Specialist in the field of state and municipal administration

Civil service seems to many of our fellow citizens a very promising direction of career development - everyone understands who, in the end, you can become if you try very hard. It should be noted that at first the salary may not be impressive, however, it is possible and necessary to try, because only the one walking will master the road.

What it is?
In any modern society, there are people whose main responsibility is to work with their hands, knowledge workers, as well as representatives of the authorities who decide in which direction everyone else should work. At first glance, being a boss is simple - for the successful functioning of an entrusted enterprise or organization, one must be well versed in the principles of its activity, possess specific skills and knowledge. Someone, of course, succeeds in this purely intuitively, but most people study this at universities in the specialty, which is called that - state and municipal administration.
The governance structure consists of three different levels. The highest of them - the one that everyone is striving to reach - is the supreme power, which includes administrative bodies, courts, and so on. Below is the local bureaucracy - this is the level that it is quite possible to get to immediately after receiving a diploma. Finally, power can be "parallel" - meaning various non-state civic associations, whose activities do not contradict the current legislation. This usually includes private business and other organizations that have no direct relation to the state.
The task of the manager is to correctly determine the direction of development of the enterprise, department, department entrusted to him, as well as to solve any problems that arise in the course of his activities.
To effectively perform his duties, such an official must understand the very concept of the civil service, be guided by the tools for carrying out reforms, be able to diagnose problems of a social nature, and be savvy in public relations.

When deciding whether or not to be a civil servant, you need to clearly understand the potential advantages and disadvantages of your decision. At first glance, being an official is simply cool. It must be admitted that in many ways this is so, because the set of benefits is quite worthy.
- A prestigious profession. Everyone cannot be wrong - since everyone wants to be officials, then this is really a great option. Judging by the applicants' applications, today's youth are more interested only in jurisprudence and medicine.
- Privileges. Even at the beginning of his career, when the salary will not yet be impressive, the official will already have benefits. Benefits alone “will not be full,” and yet they will not interfere.
- A universal specialty. Managers are needed absolutely everywhere. Even if a particular sector of the economy suffers, in general, management specialists are not affected.
- Perspectives. A manager is a person who has an almost unlimited number of promotion levels, but he can grow to heights unseen in any other area.
However, one should not think that being an official is all about benefits. This job also has its drawbacks, and they will probably seem quite significant to you.
- The profession is difficult. A potential manager will have to understand a huge number of different areas and constantly improve himself. Leadership qualities, the ability to manage public opinion, your own image - these are all those properties that will never be pumped to the maximum, and you will have to work on them all the time until the end of your career.
- The responsibility is enormous. No job will have as much responsibility as here. Everyone is watching the actions of the manager, the future of many people depends on his decisions. If you make a mistake, you risk not just getting kicked out of work, but also getting a huge flurry of criticism, which in the worst cases can turn into attempts at revenge on the part of the disaffected.
- It's hard to start. With all the promise of the profession, it will be difficult at first - there is a lot of work, and the salary is modest.
Moreover, for subsequent career growth, it is important to gain knowledge and improve skills, and these are duties that are carried out outside of working hours and completely free of charge.

Readers probably know that our officials in many cases do not shine with honesty and decency, but one must understand: a person who has ended up in government agencies without powerful connections must have stable moral principles not only for reasons of conscience, but also because of the danger of going to jail. Therefore, having chosen this particular field of activity for yourself, do not focus only on your own welfare - be ready to really work for the benefit of society, suggest various positive changes, implement them despite possible resistance. The duties of a civil servant inevitably include the preparation of various types of documentation. What kind of paper it will be depends on the place of work and position, but most often you will have to deal with regulations, projects, orders.
An applicant for such a vacancy must also be a rather sociable and stress-resistant person, because in the public sector there are practically no job options that do not involve communication with people. It's not a secret for anyone that government agencies usually file complaints, but officials don't always listen to people's opinions - sometimes they can't, and sometimes they just don't want to.The future employee needs to be able to refuse and withstand the stream of criticism that may pour out in response.

Working in state and municipal government also requires constant monitoring of what you say out loud. In senior positions, you will have to get used to the fact that journalists catch your every word and relay it to the public. In some cases, communication with the people will be direct, if you need to speak at a certain mass event. A person may simply speak incorrectly, but at the same time his words will cause a storm of indignation and then he will have to publicly apologize and explain himself.
The habit of keeping track of your own words and thinking through all your speeches in advance is also very useful in business negotiations. In many cases, the skill of conducting them is required only later, as the career progresses, but this is not a reason not to train your negotiating abilities. Math skills will also come in handy. You need to understand statistics, see some trends in it, and make plausible forecasts based on them. The ability to soberly analyze any current situation is a direct way to ensure that you do not fly out of office with shame and public censure.
Finally, the activity of a civil servant, especially at the lower career levels, involves a large amount of written work, which has gradually shifted to print in recent years. Various reports and memoranda are the daily duties of a lower-ranking official.

Considering that state and municipal administration is a rather extensive sphere, there are a huge number of universities where you can get the corresponding specialty. Moreover, in one form or another, a specialty is taught in most regions of the Russian Federation - for the simple reason that employees are needed absolutely everywhere.
but the choice of a particular university strongly depends on what level the applicant sets for himself in his own career development. If you just want to work in local authorities and a person has no conventional presidential habits, then a local university is quite suitable for him. It's another matter if in your dreams you see yourself at least as a deputy mayor, then it is desirable not only to get a "crust", but also to acquire specialized knowledge with it. At the same time, the diploma itself can also play an important role in the process of starting a career - if the university is considered prestigious, then employers will more often give preference to its graduates, and not to other applicants.
For obvious reasons, the most prestigious diplomas in the discussed specialty are issued in Moscow and St. Petersburg. - in both capitals there are a number of universities that train specialists in public administration.
It should be borne in mind that this specialty is a priori not cheap, and in an elite university it will "cost" parents a pretty penny.

Place of work and salary
Contrary to the expectations of many applicants, the profession in question offers much broader employment prospects than government agencies alone. In fact, the concept of this specialty is so broad that two people with the same diplomas can work in their specialty, but at the same time do completely different things: be directly responsible for communication with society, work in the field of housing and communal services, solve cultural and educational issues. Wherein no one says that good managers are needed only by the state - there is a demand for them in private companies as well.
Most often, of course, in search of work with such a diploma, they come to various state institutions of the city, district, regional levels. At the same time, you can find yourself in the staff of a large international company, in business, and even in a research organization.At the same time, an adequate graduate should understand that even a smart diploma without work experience still does not allow immediately applying for high positions and an impressive salary. Moreover, in this industry, as in any other, earnings can vary significantly depending on which region you work in and what position you hold. Sometimes even seniority matters - you may not be promoted, but your salary will continue to grow.
So, a beginner who has just left the walls of an educational institution should focus on the initial salary in a rather modest amount - in some places, for 25 thousand rubles a month, it is worth to thank fate. On average in the country, officials in government agencies earn about 35 thousand rubles a month, but for this one must already be an experienced employee who has well declared himself. At the same time, in Moscow, and especially in the non-state sector, the level of salaries can be significantly higher, and even 100 thousand rubles a month will not seem like a ceiling.
It is theoretically possible to achieve such salaries in government agencies, but for this, of course, you need to be a big boss.