Agricultural professions

In pursuit of a prestigious profession, many do not even think about the fact that they can try themselves in another industry. Agriculture today needs specialists who could work on the land, be engaged in crop production or animal husbandry. This is a separate branch of the economy, the main goal of which is to provide the population of the country with everything necessary, namely: food. It appeared long before economics and the beginning of the development of science.
People have worked on the land since time immemorial, and agricultural professions were the first to be mastered by man. There will always be a demand for them. Let's get to know them and find out which ones are currently most in demand.

Agriculture, since the "satiety" of the whole world depends on it, is developing very actively today, in some countries it is more, in some it is less. It depends on the resources, the quality of the useful soil, weather conditions and, of course, the person's desire to work on his native land.
Agricultural activity has a number of advantages and features, including:
the ability to work on the land and grow various crops with your own hands;
if you love animals, you can choose the profession of a livestock breeder or a veterinarian;
availability of jobs - there is always a need for qualified and young specialists;
career growth and the opportunity to start your own business.
Nowadays, getting an agricultural profession is not difficult.There are many different educational institutions that train specialists, provide the necessary knowledge, and most importantly, provide work at the end of their studies.
You can get a specialist diploma both in college and in a higher educational institution. It all depends on which direction you are interested in. For example, the diploma of an agronomist or veterinarian can be obtained upon graduation from a university or technical school, and the specialty of a machine operator is obtained by students of secondary specialized educational institutions.
The labor market offers a wide range of agricultural occupations, some of which are plant-based and others animal-based.

Crop-related professions
Crop production is one of the areas of agricultural activity, agrarian, which implies the cultivation of various crops on the land, such as grain, potatoes, corn, sunflowers, flax and many other fodder cereals. There is a great demand for young graduates. Let's take a closer look at each of the professions that are associated with crop production.
An agronomist is a specialist who works with plants. The main goal of his work is to obtain the maximum possible yield with minimum resource costs.
The duties of an agronomist include:
detailed study of the area for further sowing of crops;
introduction and application in the process of growing plants of various modern technologies and innovative solutions and methods that increase productivity and create excellent conditions for plants;
development of measures to combat various pests and diseases;
quality control and condition of fertile soil;
control over the work of all employees;
drawing up plans for sowing and harvesting.
Such a specialist must necessarily have leadership qualities and an analytical mindset. It is these features that will help to competently organize work and establish contact with the team.

The duty of an agricultural engineer is to control the competent and efficient use of agricultural machinery in the process of sowing and harvesting. The specialist must be able to choose the right technique and equipment for it in such a way as to increase productivity and reduce labor costs in production.
Testing machinery and equipment, automation of production and control over serviceability, maintenance of transport are also the tasks of an agricultural engineer.
The profession of oenologist is very interesting. After all, it is directly related to winemaking. Not a single grower will plant vineyards without advice and consultation with such a specialist.
At the heart of his activities:
identifying places that are ideal for planting grapes;
determination of the grape variety for cultivation;
consultation on the organization of correct and effective plant care;
assistance in the creation of a winery - it is the oenologist who advises and provides the winegrower with all the necessary information on how to choose equipment, what method of processing grapes to choose, how and when to bottle the product correctly and when, store, sell ready-made wine.
This specialist is the main link in the chain “a small grape seedling - a glass of fine sparkling wine”.

Tractor driver
In the power of this person is, probably, one of the main units that are present in agriculture - a tractor. This machine was the first in the mechanization of agriculture. It is the tractor driver who, while driving such equipment, works in the fields, cultivates and prepares the land for winter or for sowing crops.
In addition to operating the equipment, the tractor driver without fail (and this is part of his job duties) monitors the condition of his special vehicle, its performance.
Machine operator
This male profession is described very similar to the profession of a tractor driver. But, in addition to the ability to drive a tractor, the machine operator can get behind the wheel of any other agricultural machinery, for example, a combine.
Skilled machine operators are rare today. This is primarily due to the working conditions.
The point is that these people, regardless of the weather conditions, be it the heat outside or the pouring rain, must work and harvest.
But today, thanks to modern technology and progress, manufacturers of large agricultural machinery are doing everything they can to make the work of these specialists easier. For example, the harvesters are equipped with modern cabins equipped with a fan or air conditioning.

The gardening profession is directly related to the cultivation of fruit-bearing fruit trees. He determines the place of planting seedlings, draws up a schedule for watering, fertilizing, harvesting fruits.
He is also responsible for the procurement and use of drugs that help fight pests and diseases.
In addition to the above professions related to crop production, there are many others that are also in demand and honorable. Today the agricultural sector needs:
breeders working to develop new varieties of crops that would be more resistant to climate change, disease and pest attacks;
water engineers;
soil scientists;
equipment repair specialists.

List of specialties related to animal husbandry
The name "animal husbandry" means that a specialist in this area is engaged in animals. There are many different specialties in this field of activity, let's get acquainted with the most in demand of them.
Livestock technician and animal engineer
These professions are very responsible, because the main task of a livestock technician or a zoo engineer is to maintain a high-quality livestock. To achieve this goal, they must:
monitor the correct diet for birds and animals;
make a feeding schedule;
control the purchase of exactly those feeds that must be taken in the diet of his wards during this period;
control the conditions in which the animals are kept.
The zootechnician makes the habitat of animals and birds as comfortable as possible. This means that the farm must be light and warm, the troughs and drinkers must be clean, and their number must meet the requirements.

This is one of the most challenging and demanding professions in animal husbandry. It is the veterinarian, who must have deep knowledge in such sciences as physiology and anatomy of animals, who diagnoses diseases and deals with treatment. Job responsibilities:
veterinary and sanitary examination;
issuance of permits for the sale and use of agricultural products for food;
carrying out preventive measures on farms or complexes;
preventing the spread of diseases that can harm the health of not only animals, but also people.

Fish farmer
This specialization is rarely chosen, which is why we know little about it. But in fact, a fish farmer, especially in this period, when the whole world is faced with the problem of decreasing and contaminating the waters of the world's oceans, as a result of which thousands of fish species disappear, is urgently needed.
This is the specialist who, applying his knowledge, creates the right artificial reservoirs for fish breeding.
He knows how to raise fry, create aquatic ecosystems, and how to feed and breed fish.
The milkmaid collects, drains, rinses and disinfects the dairy product. Earlier, and we are well aware of this from films, milking by hand, today they use special machines.

This specialist in bees knows and perfectly masters all the subtleties of communication with them.He knows information about how the bee colony works, he can trace the hierarchy in each hive.
The beekeeper does everything possible to ensure that the life of the insects entrusted to him is comfortable, and the harvest is as large as possible.
There are other professions that are related to animal husbandry: artificial insemination operator, operator of livestock complexes, fur breeder, poultry house and many others.

What other professions are there in agriculture?
As you can see, the agricultural industry is broad and multifaceted. Here everyone can find their place and work to their liking. Absolutely all professions related to animal husbandry and crop production are in demand.
In addition to well-known professions such as a milkmaid or an agronomist, new and modern specialties are emerging today. These include:
food 3D printing engineer;
operator of mechanized agricultural machinery;
city farmer.
These are specialties of the future, not so distant. The world does not stand still, every day we hear about new technologies, methods, innovations. Science is moving forward, and very fast.
And in order for agricultural activity to keep pace with the times and not degrade, it needs young and qualified specialists, scientists, whose mental and physical labor will raise agriculture to a new level of development.