About the profession SMM-marketer

Today, with the rapid development of Internet technologies, many interesting remote professions have appeared on the job market. Especially a lot of narrow specialists are required due to the fact that social networks have turned into platforms for working with clients. Many companies need services to promote their interests on these sites. An SMM marketer can help them with this.

Features of the profession
Social media marketing (SMM) is translated from English as “social media marketing”. In simple words, this is the promotion of a company in the media through the formation of its positive image. And a specialist who attracts traffic from social networks for a company is called an SMM marketer. He is responsible for all work with content, communications and traffic. Its slogan says that it is possible to buy advertising, but customer confidence is not.
The manager has two main tasks: it is to attract the user and keep him. Namely, with the help of a large number of tools, he must gather the target audience around the brand, expand its reach and increase profits.
The responsibilities of an SMM specialist include:
- analysis and study of your target audience (target audience), it is important to know everything: age, interests, gender, social status and preferences;
- drawing up a content plan for a month;
- filling with interesting and high-quality content (there must be intrigue in the texts, which must interest the client);
- creating and promoting a group, public or account;
- communication with users, bloggers, web writers and other freelancers;
- increase in community members;
- the introduction of games, quizzes, polls and contests in social networks to stimulate interest;
- setting up advertising and searching for a site for its placement;
- constant search for additional ways to promote.
The use of special programs greatly facilitates the work (Bitly, Popsters, Curalate, Tailwind, Viralheat, etc.), helping to track various indicators, as well as services for deferred posting and publication scheduling (Feedman, Time2Post, smmbox, smmplanner).
From what point to start work, the marketer decides for himself. The main thing is to keep your finger on the pulse, check analytics and change strategies.

Who is it for?
This profession requires some personal and professional qualities. Great for those who are different:
- good literacy;
- analytical mindset;
- sociability;
- creative thinking;
- patience and respect for the user.
And also familiar with:
- marketing;
- graphic editors and rules for writing texts;
- the basics of psychology;
- tools and web services to make your work easier.
In addition, a good SMM-specialist should be distinguished by high stress resistance and the ability to competently express his thoughts.

Advantages and disadvantages of the profession
The profession of an SMM marketer has many advantages, such as:
- the ability to work outside the office;
- high level of earnings;
- work with an already prepared user (social networks are constantly working on the formation of the target audience);
- a wide range of tools designed for audials, visuals and generalists;
- quick response (you can always contact the client online);
- independence in work.
Despite the popularity of the specialty and its many advantages, there are also disadvantages. It:
- narrow focus (not all goods or services can be promoted in social networks);
- the impossibility of predicting the payback time (conversion is characterized by a wavy curve);
- at the initial stage, investments are required: to pay for the services of specialists for analytics, preparation of advertising, copywriters;
- constant search for partners (it is necessary to expand the audience by all means);
- irregular working day (most of the day you have to be in touch).

How much can you earn?
The profession of an SMM marketer is one of the highest paid specialties... In order to succeed and find a good job, you need to have a well-written portfolio with several presented successful cases... Income depends on the number of tasks that the manager solves. For example, an SMM manager who is responsible only for the content part of the project can count on a salary of 15,000 rubles per month. And if he promotes an account in three social networks, then the earnings will already be 25-30 thousand rubles. Comprehensive promotion of one project will cost more - from 25,000 rubles.
In general, the payment for the services of an SMM specialist depends on the advertising costs. For an average marketer, it is usually 10-15% of the budget. And also the salary depends on the level of professionalism. Significantly higher income involves opening your own agency.
A good messaging manager, after experience of teamwork, is quite capable of accomplishing this task. True, responsibility and duties will also increase.

How to become an SMM marketer?
There are no special educational institutions teaching this profession... But you can gain knowledge by taking courses or seminars. However, having a diploma and certificates is not the main thing in employment. Work experience and skills are important, as well as the desire for continuous self-education. This requires:
- read relevant literature (CEO, copywriting, advertising, marketing), for example: the books "Write and Cut" by M. Ilyakhov, "Marketing in Social Networks" by D. Khalilov, "Profitability of Influence" by M. Schaefer;
- get acquainted with various videos on this topic - there is a lot of free information on youtube;
- attend master classes where you can talk directly with an expert in your field;
- follow publics, blogs, websites of relevant topics - there you can meet a large number of colleagues, and information on them is updated much faster than books.
It is important to have not only theoretical knowledge, but also skills. There are several ways to gain experience. It:
- come up with a group for social networks and promote it;
- offer help in creating business communities to friends;
- work as a trainee in an agency or as an assistant to an experienced specialist - such a mentor can be found in thematic communities, groups.

An excellent article, I read a lot of smart and useful things for myself.
I think that the necessity and usefulness of this profession is too exaggerated!)