot do this on their own.
- Ice cream taster. This is a real sommelier in the world of cold sweets. It will be necessary to evaluate the appearance, as well as the taste and texture of this favorite treat. Such work requires a delicate taste and excellent gustatory memory.
- The hugger of people. Such people for money are ready to hug any strangers on the street at least the whole day in order to help them forget about stress, get completely relaxed and even get out of a prolonged depression.
- Pet food taster. To check the quality and safety of pet food, people try it for money. The profession is very popular, because, as it turned out, many people love to eat animal feed.
- Standing in line. The position of a layman who stands in line instead of those people who do not want and cannot spend their time and energy on this still exists in a number of Western countries, for example, in Great Britain.
- The mourner. Professional mourners are still hired to mourn the deceased at funerals. Not only women but also men are hired for this light work these days.
- The panda keeper. Chinese sanctuaries often employ people to care for the loveliest animals in the world. Workers must clean up, feed and monitor the pandas.

Confucius said that you need to do only what brings pleasure, and then you will not have a single working day.