Who is a plasterer and what does he do?

In the modern construction industry, a wide variety of finishing materials are used. Each composition has certain properties necessary to achieve a specific result. To use them correctly, you need special knowledge and skills available only to specialists. One of the most demanded professions in this area is the specialty of plasterer.

History and description
Despite the fact that master plasterers are a demanded profession today, it appeared a long time ago. According to historical information, this type of activity originated in the days of Ancient Egypt, about 5 thousand years BC. The workers were engaged in leveling the surfaces of various buildings. Some examples of the work of the first plasterers have survived to our time in excellent condition.
The cement used today in construction activities dates back to the 19th century. It was obtained using the method of firing various elements. Before its appearance, other materials were used: gypsum, clay, etc.
A plasterer is a qualified employee whose main task is to decorate premises, both indoor and outdoor. During work, a specialist can use special equipment or do everything manually.
This profession gets its name from the word stucco. Translated from Italian, this means "putty". This term summarized the activity of a worker - smearing or leveling surfaces.

In Russia, the first employees in this field appeared around the 6th century BC. Mentions about them have survived in the description of the Hermonassa colony, located on the territory of the Taman Peninsula (the modern territory of the Krasnodar Territory).
The ancestors used multi-colored compounds, which are now called decorative plaster. Due to its bright color, the material fulfilled its visual and functional purpose. This fact indicates that this profession was already developed in ancient times.
Today the profession has become more multifaceted. Several construction specializations are often combined into one. This is how the plasterers-tilers and plasterers-painters appeared. This trend is rapidly gaining popularity.
Many construction companies are hiring dual-skilled workers to save money.

Profession benefits:
- a decent level of wages;
- constant need for specialists;
- the ability to run your own business;
- affordable training.
- harmful factors that negatively affect the state of health;
- danger;
- work requires physical stamina.

Ranks and duties
According to the official regulatory documents of the ETKS, professions such as painter and plasterer are two different areas that need to be separated. The painter applies paints and enamels; this is the final stage of finishing, which begins after the plasterer has finished work. The task of the wall cladding specialist is to prepare the base. According to the job description, the employee must not only level the walls, but also apply a primer.
If a specialist has a related specialty, his list of job responsibilities is significantly increased, including an extended range of works.
On the territory of Russia, there is a general classification of working specialties. It is designated by the abbreviation OKPDTR:
- to designate the position of a plasterer, the encoding 19727 is used;
- a separate code is provided for the painter - 13450;
- there is a designation of a double specialty - 19728.

The professional duties of the surface preparation worker are as follows:
- specialists are engaged in the selection, and in some cases the purchase of mixtures used in the work;
- correction of defects and flaws (cracks, chips, etc.);
- alignment of walls and other surfaces as needed;
- applying plaster;
- grinding and leveling a new layer.
If the task is performed incorrectly, all the shortcomings will become noticeable after applying whitewash or when staining.

This working specialty is divided into categories. There are 6 of them in total. The initial grade is designated by the number 2, and the 7th is considered the highest and most professional. Let's consider each option separately in more detail.
- Second grade. The entry-level specialist is usually involved in ancillary work and is supervised by a more experienced and skillful employee. For example, beginner plasterers make working mixtures, waterproofing.
- Third category. Workers at a higher level are already allowed to level the walls with simple plaster. And also they are engaged in the installation of metal mesh. Responsibilities include grinding plaster.
- Fourth grade. Having reached this level, you can use special automated tools. Such equipment is necessary to carry out large volumes of work.
- Fifth grade. A specialist, having reached this level, is engaged in a more complex type of work. In addition to high-quality processing of the walls, the master can create an expressive relief.
- Sixth grade. The professional works with different objects: columns, beams, pillars and much more. The work uses decorative compositions. Workers organize the covering of large arches, lancet domes and vaults.
- Seventh grade. Highest level of professionalism. These are the most experienced and highly qualified plasterers who have mastered this complex profession completely.

According to the professional standard, a specialist must have certain personal qualities, as well as a set of certain skills and abilities.
Personal qualities
List of personal characteristics:
- responsibility, diligence and accuracy;
- physical endurance;
- resistance to stress and patience;
- excellent memory;
- good coordination of movements;
- original and creative approach;
- accurate eye;
- sociability;
- resourcefulness;
- visual-figurative type of thinking;
- punctuality.
This is a generalized list of the qualities of a professional plasterer, according to modern employers. It is worth noting that each company may have its own list of requirements.

Knowledge and skills
In addition to the necessary personal qualities, the employee must have certain skills and knowledge. This is a difficult profession, and an employee cannot cope without mastered professional terminology and other information. The skills that are laid down in the learning process and are honed during work are also of great importance.
According to experts, a plasterer should know and be able to do a lot.
- The main skill is to perform a good leveling of a vertical or horizontal surface. The specialist must be able to work not only with walls, but also with ceilings, various facades and other objects.
- And also you can not do without general knowledge in construction topics. The worker must know what materials, tools and equipment are used in a given area, and how to handle all of this correctly.
- In some cases, a specialist needs to cover various types of surfaces that differ in texture and other characteristics.
- For the work to be done at the highest level, you need to be able to correct all the shortcomings.
- The list of skills included in the professional standard includes sealing of seams.
- If large cracks are found, you need to be able to correctly install the beacon and monitor this device during operation.
- The building materials market is represented in a wide variety of materials. New products are constantly appearing on store shelves, and in order to choose the best composition, you need to understand the assortment.
- A high-level specialist must be able to control the work of novice employees. It is necessary not only to follow them, but also to be able to correctly set the task and answer all questions regarding their activities.
- In the process of work, you cannot do without special tools and equipment. Professional workers know how not only to handle them correctly, but also to carry out simple repairs, if necessary.
Note: when it comes to a related profession, the list of skills and abilities expands significantly. For example, a painter-plasterer must be able to prepare the coloring composition, as well as evenly and accurately apply it to the surface.

In this case, artistic taste and the ability to distinguish a wide variety of shades will also come in handy.
Given the growing popularity of this profession, many are wondering where they can learn this specialty.
There are two options for getting the coveted profession.
Educational institution
The most common and easiest way is to go to college or technical school. As a rule, such educational institutions are found both in large cities and in small towns. The main advantage of this method is the ability to get a specialty for free if you enroll on a budget. The approximate term of study is 3 years. You can become a student after grades 9 or 11 of a general educational institution.
In the learning process, educators provide the necessary foundation in order to start a career in the chosen field. On the basis of the technical school, materials science and other disciplines that a future specialist will need are taught. At the end of the training, many students undergo practical training with the possibility of further employment.

Training and work
The second option is to start working right away. Some companies may hire a beginner who has acquired basic skills on their own. In this case, you can apply for the vacancy of an apprentice or plasterer's assistant.
It is not worth counting on high wages, but in this case, you can quickly get work skills and start earning.
Everyone chooses an option depending on their capabilities and preferences. When choosing to study at a college or technical school, you can get two specialties at once. On the territory of Russia, an educational institution for the relevant specialty can be found in almost any city. If we focus on the second method of obtaining a working profession, the main bias is towards practice.

The main working activity of the plasterer is the construction industry. This industry is always at the peak of activity, especially given the rapid pace of development of large cities. And also you cannot do without a skilled plasterer during a major overhaul. Some specialists work for a long time in the state with other employees. Others have chosen to work for themselves.
Some specialists work abroad. The work format can be different. As a rule, this is a design work. It can last for several months or years, depending on the scale and funding. Large companies enter into long-term contracts and provide employees with excellent working conditions, including comfortable accommodation, food, medical care and other services.
As noted, there are many related professions in construction. However, a plasterer, a plasterer, a painter and other specialists work on the same territory.

How much does he earn?
When choosing a profession, one of the decisive factors is the level of wages.
As in many other professions, a worker's salary will depend on several factors:
- place of residence;
- work experience (rank and qualifications);
- the scale of the object;
- terms of performance of work;
- work format and complexity.
On the territory of Russia, the minimum wage for this position is 15 thousand rubles. The maximum level reaches 150 thousand rubles per month. Such earnings are offered by large companies in big cities. The average level varies from 60 to 75 thousand rubles per month.

Many experienced workers organize their own construction crews and set their own prices for the services provided.