List of military professions and their description

"Soldier" is too general a name to accurately define the scope of responsibilities. It is well known that the military sphere has a large number of specialties, each of which has its own differences. The functions that a person performs are associated with the position that he occupies, and she - with the education received, experience and work experience, as well as the person's military rank.
It depends on the knowledge gained whether he will work at the headquarters, analyzing the content of important documents, work with personnel (and in the military sphere these are soldiers and officers in the first place) or equipment. In addition, a person's inclinations, his personal qualities are important.
The profession of a soldier attracts a huge number of people - recently they are not only males, but also women. Therefore, you should figure out which positions are suitable for women and which ones are suitable for men.

Pros and cons of the military profession
The main advantage of specialties related to military affairs is wages. Over the past 7 years, it has almost tripled, which is a lot. No matter how large the family of a soldier is, it can be argued that they will not have to starve.
Another advantage is the presence of a high pension - much higher than that of “civilian” pensioners. Large sums from the country's budget are intended for the payment of pensions to military pensioners.
And also the military and members of their families are entitled to a fairly significant number of benefits - both in kind and in monetary terms.
There are also many disadvantages in military professions, and they are very significant.
- There is a high likelihood of injury and injury. Anything can happen to a soldier while on duty, including death. No one can guarantee that a person will not get hurt. Therefore, it is better for those who strive for safety at work to choose another specialty.
- Lack of any stability regarding the place of work, namely: its location... A soldier can be seconded to serve at any time and anywhere (and not always only in Russia), and this requires certain character traits.
- The need to be psychologically prepared for all sorts of things atypical for an ordinary person - for example, killing the enemy, conducting hostilities, the ability to quickly and efficiently make decisions in non-standard situations.
Of course, the salaries of servicemen are more than decent, but they are required to have a very large amount of strength, health, willingness to risk their lives and well-being.

List of specialties
This section will provide a brief description of the most popular professions in the military field for both sexes.
Today, not only young people, but also girls have the opportunity to be sold in military service. And for them excellent and interesting professions with high wages are provided, thanks to which they will be able to receive a good pension for the length of service. In addition, servicemen are entitled to such a benefit as the provision of housing.
First you need to decide which group of professions to give preference to:
- military technical group posts;
- professions obtained in special educational institutions;
- civilian group of specialties.

The military-technical female professions include several specialties.
- Cartographer - studies soils, terrain features. In addition, he builds diagrams, is engaged in the development of maps and drawings using special programs. If necessary, he takes part in expeditions, where he is studying a complex territory.
- Radio operator-engineer - be sure to have an appropriate education. The main purpose of the work is to work with radio equipment, repair, debug and configure.
- Communication installer is engaged in the assembly and installation of technically sophisticated equipment that is used to establish communications.
- Optical mechanic assembles and assembles specialized optical equipment.
- Meteorologist deals with the compilation of weather forecasts for a specific area in a specific period.
- Telegraph and radio operators transmit data through special communication channels.
- Engineers serve military equipment and control its work, and designers are engaged in the development of projects and drawings, as well as calculations necessary for normal activities.

There are professions that are inherently not military, but the military industry cannot do without them. These include a number of specialties.
- Doctors and nurses... They are taught in the same way as similar civilian specialists, but in educational institutions with a military medical focus.
- Translators - such a specialty can be obtained in a civilian university, however, you will need to undergo special retraining, in particular, to study military terms.
- Military psychologists also differ from ordinary teaching in the corresponding direction of the educational institution. They work either with military personnel or with those who are going to become them.

Civilian specialties in the military sphere do not require special training and retraining. But they are also needed in army life.
- Chefs - are needed everywhere, including in military units. The soldiers and officers need to be fed, and this must be done by qualified personnel.
- Drivers - if you have a driver's license with the necessary categories, women can also work, however, heavy equipment is mostly driven by men.
- Correspondents, journalists... Those who know foreign languages well and are ready for business trips to hot spots have an advantage. In addition, journalists and correspondents who decide to devote their activities to covering army life and military operations should be prepared for all sorts of dangers - being taken hostage, captured, wounded.
- Military band musicians. The main thing for them is the ability to play any musical instrument that is part of a military brass band.
- Accountants and Economists, as well as personnel officers can work in any organization, including the paramilitary, without the need for special training.

The civil service provides significant space for the choice of a military profession. Each of them has its own purpose, specificity. Depending on what personal inclinations a person has (as well as what criteria for professional suitability he meets), he can apply for a career in several military spheres.
- Special purpose professions... This is the most extensive and complex group of military specialties. From people who possess them, a high level of physical fitness, mental stability is required. This includes employees of the airborne troops, special forces, the navy, ground forces, the FSB and others. Within each of the divisions there is a division.
- Military-technical specialties are designed to ensure the smooth operation of military vehicles and equipment. Representatives of these professions are needed both in the field of communications and for military aviation.
- Driving military specialties are designed to control all types of military equipment - aircraft, military special equipment, cars, ships and submarines.
- Scientific research specialties in military affairs. This includes all the scientific work that is carried out within the industry - development, secret research, and much more. Teaching activities can also be attributed to this group of professions.

The demanded professions in army life are:
- military doctors;
- engineers;
- combat vehicle drivers, pilots;
- signalmen;
- mechanics;
- radio operators;
- cartographers and topographers.
The orderlies can be both privates and sergeants, but military doctors - only people with an officer's rank.
The task of military engineers is the erection, repair and maintenance of all structures necessary in army life. A designer is the same engineer, but with a narrower specialization. Design engineers are involved in developing designs for equipment or structures. It is also important for him to calculate any load on the structure and exclude the possibility of its collapse.
The pilots are engaged in both reconnaissance and the destruction of air or ground targets. Signalers transmit information through special communication channels, and radio operators establish them.
The tank is one of the most famous combat vehicles. All crew members in it are called tankers, even its commander.
The commanding staff occupies a special position in army life. Commanders must both organize and educate personnel, and at the same time be technical specialists. The division commander is responsible not only for ensuring that the assigned tasks are carried out, but also for discipline in the unit, and for the normal mental state of personnel, and for the fact that the fighters are trained, weapons and equipment are kept in proper form and are in full combat readiness.
The operator is another of the demanded professions, because military equipment is constantly being improved, and highly qualified specialists are required to work with it. They accept, evaluate and process data, while making decisions on it.
It is very important for the operator to have excellent eyesight and hearing, to be very attentive, to have an accurate memory and to think quickly.

Career ladder
To quickly and successfully build a career in the military industry, it is necessary to pass the following stages of education:
- average general - must have a military professional orientation (cadet corps, Suvorov or Nakhimov school);
- higher professional - for most military specialties, it is necessary to graduate from a military school or academy, from which the graduate graduates with the rank of lieutenant.
Further advancement of a person on the career ladder depends on his personal qualities, the desire to reach a certain "step".
If a person graduated from a regular school, to start a career in the military industry, he will need to serve in the ranks of the Russian Army.
After that, it is possible to conclude a contract, then after receiving the minimum length of service - continuing education. Then you can start moving up the career ladder.

What to choose?
The choice of a profession must be carried out not only in accordance with the desire, but also with the professional suitability to perform all the necessary functions. Most positions have strict requirements that the candidate must fully comply with. For example, for a military prosecutor, one must not only be fit for military service for health reasons, but also have the rank of an officer, and also meet the requirements set forth in Article 40 of the Federal Law "On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation". For a civilian to be appointed to this position, permission of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation or his consent is required.
A person who is unsuitable for health reasons for military service can try himself in the civilian profession in the army - a lawyer, a journalist, or he can undergo retraining for a position that requires more mental than physical effort.