All about the rig service locksmith

The oil industry is one of the most important, if not in the modern world, then in Russia. And therefore it is very important to know exactly who is working in this area. Let's talk about the peculiarities of the profession and the duties of a mechanic for servicing drilling rigs.
Knowledge and skills
This employee at Level 4 or 5 should be prepared to work with:
- drilling systems in general and their individual units;
- sets of mechanisms lowering and raising the tool;
- blowout preventers and systems for their installation;
- pneumatic control systems, their blockers;
- drilling automatic keys;
- winches;
- cranes of various systems;
- instrumentation devices.
Rig service technicians need to know a lot to be assigned grade 4 or 5. In particular, they must understand the design of drilling equipment and accessories.

They also need clearly understand the optimal sequence of technological manipulations and the organization of the workflow for various works. In addition, you will have to study:
- basic standards for the operation of drilling equipment;
- the composition of materials, parts and tools used for repair;
- ways to identify worn parts;
- principles of static and dynamic balancing of various systems;
- methods of dealing with wear and tear of equipment;
- basic information on drilling technologies for oil and gas, as well as in mixed oil and gas fields;
- goals, practical procedure and technology of maintenance;
- purpose and main types of lubricating oils used by drillers;
- principles of rational organization of labor;
- actual methods and techniques of work;
- consumption rates of various materials;
- requirements for the work performed;
- the main types of marriage and the reasons for its appearance;
- methods of eliminating marriage;
- fire safety standards;
- environmental standards.

Drilling locksmith directly participates in running casing strings and other systems at the wellhead. His involved in the assembly and installation of wellhead and fountain devices... Installation and dismantling of the drilling rig itself will not do without a locksmith. His responsibilities will also be:
- keeping the workplace in perfect order;
- saving electricity and fuels and lubricants;
- applying the most appropriate working methods;
- compliance with labor protection standards, electrical and fire safety standards;
- compliance with the requirements of industrial sanitation and labor hygiene.
More specifically, the requirements are prescribed in job descriptions... It points out that drilling industry locksmiths may be involved in some overtime work. These specialists are always present when commissioning new or repaired equipment.
They have to work with the means of small-scale mechanization and with instrumentation, and therefore, take into account the nuances of using such devices.

Working as a mechanic for the maintenance of drilling rigs and equipment for them imposes a number of specific requirements for employees. They should be as careful, careful and precise as possible. Also play a huge role the quality of hearing and vision. But since a locksmith is also a physical job, such a person must be strong and enduring.
Good professional:
- resourceful and proactive;
- distinguished by an accurate eye;
- possesses a technical mindset;
- has a developed spatial imagination.
At the same time, high requirements are imposed on the health of candidates. A person with:
- impaired musculoskeletal function;
- neuropsychic abnormalities;
- pathologies that can provoke loss of consciousness;
- reduced level of vision and hearing;
- respiratory abnormalities;
- digestive and hormonal ailments.

You can get a document certifying the authority of a locksmith for servicing grade 6 drilling in various educational institutions. Preparation for this specialization includes a fairly extensive theoretical and practical program. The course in many places is built individually, taking into account the existing knowledge of the candidate. You can study at:
- ANO DPO "Complex training center for retraining of personnel";
- the training center "Academy" (operating in many cities of the country);
- training center "StroyBusinessConsult" (also having many branches);
- training center "Profdirect" (Omsk);
- the multidisciplinary center "Phoenix";
- ANO DPO training center "Gas-Oil".
You should also pay attention to:
- Oil College of Nizhnevartovsk;
- Multidisciplinary College of Industrial University (Tyumen);
- Orenburg Oil Prospecting College.

Where does it work?
Drilling Rig Service Locksmith finds work mainly in companies engaged in oil and gas production. But with a good level of training and solid experience, he will also be hired by individual industrial enterprises. True, in many cases, retraining or even retraining of a specialist is needed. It is worth considering that most of these specialists still associate themselves with the oil and gas industry. And they have to work mainly on a rotational basis.
Locksmiths are also expected when drilling on:
- thermal waters;
- iodine-bromine waters;
- geological exploration;
- ordinary drinking water;
- hydrogen;
- some other minerals;
- research sites.