Highest paying professions

Choosing a suitable profession for themselves, most people want it to be in demand and well paid. A list of current professions that are worth paying attention to can help a person make the final choice.

Profitable options in Russia
In Russia, the highest salaries are for managers of various levels. A list of well-paid professions will help you make your choice.
- IT specialist. This profession is popular not only in Russia, but also in other countries. IT specialists receive an average of 60 thousand rubles. Good IT specialists are needed both in St. Petersburg and Moscow, as well as in Novosibirsk, Chelyabinsk, Krasnodar and other cities.
- Accountant... In order to receive a lot of money for their activities, an accountant will need a lot of work experience and knowledge of legislation. The size of a specialist's salary depends on his workload and the financial capabilities of the company.
- Lawyer... This profession is suitable for morally stable people with a broad outlook. High-level specialists must be able to make decisions quickly and not be afraid of stressful situations. Good lawyers get big money in any city: Perm and Kazan, Omsk and Krasnoyarsk.
- Marketer... These specialists are required to be able to analyze the market and convey the necessary information to the target audience. The average salary of a marketer is 50 thousand rubles.
- The captain of the ship. This profession is popular in many seaside towns. The captain of the vessel is responsible for its safety, as well as for passengers or transported cargo. The average salary of such a person is 180 thousand rubles a month.But in order to become a captain, you need to spend several years studying at the maritime academy, and then work as a navigator or captain's mate.
Modern professions such as manager, auditor and logistics are also considered profitable in Russia.

Where to work in the USA?
In America, all professions with high salaries are directly related to medicine. The work of doctors in the United States is highly regarded.
- Anesthetist... At the very beginning of the ranking is the profession of an anesthesiologist. The annual income of a good specialist is 250 thousand dollars. But in order to receive a decent pay for their efforts, doctors study from 11 to 17 years. The anesthesiologist works with patients before, during and after surgery. He calculates the dosage of anesthesia that is safe for him, monitors the progress of the operation, takes the patient out of anesthesia, and also helps him to recover after it.
- Surgeon... This profession is in second place on the list. Good professionals get about the same as anesthesiologists. They also study for a very long time. In addition, it is worth noting that a great deal of responsibility is placed on the people who work as surgeons. Therefore, not everyone can reach heights in this profession.
- Dentist... Since dentistry is one of the fastest growing branches of medicine, good doctors must be willing to continually learn and improve their skills. However, they are paid very well for such a responsible approach to business. Professional dentists in America make about $ 220,000 a year.
Also in demand in America orthodontists, therapists, pediatricians and obstetricians-gynecologists.

How to get a good salary in Belarus?
The most highly paid sphere of the economy in Belarus is the IT industry. Below are the top high-salary professions.
- IT specialist... The IT sphere in Belarus is developing very quickly. Local developers partner with the world's largest corporations to create unique mobile apps and games. Therefore, it will not be difficult for a good specialist to find a job in this area. The average salary of Belarusian developers and programmers is 3-4 thousand dollars.
- Financiers... In the first years of work, good specialists receive $ 700-800. Later, they can advance to a management position and earn double that amount.
- Dentists... The demand for this profession is always relevant. Dentists in Belarus can work in both public and private clinics. The highest salaries are for dentists from Minsk and other large cities. The salary of a specialist directly depends on his qualifications.
- Designers... This is a great profession for a creative person. The rate of a specialist largely depends on the specifics of the work. On average, designers receive $ 1,200 per month.
At the same time, it should be understood that it is quite difficult to get a job with a high salary in the Republic of Belarus. To do this, you need to have a good education and be competitive.

Well-paid professions in the world
The list of prestigious specialties that graduates should pay attention to is quite large. Therefore, everyone can choose something suitable for themselves.
Heads of companies - CEO
The position of the head of the company attracts many. A person who wants to earn a lot must be very responsible and ready to devote a lot of time to his work. The salaries of managers depend on their professionalism and the level of workload. Now it is much easier for men to succeed in this profession.
Technical project managers
Since various new technologies are constantly appearing in the world, people who coordinate various projects are in great demand. In order to become a real specialist in this field, a person must get a higher education. It takes 7 years. But the effort is worth it.

Analysts and traders
Analysts are also on the list of highly paid professions. In order to get big money for their work, specialists need to be able to quickly adapt to difficult situations and skillfully analyze the data received. Professionals can make good money both in Russia and in South Korea and Turkey. To get a job in a good company and get big money for their work, a person needs to have a higher education and a lot of experience in making forecasts.
Traders are specialists who trade various assets... In order to start in this profession, a person will need a higher economic education, as well as a document confirming his qualifications as a specialist in financial markets.
The essence of a marketer's job is in active promotion of various products. Future specialists after grade 11 should receive specialized education. A marketer's earnings are 120-140 thousand dollars a year. Most marketers make money in Australia, America and Canada.

Professional programmers get a lot both in Europe and Asia. To be successful in his profession, a person must constantly learn. The average salary of a good specialist is 160 thousand dollars a year. But there are also better paid professionals.
Civil Aviation Pilots
This profession is dangerous and difficult.... That is why pilots get good money for their activities. This position is suitable for strong and confident men who can make decisions quickly. The average salary of a good specialist with work experience is 135 thousand dollars per year.
The task of a professional recruiter is to select labor personnel for different companies. They analyze questionnaires, conduct interviews and try to find the most suitable person for the chosen place. Recruiters can work in an agency and run a private practice. To become a successful specialist in this area, a person must be a good manager and have a developed intuition.
A big plus of this profession is the possibility of rapid career growth.

In order to get big money for their work, a lawyer must get a good college education and be willing to continue to study throughout his life. The income level of such a professional depends on which company he works for.
Sales managers
This profession is interesting and very responsible. The main task of a specialist is to negotiate and sell services or goods of the company. Most of the working time, employees in this position are engaged in negotiations. Professional managers make a lot of money.

Logistics specialists
Any large company needs good and experienced logisticians. These professionals arrange for the timely delivery of various products from one place to another and their warehousing. Good professionals must be able to make the right decisions in the shortest possible time.
In addition, it is very important for representatives of this profession to be able to find a common language with people. Logistics training lasts 6 years.
This profession has been in demand for many decades in a row. Good accountants are needed by insurance agencies, tax authorities, banks and other businesses. A person with a good specialized education can receive a decent remuneration for his work both in Kazakhstan or China, and in the Czech Republic or Ukraine.
Members of this profession develop insurance rates and evaluate investments. In addition, they are studying insurance applications. Actuaries must be analytical and fluent in English. Representatives of this important profession receive about 70 thousand dollars a year.

Members of this profession are responsible for checking the financial records of companies and individuals. They also do counseling. In order to constantly increase their income, a person needs to have a good reputation and a lot of experience. The disadvantages of this profession include irregular working hours, frequent business trips, difficult employment and the need to constantly work with a lot of information.
Specialists in genetic engineering
This profession of the future is very popular and in demand. Geneticists are engaged in detailed studies of the structure of DNA, various chemical formulas and evolutionary situations. They can modify the structure of living organisms at the genetic level, making them more resistant to various viruses.
To become a genetic engineer, a person must be well versed in chemistry, physics and biology. In addition, a scientist needs to be fluent in English in order to be able to communicate with foreign colleagues and read the necessary literature in the original. Good professionals can get a job at a research institute or laboratory. The average income of such an employee is $ 90,000 a year.

Petroleum engineers
This profession is also very promising. The duties of a specialist include the search for oil and gas, as well as control over the process of their processing. Engineers can work both directly on the field and in a comfortable office. The annual salary of a good oilman in big cities is $ 90,000. Rare valuable specialists get even more.
Cryptocurrency and ICO Specialists
Representatives of this profession help enterprises to attract investments, as well as are engaged in consulting. They can choose the most suitable registration for the ICO, as well as provide all the necessary information related to the regulation of cryptocurrency by the legislation of any country.

Health care professions are also highly paid. To earn a lot in this area, a person needs to spend a lot of time learning. But the results are worth it. The list of professions that pay very well includes those presented below.
- Surgeons... In most countries, surgeons are very well paid. The training of doctors lasts 10 years. In addition, in order to "stay in good shape", they continue to master new technologies throughout their lives. The salary of a good surgeon in developed countries is 240 thousand dollars a year.
- Psychotherapists... People who specialize in identifying and treating psychiatric disorders are also highly valued in a developed society. Very often specialists, after many years of work in a state clinic, decide to open a private office. This helps them to raise their income levels.
- Gynecologists... This is another profession in demand. Both a man and a woman can become a gynecologist. The duties of doctors include managing the reception of patients, working with sick leaves and treating various diseases. Gynecologists, like other doctors, must be trained throughout their lives.

Freelance professions are also popular nowadays.
- SMM specialist. Since most people now use social networks in their work, this profession is in great demand. A good specialist can easily find work on various freelance exchanges. One person has the opportunity to conduct several simple projects at once, receiving for his work from 1000 to 5000 dollars per month.
- Arbitrazhnik traffic. Representatives of this profession are engaged in the sale of the most valuable thing on the Internet - traffic. They increase traffic to sites, communities, and sales. To get good pay for their work, a person must be stress-resistant and creative. In addition, it is important for affiliates to be able to quickly adjust to the market situation.Professionals earn between $ 2,000 and $ 10,000. Top affiliate marketers can earn significantly more income.
- Interpreter... Despite the existence of a large number of special programs, the work of a translator still remains in demand. The specialist is required to be proficient in several languages. Modern translators can work both in an agency and directly with customers. Some professionals combine regular work with additional orders. The downside of this profession is that there are many people on the market now who offer similar services. Therefore, it is quite difficult for translators to earn more than average.
- Web Designer... For work, it is desirable to have an appropriate education. But now this is no longer a mandatory requirement. The level of earnings of good web designers is 90 thousand rubles per month.
- Video editor... This profession is also quite popular. The duties of a video editor include cutting video, as well as adding various special effects and titles. The basics of the profession can be learned in 2-3 months. But in order to get big money, a specialist will have to constantly learn something new. The average salary of a professional video editor is about 80 thousand rubles. It may increase over time.
- Infobusinessmen and coaches. Professionals who share their knowledge for money determine their own income level. To make a lot, a person must provide buyers with really high-quality information. Then he will have a good reputation and it will be much easier for him to sell new products.
Summing up, we can say that representatives of different professions can make good money. Therefore, when choosing the work of your whole life, you need to take into account not only your salary, but also the characteristics of your character. After all, doing what brings pleasure, it will be much easier for a person to climb the career ladder.