How many professions are there in the world?

Unlike other eras, our time is best suited for those who want to change their profession. Perhaps this was due to the acceleration of the globalization process, contributing to the growth of the number of professions. The latter are mixed with each other, divided into different subspecies, and sometimes combined. There are many reasons for this: it is the development of technology, and the change in relations in society, and modern requirements. About how many professions there are now, as well as the most popular of them, read this article.

How many professions are there on Earth?
According to unofficial data, there are about 40 thousand different professions in the world. It is important to understand that the concept of "profession" includes "specialization". It so happens that some professions may include up to 100 units of specializations. Of all these specialties surgeons, managers and analysts earn the most in the world... This number also includes IT professionals, sales representatives and dentists.
Separately, it is necessary to note the military sphere of activity, because almost every state needs to replenish the ranks of the troops. Thus, professions from this area always remain relevant.
How many are there in Russia?
According to ETKS, in Russia today there are about 7 thousand unique names of professions... However, by visiting popular job search sites, on average, you can find only 2.5 thousand unique job titles. Among them, the highest paid are the positions of a financier, an employee of an insurance agency, an oilman, a dentist, an astronaut, a pilot, a marketer, and communications and information workers. Still, the most in-demand specialists in Russia are now IT-programmers, engineers, teachers and medical workers.

Most popular specialties
Recently, creative specialties have become very popular among applicants. According to students, the positions of director, designer, architect, artist, theater and film actor not only provide a huge field for activity, but can also guarantee a high level of earnings. Another category of demanded specialties among applicants is various technical branches, including IT technologies, mathematics, geology.
Natural sciences are also popular: chemistry, biology, microbiology, ecology and others. They began to show interest in them due to the popularization of science. But the popularity of such specialties as economics, management and the like, as well as medicine and pedagogy, began to decline. The latter is generally in low demand. The same cannot be said about the professions from the field of beauty: beauticians, manicurists, hairdressers and others.
In conclusion, it should be noted that all of the ratings above are generic... They do not consider specific cases of success of individual giant companies, but are aimed at mid-sized professionals. When choosing a profession, you need to be based not only on interest, because assessing your own potential is also important. Simply put, a person must have some inclinations or skills that in the future will help him realize himself in this area.