An overview of the most unusual professions

Each of us has probably at least once thought about the topic: do I like my job? There are days when you really don't want to get up and go somewhere (of course, if you are not freelancing). However, if you think your position is not that interesting or does not meet expectations, then the list of the most amazing jobs will help you to make sure that perhaps your job is not so bad.

The strangest specialties in the world
We offer top professions that are not so much difficult as unusual and strange, and even repulsive.
Armpit sniffer
Surely a note of disgust has just flashed through your head. The occupation, and it is true, is not the most pleasant, however, indeed, there are people who are engaged in it. For professional purposes, of course. Which ones? - You ask. With the launch of new personal care products, the same deodorants. You have repeatedly seen the inscription in advertising or on the packaging - the duration of the action is up to 24-48 hours. So, this is exactly the way it is checked.
After applying one or another agent to the armpits of the subjects, specially trained employees are engaged in sniffing their skin in the armpit for a certain amount of time, and thereby determining the presence or absence of an unpleasant odor. It is worth noting that preference is given to ladies without bad habits, who are better able to distinguish between smells. However, given that sometimes overweight people are taken as subjects for such experiments, as well as those who are prone to excessive sweating, these employees have a very hard time. But, and such work is needed.
Vomit cleaner under the attraction
The name alone is somehow uncomfortable.Everyone is familiar with such entertainment as the roller coaster. And sometimes not everyone can safely ride on such a thing. There are also force majeure situations when, under the influence of adrenaline, the contents of the stomach asks out. And, apparently, in such parks this is a fairly frequent occurrence. And there is a special person who is engaged in a rather useful, albeit slightly disgusting, business. But all this is compensated by a decent wage. Although some even this will not convince them to work there. But, as they say, to each his own.

Excrement burner
Did any of you sail on a ship? Or cruising on a large liner? Or have you just wondered where the waste is washed away (so to speak, waste products). Of course, many might think it is straight into the ocean. And what's the big deal, he's so huge, it'll all get lost there. But no. There are a lot of tourists and passengers, and there is no need to pollute the environment. Therefore, on such ships, all feces are collected in a huge tank, and in order not to carry this "good" for a long time, they introduced such an interesting profession. Now on each board a special person is engaged in the incineration of the contents of these tanks.
As a rule, everything is burned without residue. And with the correct execution technique and serviceability of the equipment, it is even possible to avoid the presence of unpleasant extraneous odors. However, the very essence of the work is not very pleasant.
Ancient Feces Explorer
This profession is akin to archaeologists. Of course, excavating ancient civilizations is quite an exciting experience. The life and remains of ancient people are interesting. But among other things, in addition to various remains, there is also fossilized excrement. And in archeology there is even a separate specialization for a person who studies human feces in order to understand what people ate in ancient times.
The profession is not pleasant, but considering that after a lot of time, it is possible that these excrements have already lost their original aromas, which means that it should be easier to work with them.
Animal feed taster
Surely many of you have noticed how during the advertisement of the next cat food the phrase sounded that the food has become even tastier. Turns out, Animal food factories have a dedicated person whose job it is to sample food samples. And only after the conclusion of this employee, a decision is made whether to release this product on the production line or not.

Seller of Tears
Cry when you are sad? Or, as they say, tears cannot help grief. And in Japan, it is with tears that they help, if I may say so. Or rather, there are special people who, for a certain fee, can depict real mourning at a funeral, if close relatives of the deceased do not cry, as in Asian countries people tend to hide their emotions. And even at such events, these same sellers of tears depict natural crying. And judging by the fact that there is even such a "profession", apparently, among the Japanese it is quite relevant.
Penguin flipper
As you know, in Antarctica there are only glaciers all around. Therefore, the penguins living there do not miss the opportunity to admire the landing planes. However, sometimes they lift their heads too high, after which they fall on their backs, and cannot stand up on their own. And here people come to the rescue, who raise these very penguins, saving them from a hopeless situation. Previously, this profession was considered almost the rarest in the world.
But today, such positions are also found on the territory of Russia. For example, at the Vostok station. It is worth noting that for all its simplicity of execution, this is a fairly high-paying job. Sometimes the salary of such inverters exceeds 100,000 rubles.
Cheese listener
How is it listening to cheese? It turns out that one of the most famous Italian varieties of cheese "Parmesan" has its own peculiarities of making and ripens for a long time. The degree of readiness of the cheese is determined by the so-called "Parma rumors". To do this, they hit a large cheese circle with a special hammer. In this case, it is necessary to have a unique hearing.
And then the sound is heard - the clearer and louder the sound from the hammer blow is, the higher the degree of maturity of the cheese, which means that it is ready for use.

Golf ball diver
Have you noticed that golf courses are usually located on flat terrain near water bodies. And sometimes, in case of an unsuccessful hit in the hole, the balls do not just fly by, but can fall into the water. Of course, golfers are unlikely to worry about missing balls, and they certainly won't go into the water for them. But the divers behind these small balls manage not only to make life easier for rich fans of this sport, but also make great money themselves. Indeed, with a good catch from the bottom, you can get a fairly large number of balls, which you can then just as safely hand over, having received good money for this.
Professional sleepyhead
Who among us doesn't like to sleep? It can be so difficult to get out from under the covers in the morning to go to work. And someone should not do this. After all, lying on the bed is part of the job duties of a professional sleepyhead. Furniture companies specifically hire people who are ready to sleep on their products in order to assess the quality and comfort of the finished furniture products.
And there is also information that in large furniture centers such employees even specially drink sleeping pills and sleep right on the beds in the store, thereby acting as a model so that the bed looks, so to speak, more presentable.
Fortune Cookie Wish Writer
Perhaps one of the most famous cookies in the world. If you have tried them at least once, you probably noticed what pleasant and interesting wishes you come across there. Therefore, this profession is by no means the simplest one, as it might seem at first glance. After all, the author needs to have a rich imagination to begin with, and also be able to clearly and concisely formulate these phrases so that they fit on a tiny piece of paper that is placed inside the cookie.
In addition, predictions should be interesting, varied and unique.

Ant catcher
When breeding ants on special farms, individuals with a number of characteristics are needed. Usually, they must be healthy and large in order to breed new offspring. But finding them is not easy. Therefore, such farms have a special employee who finds and catches large ants suitable for further breeding. You can imagine what it is worth finding worthy individuals among the huge number of constantly running ants. In this regard, such work can be considered truly jewelry.
Dream Trader
Probably every person has a dream. Someone dreams of their big and bright future as an actor, someone wants to become a famous scientist, others have a great desire to have a family, a home. Everyone has their own dreams and goals. So, in Chicago, for example, there are special agencies that promise to fulfill any of your dreams. However, the cost of the services of such companies is quite high.
Therefore, since you have collected enough money to fly to Chicago and use the services of the dream merchants, it would not be better to immediately, with an effort, make your desires a reality.

Poison Milker (Herpetologist)
Snake venom, as you know, can bring not only harm, but also benefit (of course, in moderation). It is especially relevant in the pharmaceutical industry. But how can one get this poison from a snake? This is done by specially trained people, they are simply called milkers.In order to milk the snake, they take an ordinary glass and tightly stretch the film over it. Then the snake's mouth is brought to the glass, it bites through the film, and the poison begins to drain into the glass. To get poison in this way is only from hungry snakes.
There is another method of obtaining poison. To do this, the snake's cheeks are touched with special devices, which lightly shock the snake with an electric current. This method, of course, is less pleasant for the snake, but nevertheless it is also often used. And considering that working with snakes is quite dangerous, it is highly paid.
Brain remover
As some say: the whole brain has already been eaten. In fact, animal brains are also considered a delicacy. But how do they get to restaurants? As a rule, there is a special person in slaughterhouses who is involved in pulling out the brain. The head of the slaughtered animal is placed on the table, then the skull is split open, the brain is removed from there and then sent to the specified address. Such a profession also exists.
Professional hugger
In the modern world, people are so lacking in simple human attention. Sometimes it only takes a couple of hugs to lift your mood and improve your well-being. In New York, a girl became popular by inviting passers-by to simply hug those who needed it. And, to my great surprise, quite a lot of people began to use its services.
It is believed that for a full-fledged feeling of happiness, a person needs up to 7 hugs a day. Thus, this girl helps those people who at the moment in their lives have no one to hug every day.

Barking Dog Detective
I wonder if a person is able to speak the language of animals? It turns out that there are people who can find a common language with them. For example, in Sweden it is not enough to just get a dog, you have to pay taxes regularly for keeping it. Therefore, some owners deliberately hide the fact of owning such pets in order to evade payment.
In such cases, special inspectors are sent to them, who know how to "speak" the dog's language. This person is trained in special sounds that mimic the barking and barking of various dog breeds. Naturally, dogs, hearing "familiar speech", respond to such a call. Therefore, it is unlikely that it will be possible to hide from such specialists.
Constructor collector
In large children's stores, they try to present the entire assortment in the best possible way. In some showcases you can see Lego sets, for example, not just in a box, but at once a whole structure assembled. Agree, this way the product looks more attractive, and the likelihood that it will be bought increases significantly. Naturally, after all the models are sold out, it will be necessary to reassemble the next tower from the constructor for displaying on the trading floor. This is what the employees of such children's stores are doing. Therefore, if a child still lives in you, then this position is definitely for you.

Chick Sexing Expert
For breeding in farming, the main role is given to chickens, since roosters are considered useless meat, because they do not lay eggs. It is not so easy to determine the chicken offhand, and where the cock is. But veterinarians have found a way. Using the method of hand feeling under the tail, a lump is found in chickens, which indicates that this is a rooster. And in this way, a huge number of chickens are hand-picked. This profession is considered to be quite popular.
Paint drying watcher
Hearing the name of this profession, you might think that this is one of the most boring activities in the world. However, a man who works for one of the most famous paint companies Dulux thinks very differently. Dr. Thomas Kerwen is a research scientist and his working day is completely devoted to observing the drying process of paints. So, he declares that the changes that he sees in this seemingly boring process are quite interesting and unusual. Various overflows of all kinds of shades, changing colors and particles of paint - as it dries, it all looks quite exciting not only on the walls, but also under a microscope.
The essence of this work is not only to just sit and watch, but it is necessary to control the quality of drying and monitor changes in those very particles of paint, on which their durability after application will depend.

Overview of unusual professions in Russia
We also have a lot of specialties in our country, which are not so common due to their uniqueness.
- Groomer. In the 21st century, a lot of attention has begun to be paid to pets. It was not just taking care of fluffy pets, but now there are even special salons in which dogs and cats are given different haircuts, brushed their teeth, and dyed their fur. Everything is almost like that of people, only a specialist who deals with such matters is not called a hairdresser, but a groomer. In order to conduct this kind of activity, you must have a full set of special tools, work experience, as well as certificates from leading grooming schools.
- Cavist. This is the name of a person who advises VIP clients regarding the choice among a wide range of different types of alcohol. This work does not require special skills, higher education and work experience in this field. However, such a person must have such qualities as communication skills, erudition and have a well-delivered, competent speech. All these skills will come in handy in working with clients, help to find an individual approach to each.
- Mixer... Many of you probably love baked goods. But if you are too lazy to cook yourself, you can buy ready-made dough. In large factories, machines do this, and in restaurants and bakeries there is a special employee who makes dough pieces. Quite a narrow, but nonetheless important profession. Special skills and experience are not required, you can learn such a craft in a few days - and feel free to get down to work. By the way, many people think that this is women's work. Nothing like this. Men's strong hands are just right for kneading the dough well.
- Tea sommelier. The name speaks for itself. The history of tea ceremonies in China is known to many. Perhaps this is where this profession came from. Given the huge number of different types of tea, a tea sommelier should not only understand all its types, but also be able to correctly serve this drink, creating a special atmosphere. It is not necessary to have any special education for this job, however, the presence of a medical record and work experience in a similar position are required.
- Slinger. His job is to properly strap various weights or special devices. Such specialists are required, as a rule, in construction, heavy industry, as well as to help with various loading and unloading operations.

Interesting creative professions
Among the variety of unique and rare professions, there are those that relate to the creative field.
- Kuroko. Invisible actors in Japanese theater who are always dressed in black clothes. They take out the scenery, help the actors change their costumes during the change of acts, they can play the role of animals or plants.
- The name of the dresses. It turns out that in order for dresses to sell better, they must not only be beautifully sewn. They must have interesting names - there are people who come up with these names.
- The author of the slot machine melody. In casinos and slot machines, people try their luck. In such machines, as a rule, a short melody sounds, calling for action, that is, forcing you to place bets over and over again. There are people who come up with these very melodies.
- Professional whistler. Do not whistle, otherwise there will be no money.Famous expression. It doesn't apply to Steve Herbst only. This man not only earned on this, but also became a champion in artistic whistling. He managed to whistle the melodies of Mozart and Liszt quite beautifully.