All about social professions

If you dream of devoting your professional activity to helping people and society as a whole, then modern professions of a social profile are suitable for you to achieve this goal. Social work includes the field of medicine, legal protection, educational activities, psychological assistance and a range of rehabilitation activities.
The range of social professions has expanded over the past 5-6, and therefore new, previously unknown specialties have appeared. For example, such as social expert, gerontologist, social engineer and so on.

What does this mean and who is it suitable for?
Social professions refer to a field that focuses on a person or society. Such work requires a certain temperament and stress resistance. The essence of professions in a broad sense boils down to providing assistance, support, protection, as well as adaptation, rehabilitation or correction. Based on the main tasks, it is customary to subdivide work with people into humanitarian and economic areas. The humanitarian professions include activities:
- psychologists;
- sociologists;
- ethnographers;
- political scientists;
- journalists;
- teachers;
- rehabilitation therapists.

In the field of economics work:
- accountants;
- economists;
- managers;
- marketers.
To work, you must have such character traits as benevolence and communication, sensitivity, purposefulness, and have a high degree of psychological stability and efficiency.
Often, while working, a social worker is confronted face to face with the heartlessness of officials, tactless behavior of people, unfair accusations and exaggerated demands.

Main responsibilities
A person working in the field of social services is a specialist whose activities are related to serving the population. His responsibilities may include:
- assistance to retirees;
- people with disabilities;
- underage children left without parents;
- other people who need help from the community.
The workflow may include helping to deliver food or medicine to your home, taking preventive or corrective measures in socially disadvantaged families, helping people with disabilities in rehabilitation, and so on. The main goal of this work is not only to improve the quality of life of citizens who have fallen into difficult life circumstances, but also their legal protection and guardianship provided by the state.

Profession overview
Important and necessary aspects of work related to social and cultural activities are recognized as necessary in society, and today their importance is undeniable, therefore, the organization of social security is gaining its activity in our state every year.
The specificity of the modern world order is such that the expansion of interethnic borders and an increase in the life expectancy of people leads to the need to establish communication between society and the state. The construction of such connections occurs through the mediation of social services, which have to work with the population, adapting people to the rapidly changing conditions of modern life. In addition, the description of many professions of this type is focused on individual work with an individual, and not just with society as a whole. These professions include, for example, a psychologist, a gerontologist, and a rehabilitation therapist.
Many professions in the social sphere have appeared quite recently and have not yet received wide recognition, but there are also those that have existed for more than a dozen years:
Social worker
The functionality of this profession implies serving the population - disabled people, pensioners, orphans, as well as other socially unprotected segments of our society. According to the job description, the duties of such a specialist include providing assistance to citizens at their place of residence., this may and may include the delivery of groceries, medicines, the organization of medical care, counseling, and custody.

Specialist of the guardianship and guardianship authority
The essence of the work of this specialist is to protect the rights of citizens who find themselves in difficult life circumstances. Besides, a social worker can carry out advisory work and stands guard over the interests of children or disabled citizens, preventing any legal violations in relation to this category of persons. The specialist of the guardianship authorities implements special programs that improve the quality of life of people under the protection and guardianship of the state, and also performs the functions of overseeing the guardians and their wards.

Social teacher
The main task of such a teacher is work related to the adaptation of adolescents and young children in society, the formation of their social communication skills, interaction with society, family, and peers. The specialist can advise parents on the integration of an adopted child into a new family or on the principles of raising children by their parents. The teacher is obliged to timely see the violations of social communication skills in the child and take measures to correct the situation.

Social engineer
The profession is the prototype of science that studies the behavior of people in emergency and non-standard situations. The principles of sociology and psychology are successfully combined here, allowing to study the so-called human factor and its manifestation in social life. The direction of social engineering is considered young, but quite promising, since all the necessary studies of human society are carried out on the basis of social engineering and work standards for all social services are determined.

A specialist who examines the structure of society and the processes taking place in it from a social point of view. The main task of a sociologist is to determine the mood of the public in the current moment in order to predict the further behavior of people in certain situations. Science, called applied sociology, cooperates not only with government agencies, but also with public organizations, as well as with private business.
Orders for sociological research often contribute to the fact that scientists discover certain phenomena, thereby developing the science of sociology.

Migrant adaptation specialist
Our country actively attracts labor migrants from near and far abroad to perform various types of work. To make the adaptation of such people in our society as favorable as possible, a specialist in social service provides assistance in this matter. In Russia, a constant increase in the number of labor migrants is predicted, so the profession will gain its relevance and demand.

A specialist in this profession analyzes the dynamics of growth and decline in the population of our country, and also makes forecasts in the long and short term on these issues. The results of demographic studies are needed in economics, in medicine, as well as for planning the budget of social security, including the pension fund. The demographer's job is to research and collect statistical material for analysis.

A relatively new profession in our country, the tasks of which are the study of aging processes and work with the elderly. The goal of the gerontologist is to help the elderly to adapt to the changes in the aging body. The gerontologist can conduct scientific and educational work and advise on hygiene, disease prevention, covers issues related to the provision of self-care, nutrition, as well as mental and physical activity of an elderly person. The specialist fulfills the task assigned to him to improve the quality and extend the life of people of retirement age.

Mediator of social conflicts
A new developing profession based on conflict management. This specialist is intended to become a mediator between two conflicting social parties. Conflicts in society can occur on the basis of religious beliefs, differences in national mentality, cultures, as well as in view of the property or territorial claims of the parties. With the stratification of society and the growth of social tension, the profession will gain its relevance.

Specialist in adaptation of people with disabilities via the Internet
A promising profession of the future, which will be relevant in Russia in the near future. The essence of the activity of such a specialist will be in the use of computer technologies developed for the rehabilitation of disabled people. Such technologies will be focused on training, job search, consultations on various issues - all this can be done remotely, via the Internet.

Social expert
In our country, social expertise is one of the conditions for making decisions in the field of investment and employment policy. Assessment of the capacity of the labor market, as well as the study of labor and social relations, allows you to comply with legal norms when creating legislative projects.
Social expertise is also in demand in medicine, when assessing the needs of the examined person with functional disorders of organs and systems, when determining his need for social assistance and support from the state. The profession is in demand today, since the decision of an independent social expert is required to solve certain problems.
The above professions are currently relevant in our country and every year their need becomes more and more obvious.

Teaching and perspectives
Due to the growing popularity of social professions, it has become possible to acquire a humanitarian profile in almost any university in the country. Pedagogical, economic, as well as medical universities are ready to give applicants a wide choice of different specialties:
- St. Petersburg, State University of Culture - offers training in the Psychology of Interethnic Relations;
- Moscow, State Psychological and Pedagogical University - there is a faculty of social communications, where you can get training in the direction of social work and work with youth;
- Arkhangelsk, Northern State Medical University - an educational institution specializing in training specialists for performing medical and social work with the population;
- Moscow, State University. Lomonosov - offers training in the profile of "Conflictology", "Psychology and pedagogy of deviant behavior", "Social demography";
- St. Petersburg, State Pedagogical University named after Herzen - at the university you can get the profession of a psychologist, social teacher, social worker of high qualifications.
It is worth noting that any profession related to the social sphere has undeniable advantages, the main of which is that a specialist has the opportunity to carry out versatile and interesting work related to people. Such perspectives help to significantly expand their horizons, acquire communication skills and ensure the realization of the individual in service to society.
Such advantages begin to manifest themselves even at the stage of study at the university, and with the transition to practical activities, skills are honed and their range expands.

The salary
Do not think that wages in the social sphere will be minimal. Of course, a beginner specialist will not receive a high salary, but with experience comes a higher remuneration for work. The average earnings of a social worker or teacher is 18,000-20,000 rubles. Sociologists earn a little more - 25,000-28,000 rubles, while gerontologists have a remuneration of 30,000 rubles.
The most promising in terms of payment are the professions of a specialist in the adaptation of migrants (from 40,000 rubles) and a demographer, earning 43,000 rubles. A social engineer can claim a salary of 45,000 rubles, and a mediator of social conflicts is valued most in the labor market - his earnings can be 50,000-60,000 rubles.