All about the lifeguard profession

There are professions that are difficult to call professions. Rather, it is a lifestyle and state of mind. These include the profession of a rescuer. On the one hand, these are highly qualified specialists with knowledge in various fields and very valuable professional skills. On the other hand, these are people with a special temperament and worldview. Not everyone can be a lifesaver. For those who are just planning to set foot on this path, it will be important to learn everything about this profession.
Rescuer EMERCOM of Russia is a very voluminous concept that includes a variety of activities. The peculiarities of this work are that a person must be able to provide all possible types of assistance in a variety of conditions and in the event of any emergency.
These are high-class specialists with excellent physical fitness and extensive experience in extreme conditions. They are the elite in this area. Their specialty includes many areas.
But there are more narrow areas that include different types of activities. For example, mountain rescuers are well-versed in the mountains, they constantly train in the mountains, respectively, they go to the aid of those who disappeared in such an area or fell into a trap, a blockage. Military rescuers are ready to deal with the consequences of emergencies and evacuate people in case of unforeseen and life-threatening situations at strategically important facilities. They can also help civilians in the event of hostilities.

Water rescuers are becoming more active in diving because, sadly, they have to work at the bottom of water bodies to retrieve the bodies of dead people. Of course, it is often possible to save people on the water thanks to a quick reaction and excellent preparation. Often, EMERCOM specialists work on water bodies in close cooperation with GIMS (State Inspection of Small Vessels), which has boats, boats with sailors.
Beach lifeguards are essential in the summer, especially in resort towns. On the Black Sea coast in summer, a considerable number of people, including children, drown by negligence. Some lives can be saved only due to the fact that rescuers are vigilantly watching the rest and controlling the situation on the water.
Besides, there are rescuers both in the fire brigade and in the gas service, which are indispensable for fires and gas explosions. Rescuers should know the basics of first aid and be able to help the victim before an ambulance arrives. It is very important. Often it depends on their first actions whether it will be possible to save a person in the future.
Our rescuers work in any part of Russia, they go wherever their help is needed. They also often go to help other countries.

Rescuer Day in our country is celebrated on December 27. It was on this day In 1990, a decree of the Council of Ministers of the Russian Federation was signed on the creation of a corps of Russian rescuers. Since then, the most courageous and courageous people of Russia celebrate their holiday on this day, many of whom need help in a variety of situations.
In 1991, this structure was transformed into the State Committee for Civil Defense and Emergencies, and in 1994 the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of the Consequences of Natural Disasters was created. In all cities and regions, PSO (search and rescue squads) began to form. At first they were few in number, people with good physical and sports training went there, they constantly raised their level of knowledge, mastering new facets of the profession. They had to save people in a variety of situations. They conducted searches in the forest, worked during an accident, fires.
And even in ordinary everyday situations, people began to rely on the help of rescuers. For example, when a small child or an elderly person turned out to be closed in an apartment without help, when a dog got stuck in a garbage chute, or a cat could not get off a tree. Many different situations could arise. With the advent of this profession, one could only wonder how people used to do without rescuers at all.

Since the beginning of this profession, the question arose of how to provide rescuers with all the necessary equipment that is needed in their work. And today much attention is paid to this, since the equipment of the rescuer largely depends on how quickly and efficiently he can provide assistance to the victim.
Pros and cons of the profession
This profession, which can be called heroic without exaggeration, has a number of features that can be divided into pros and cons.
If we talk about the pros, then, rather, for ordinary people, they may seem like minuses. After all, not everyone is ready to risk their own lives to save others and take responsibility for others. But we will consider these nuances from the point of view of people who have dedicated their lives to a feat. The pluses include the following points:
- own satisfaction from the fact that it was possible to save lives;
- gratitude of the people who were helped;
- a sense of their own worth;
- the opportunity to exercise regularly and maintain your health and physical fitness at the proper level;
- high wages, additional vacation;
- early retirement.

A lot can be said about the disadvantages, but for rescuers these are just everyday life, to which they are accustomed in the course of their work. Among the cons:
- the constant risk that rescuers take;
- the psychological component, which is that you often have to face the death, pain and grief of others, you cannot get used to it even after years of work;
- you have to devote a lot of time to work, so personal life is often under attack;
- in the process of work, injuries are not excluded, which for a long time knock out of the usual rhythm, and sometimes lead to disability;
- irregular working hours, the rescuer must be ready to go to the rescue at any time of the day;
- frequent trips to any regions and dangerous areas.

Rescuer work is that rare case when it is difficult to talk about some responsibilities. Rescuers work at the behest of the soul. But, of course, job descriptions also exist, in which many functions are spelled out. The main responsibility is to come to the rescue at any time of the day or night. And even when rescuers are not at work, they will not pass by someone else's misfortune. In addition, each rescuer needs to take part in exercises that allow them to prepare for an emergency, and if they occur, act in a coordinated and fast manner, which will help to avoid human casualties.
The responsibilities do not end there. You should also keep various reporting documents, keep track of your equipment, equipment and uniform. Everything should be in perfect order and readiness.
In addition, rescuers conduct classes with children studying in specialized classes, help them learn the basics of the specialty.

Not everyone can work as a lifeguard. There are certain requirements and professionally important points.
Skills and knowledge
Rescuers need to know how to deal with emergencies and help people, how to help others cope with panic attacks and turn off emotions themselves. Such a specialist should be well oriented in the mountains, forest, on water bodies, be able to swim well, have the skills of a mountaineer, be strong and enduring.
Health is regularly checked at special medical boards, and in addition, it is important that the psychological state is normal. In any situation, the rescuer must remain calm, since in no other profession emotions do not interfere so much with the work.
The rescuer must know how to provide first aid correctly in different situations. After all, the life and health of a person depend on how quickly and efficiently the assistance was provided.
Various household skills are also important for rescuers. According to their duty, they have to perform a wide variety of work in the course of their activities: they must be able to break the door, pick the lock, get through the balcony into the apartment, block the pipe, fix the car, find an approach to the aggressive animal, calm the child.

Personal qualities
A person in this profession must have not only excellent health and professional skills. He must be confident in himself and his strength, not only be able to rescue a person from trouble, but also in extremely difficult situations to calm a person down, give strength, instill confidence, and at some moments and support in the last minutes of life.
All this requires not only excellent physical qualities, but strong nerves. Nature often provides wonderful relaxation. Therefore, rescuers often go on hikes, conquer mountain peaks, float down rivers. This gives not only physical strength, but also mental strength.
Personal qualities can also include the moment that in everyday life these are people you can rely on. They will never leave you in trouble, they will find the right words.

To become a lifeguard, you need to have a certain temperament. Very good physical fitness is important. Therefore, attention to all this needs to be paid even from school. Sports sections, the ability to navigate the terrain are welcome.
Special profile classes organized in schools help to get acquainted with the profession and understand whether this is the right choice for future activities. Most often, after school, children need to go to higher educational institutions. These include academies and universities of the Ministry of Emergencies and Firefighting. Upon admission, most often you will have to pass mathematics, Russian, physics. But all the conditions must be found out at the university in advance. You can first graduate from college, and later go to college.

Salary and career
As for a career, you can start serving as an ordinary rescuer, then become the head of a search and rescue squad - city, regional, regional. You can lead the entire service in the city. But this is not so necessary for everyone. Someone considers it their duty to remain a rescuer and help people always.
The salary depends on knowledge, experience, as well as rank and length of service. It will increase every year. Real professionals in their field are very much appreciated. At first, young guys can receive about 30 thousand, but then everything depends on their efforts and skills, the salary can vary from 50 to 100 thousand.
The rescuer always has the opportunity to excel. Their exploits are judged by awards. And it gives moral satisfaction. And although many consider them heroes, they themselves say that these are ordinary everyday life for them.

Not everyone remains in this profession, despite the high salary and career opportunities. The ranks of lifeguards can only be replenished by vocation.