What professions are people involved in mapping?

Probably many ignorant people will find it strange the statement about the need for maps of the area. It would seem, why, if there are GPS navigators - turn it on and use it. However, in fact, one cannot do without a map in many spheres of human life.

Among the well-known features of the profession of a cartographer there is the main, unique one - the display of the volumetric relief of the surface on the plane. Apart from this, there are several other parameters that make this profession special.
- Cartography is divided into two types: theoretical and applied science. Theoretical cartography is the search for ways and methods of transferring the relief of the planetary surface (not necessarily the earth's) to the plane, taking into account the typology. It used to be paper, now electronic versions in digital format are in great demand. The applied form implies work in the field - data collection using ground, space, aerial surveys. Drawing up maps based on the information received. In work with ground surveys, devices such as theodolite (distance determination), level (height measurement) are used.
- All obtained data form a single basis - a geographic information system GISsupplemented with data from around the world used by map compilers.
On a note! Historians believe that the prototypes of cards appeared almost simultaneously with a person's ability to draw. It was then that the ancient people began to schematically depict the area familiar to them. One of the first, closest to modern maps, is the Babylonian fresco dating back to the 7th century BC.

Cartography includes a whole list of maps, the compilation of which is included in the range of its capabilities and responsibilities. They are different in scale and content.
- Geographic Maps.
- Soil maps show the structure and composition of the soil.
- Political - the location of countries, regions, districts.
- Physical - displays and accurately indicates the depth and height of rivers, mountains, and so on.
- Climatic - indicating the climatic features of the area.
- Economic, showing the nuances of the economy of certain areas.
- Geological - the results of exploration expeditions with the application of data on minerals, the structure of the earth's interior, etc.
- Zoological - maps showing the habitats of birds and animals. This section also includes highly specialized schemes indicating flora and entomological data.
- Historical, which marked significant events of past years and even centuries.
- Military - this species is characterized by an accurate indication of certain locations with their coordinates and much more.
Drawing up some types of maps requires teamwork with people from other professions - historians, biologists, military specialists. The modern world places tough conditions on cartographers. Electronic versions are becoming more and more popular and in demand. A striking example of this is Yandex and Google maps. Users receive information not only of a geographic nature, but also other information, for example, reference data. To create circuits of this type, special computer programs are used, and therefore, programmers are attracted.

Electronic cartography has made human life much more comfortable. It is the basis for the operation of such navigation systems as "Glonass", "Magellan", GPS. Thanks to digital versions, all drivers use navigators, which makes it much easier for them to drive, for example, in unfamiliar cities. Interactive maps are online work, which makes it possible to study a specific area.
In summing up the review of the characteristics of the profession, one might say - a cartographer, this is a collection of a lot of knowledge, a penchant for the exact sciences, excellent health, flexibility of the intellect, painstaking and patience. Jobs for people of such an unusual profession are:
- geological prospecting institutions;
- organizations that issue electronic and online cards;
- research institutes related to the study of space, seas, oceans;
- cartographic companies that produce maps, but? tlases, globes;
- design bureaus, whose responsibility includes the development of special equipment for various types of surveys - from ground to space.
For reference! Science owes its name to the Greek words chartes and grapho. The first means "scroll" or "papyrus", the second means "to draw, to depict". This is the shortest and most capacious concept of what a cartographer does.

Requirements for the profession
Another feature of the profession is health requirements. This applies to both theorists and practitioners. After all, some have to work "in the field" where they are not immune from extreme conditions, and the second will have to work hard at the table.
- Working in the mountains, forests - difficult rough terrain, thin air at altitude, unpredictable weather conditions - all this is impossible for a person with poor health to withstand.
- Frequent business trips, long-term living in tents are stressful for the body, so the requirements for an office worker and practice are completely different.
For theoretical work, perseverance, accuracy in execution, good eyesight and patience in transferring details are important.
Required skills
A professional mapping specialist must necessarily have:
- skills for hand-drawing accurate geographic, physical, economic and other maps;
- ability for spatial vision;
- knowledge of mathematics, computer science, necessary to carry out complex calculations, transferring the results of satellite and aerial surveys requires an analytical mindset;
- the ability to correctly read images from space and aerial surveys;
- skills in using the acquired topographic and geodetic knowledge;
- possession of a high level of PC and various programs.
The ability to use any kind of technique developed for professions in this area is also imperative for a cartographer, even if he considers himself a theoretician. At the very least, this broadens the professional horizons, at the maximum, it gives a deep understanding of the data obtained with the help of these devices.

Advantages and disadvantages
People who have made mapping their profession receive such an important advantage as participation in scientific research of planetary objects of all kinds. Some become involved in the preparation of maps, which are subsequently used by many people. They have access to complete immersion in science, satisfaction of professional interests and simple human curiosity about the structure of the earth.
For others, this is an opportunity to participate in expeditions, to feel the romance of distant paths, unknown and never traveled by anyone before. It may seem to many that mapping is an unpopular and unclaimed profession, but this is not at all the case. Experienced cartographers are required:
- in IT companies;
- in institutes and academies;
- in some media, "Roskartografiya";
- in all large construction companies;
- in industries related to the release of all types of cards.
Disadvantages include increased health risks during expeditions. Sometimes work takes place in places devoid of human presence for hundreds of kilometers. Frequent business trips, sometimes long ones, can negatively affect your personal life.

Profession overview
There are several activities related to cartography. Let's list some of them.
- Synoptic. It is they who, using data received from meteorologists, compose synoptic maps. Today it is an electronic format. A description of the weather in the nearest time interval is applied to geographical maps. As a rule, a synoptic chart covers significant areas, which makes it possible to see the weather even from a continental perspective.
- Climatologist. Despite the fact that the profession is very far from mapping, nevertheless, climatologists always rely on maps in their work, as they study long-term weather changes on a planetary and local scale. Subsequently, they also plot the results of their research on climate maps.
- Surveyor. A specialist who determines the height and coordinates of points of the studied surface of the earth. On the basis of the data obtained, schemes, plans, maps are drawn up.
- Topographer. Responsibilities include measuring the earth's surface, surveying the area and orientation, displaying the results obtained on maps and topographic plans.
I must say that maps are used today in all spheres of life, therefore their compilers are in demand in the labor market, especially a cartographer with good qualifications and level of training.

To obtain a profession, it is not necessary to enroll in higher educational institutions. This is taught in colleges and technical schools, issuing:
- technicians-cartographers;
- surveyor technicians;
- topographers and so on.
One of the best is the technical school of geodesy and cartography in St. Petersburg. If the student wishes to continue his studies at the university, then good academic performance will allow him to transfer after the second or third year. The list of the best preparatory higher educational institutions in this area includes:
- VKA them. A. F. Mozhaisky;
- Lomonosov Moscow State University;
- Moscow State University N.P. Ogareva in Saransk.
- State University of St. Petersburg;
- MIIGAiK is a state university in Moscow.
You can get this profession in other universities, where there are geographical faculties.
The salary
The salary of a cartographer in the second half of 2020 has a small spread depending on the region, the employer company. But on average, these are:
- from 20 to 80 thousand in the regions;
- from 40 to 120 thousand rubles in Moscow.
The article tells about the features of the specialty, its advantages and disadvantages, about what qualities you need to possess in order to work in this area. Perhaps it will help someone to orient themselves in the choice of a profession.