Wedding stylist: features and training

A wedding is the most exciting and memorable event in the life of every girl. It is impossible to allow something to go wrong on this day, so it is important to think over and prepare everything in advance, including the image of the bride. The wedding stylist is engaged in creating the image of the girl. And, of course, choosing this specialist, the bride and groom will give preference to a person with the best education and extensive work experience.
The profession of a wedding stylist will always be relevant, so more and more girls want to make money in this way. In this article, we will look at how to learn the profession of a wedding stylist, what are his duties and what skills and qualities are needed to master it.

Features of the profession
The images of the bride and groom attract the most attention of the guests who come to the wedding. Therefore, the wedding stylist has a very important task - to create a harmonious image of the bride and groom. Still, the main job of a stylist is a girl. The master must be prepared for the fact that the selection of the image will take a long time., because the girl wants to look perfect on this day.
The wedding stylist has an irregular work schedule, which means that you will have to get up early, spend several hours in a row at work without interruption, make concessions to the bride and take into account all her wishes. You also need to be prepared for the fact that work may not be available for some time.
The key to success in this profession is the development of your own portfolio. - examples of past work on creating the image of the bride. At this stage, the payment may be very low, or it may not be at all. Usually young stylists announce the search for models to practice on, charging a nominal fee.
Do not think that the task of the wedding stylist is just transferring the finished look from the photograph to the bride. To work, you need to have a lot of knowledge about the types of skin, the problems associated with it, about the features of the color types of appearance, and also know the nuances associated with the figure of the girl and the shape of her face.

The list of duties of a wedding stylist depends on the degree of his qualifications, in addition, he may have a narrow or wide profile of work. Let's take a closer look at these details.
One of the main parts of a bride's look is wedding makeup. It should be special in order to emphasize the beauty of the girl and hide her minor flaws. But in order for the make-up to be in harmony with the general appearance of the bride, you need to take into account the style and color of the selected dress, the general stylistic orientation of the event, the look of the groom and other small accessories in the images.
In addition, if you already have ready-made works that the bride liked, then you should warn her that this makeup may not suit her or look different, because each has individual facial features. You also need to take into account the type of the bride's skin (oily, dry, problematic, normal or combination), hair color, eyes, appearance color type, as well as pigmentation (skin color, freckles, moles, etc.), and in accordance with this select cosmetics and makeup shades.
Do not forget to ask the bride about a possible allergy to cosmetics, and also ask her wishes regarding future makeup.

Just like make-up, the hairstyle should be chosen in accordance with the chosen dress and accessories to it. For example, if you have chosen a light, airy dress, then a hairstyle that is too heavy and overflowing with details will not go with it. It is better to choose a lighter and more romantic styling.
The quality and type of hairstyle largely depends on the color of the hair, its condition and type. For red-haired girls and brunettes, completely different styling is selected.
If your hair is unkempt, thin and sparse, then, most likely, braiding from them will not look as impressive as from thick and healthy hair. It is important for a hairstylist to know about all these nuances and warn girls in order to come to the best option.
As we have seen, even a narrow profile wedding stylist must have the skills of a hairdresser and make-up artist. This means that a generalist specialist has much more functions and responsibilities.
- A general bridal stylist also does makeup and hair.
- Image development. But the main difference between this specialist is the development of the bride's image. The stylist selects the details (general style of the image, dress, accessories, makeup, hairstyle, shoes) and composes a general look from them, offers the bride several options, and together they choose the most suitable one. After that, the specialist helps the bride to choose a dress, visiting wedding salons with her. He can also offer the option of renting or personal tailoring (in this case, the stylist makes a drawing of the dress himself).

In addition, the master can create the image of the groom so that he and the bride look harmonious.
- Wedding decoration tips... Depending on the chosen dress of the bride and the suit of the groom, their styles and colors, the stylist gives advice on the design of the event itself. These are decorations, decorations, bridesmaids' clothes and so on.
- Accompanying throughout the preparation and the wedding itself... A multi-disciplinary specialist should be prepared to be hired for a long time - from the beginning of preparation to the wedding itself. After all, newlyweds may need various tips for organizing an event. You will also need to "rehearse" the image of the bride, that is, preliminary hairstyle and make-up, in order to see the slightest flaws in the combination of details and correct them in time.
Remember that in the final image of the bride on the day of the celebration, you can make a minimum number of edits, you cannot change something drastically, otherwise there is a risk of ruining everything.

Required skills and qualities
Having familiarized themselves with the specifics of the profession, many may have a desire to become a wedding stylist, because this is a creative and very interesting job. But it should be noted that this type of activity is not suitable for everyone.
To have a successful career in the wedding field, you need to have the following character traits:
- charm;
- sense of humor;
- attentiveness;
- striving for self-improvement;
- sociability;
- sociability;
- patience;
- willingness to make concessions;
- willingness to listen;
- benevolence;
- excerpt;
- a responsibility;
- accuracy.
These qualities are necessary because you have to work directly with the bride and groom, which means that you will have to take into account all their wishes and find a common language, constantly communicate. In addition, as mentioned above, the work schedule is irregular, which means that you need endurance.
Accuracy and patience are no less important in the work, because creating makeup and hairstyles is a very delicate job. It is also important to constantly acquire new knowledge and develop in your profession.

What knowledge and skills a wedding stylist must have:
- keep abreast of fashion, latest novelties and trends;
- create various types of makeup and hairstyles;
- knowledge of styles and their combination;
- knowledge of the types of appearance, the ability to take into account their features;
- the use of new technologies, new cosmetics;
- knowledge of the rules for combining colors.
The fashion and beauty industry is constantly evolving and changing, so it is important to keep track of these areas and update your knowledge.

How to become a wedding stylist?
In order to become a wedding stylist, you do not need to study at a university for several years. It is enough to complete paid courses, which you can sign up for on the Internet or in one of the studios in your city. Typically, training lasts 1-4 months, depending on the amount of knowledge and skills provided. Besides it is necessary to constantly attend master classes in order to improve their knowledge, to take refresher courses.
If you already have the profession of a hairdresser, make-up artist or stylist, then this will serve as an additional plus in your career as a wedding stylist.
But in order for there to be a demand for your services, need to build a portfolio - examples (photos) of successful works. To do this, you can find models ready to experiment and practice on them.
Next, you need to declare yourself: place ads on the Internet, inform your friends about your work, you can also just get a job in a beauty salon or a wedding salon as one of the specialists.
After you have a job, try to do it as high quality as possible in order to receive only positive feedback and attract new clients.
It is not difficult to become a wedding stylist, but it is important to have patience and a willingness to learn new things. Also, be prepared for the fact that quality teaching takes time and money. But if you are a creative person, ready for everything new, then, undoubtedly, this profession is for you.