Locksmith for the repair of rolling stock

If you are attracted to working professions, then you should pay attention to the position locksmith for the repair of rolling stock... This specialty will attract young people interested in technical disciplines.
Pros and cons of the profession
Working on the railroad is associated with a high level of responsibility. Accordingly, those people who are attracted to this type of activity should have an appropriate level of educational background, a large amount of theoretical knowledge, as well as practical skills. The most important figure on the railway is a rolling stock repairman, as he is engaged in servicing various vehicles necessary for the transport of goods and passengers. In the course of performing his work tasks, the employee determines the presence of defects and malfunctions, and also carries out preventive work and adjustment.
The advantages of the profession include:
- relevance and relevance;
- high earnings.
- great responsibility;
- difficult working conditions.
Before you decide to get such a profession, it is very important to study all the pros and cons so as not to regret your choice in the future.

Requirements for employees
A rolling stock repairman is a person who performs a very important job. That is why employers put forward increased requirements for repairmen.
Personal qualities
In the work of a rolling stock locksmith, an important role is played not only by professional skills and abilities, but also by the personal characteristics of a specialist. In order for a person to be able to efficiently perform their work tasks, he must have:
- good physical fitness;
- endurance;
- good vision;
- developed memory;
- Analytical mind;
- a tendency to think logically;
- developed imagination;
- attention to detail, etc.
When describing a job, employers often indicate quality data.

Education and experience
First of all, it should be said that the position of a locksmith for the repair of rolling stock cannot be obtained without the presence of a diploma of relevant education. In addition, an important role is played by work experience (in the process of employment, employers will give preference to those candidates who previously worked in their specialty). However, not only formal features matter. The employer can also check the availability of professional knowledge and skills, namely:
- knowledge of the technical features of devices;
- the ability to carry out repair and commissioning work;
- knowledge of existing methods of testing equipment, as well as the ability to apply these methods in practice;
- safety precautions, etc.
Responsibilities for different grades
The locksmith carries out his professional activities in accordance with official documents. These include job descriptions, professional standards, a unified tariff and qualification reference book of jobs and professions of workers (or ETKS), internal documentation of the enterprise, etc. It is important to note: even though the above documents are standardized, each employer can change and supplement them depending on their needs.
In general, the duties of a specialist in the maintenance of wagons and locomotives depend on the category he has.

Specialists who have the first category perform fairly simple functions:
- driving the thread on the fastening elements;
- cleaning of various components;
- cutting and filing of elements;
- lubrication of components;
- sharpening of specialized professional tools, etc.
Accordingly, in order to fulfill all these tasks, a specialist must know the basics of locksmithing.
Such a locksmith is a more qualified employee, therefore he is able to perform more complex tasks:
- work with elements of 12-14 grades;
- creation of simple parts;
- assembly and disassembly of simple units;
- drilling holes using special equipment;
- slipping of the shafts of crankshaft locomotives, etc.
The obligatory knowledge and skills of such a professional include work skill and theoretical knowledge of various locksmith tools and devices.

If an employee has the third grade, then he is entrusted with the implementation of the following tasks:
- work with details for 11–12 grades;
- removal and installation of beams, carriage bogies, pantograph sleeves;
- checking the correct operation of pneumatic equipment;
- adjustment of devices and mechanisms;
- inspection and refueling of journal-boxes on sleeve bearings, etc.
In order for the locksmith to be able to carry out his work tasks with high quality, he must be familiar with the rules for adjusting and testing specialized devices and mechanisms.
Workers who have received the fourth grade are engaged in:
- repairing shock absorbers, fans and heaters;
- disassembly of wheel-motor units;
- checking the operation of axle boxes on rolling bearings;
- installation of o-rings for pistons, etc.
The locksmith must have knowledge in the field of designation of structures, as well as methods and methods of disassembly and assembly of the main parts of repaired objects rolling stock.

The holder of the fifth category, in the course of performing his work tasks, is engaged in:
- alignment of additional elements of diesel locomotives;
- checking blocks and crankcases of a diesel engine;
- installation of anti-vibrators;
- checking the correct functioning of the traction gears;
- pressing bushings, etc.
At the same time, it is important that a professional has specialized knowledge in the field of design features and functional purpose of various assemblies and mechanisms.
A locksmith who has upgraded his qualifications to the sixth grade should be able to:
- carry out repair and adjustment of automatic couplers;
- center the diesel installation;
- rub the spools;
- to establish parallels of steam locomotives;
- repair vertical gears, etc.
A sixth-grade locksmith must have theoretical knowledge of methods for checking the assembly of a complex of assemblies and assembly groups of an object to be repaired.

The duties of a specialist of the seventh category include:
- diagnostic, preventive and testing work;
- balancing the turbocharger rotor;
- adjustment of control automation;
- adjustment of main bearings;
- checking the correct operation of hydraulic systems, etc.
In order to accurately perform the listed (as well as additional) work tasks, the specialist must know and understand in detail the features of the equipment device.
This category is considered the highest, respectively, the specialist who possesses it can perform the most difficult and complex tasks, namely:
- repair complex assemblies and structural parts;
- tune electronic equipment;
- troubleshoot problems during the use of rolling stock;
- run in wheel-motor blocks;
- test live subway cars, etc.
The mandatory requirements for an employee of the eighth category include the presence theoretical knowledge of the device, as well as the series of vehicles used.

Prestige and job prospects
The position of a locksmith is prestigious, since highly qualified specialists can receive a fairly large salary, the amount of which depends on the region of residence, level of education, experience and specific place of work.
Most often, these specialists work in railway depots. At the same time, with an increase in the category, they can expect to receive higher positions (for example, the head of a department responsible for labor protection or even the head of an enterprise).
Where to study?
Training in the specialty takes place in secondary vocational educational institutions, where you can go after the end of the 9th grade. At the same time, it is recommended to give preference to specialized railway technical schools and colleges. In advance, it is worth keeping in mind the fact that the learning process itself is quite complex, since it is associated with the acquisition of a large amount of theoretical knowledge and practical skills of a technical nature. The average duration of study is 3 years.
However, after receiving basic education, a rolling stock repairman must constantly replenish his knowledge and improve his qualifications. Only in this case will he remain a demanded and relevant specialist in the labor market.