Choosing a profession related to social studies

When the last academic year at school is nearing the end, the graduates are given the task of choosing a university and passing the Unified State Exam for admission. The whole future life of young people depends on the right decision, therefore, it is necessary to choose carefully and thoughtfully. In this article, we will consider social studies - a subject that opens the way for the study of many interesting and in-demand specialties.
Profession overview
The science of "social science" reveals many facets of the existence of society, therefore knowledge on this subject is required for admission to a large number of universities. It is easier to pass the exam in social studies than in any other subject, so every year more and more graduates choose it.
It is almost impossible to describe all the professions in demand that require knowledge of society, because science includes different disciplines: jurisprudence, philosophy, political science, psychology and many others. Therefore, we can say with confidence that this subject must be passed not only for humanitarian professions. To make it easier for you to make a choice, we present a small list of in-demand specialties in which the subject of "social studies" is basic.

Political scientist
The study of this area began in ancient times - Plato and Aristotle were the first famous political scientists. Ancient Greek scientists became the founders of this specialty, opened political science to the world and breathed life into it. The fatherland founder of this subject is M.V. Lomonosov, a Russian scientist-naturalist and an outstanding academician. Let us present to you the area of work of a political scientist.
- Research of socially significant higher educational institutions. This is necessary in order for universities that are of high importance for the country's policy to carry out their work responsibly and correctly.
- Study of the connection between different political events. The list of analysis includes the economic relations of the state, the level of culture of the population, as well as the ideology of the country.
- Investigation of the level of significance of events in the country. Political analysts are obliged to study and determine their degree of significance for political events carried out by society in individual regions or in the state as a whole.
- The mechanisms of politics and the factors determining them are also the area of work of political scientists.
- From individual areas of study, the specialist makes a forecast of the political situation in the country.

The specialty is not too closely related to social studies, but still the Faculty of Psychology requires the Unified State Exam in this subject. In the future, when assigned to departments, one can choose a profession that studies social psychology, therefore, knowledge of society is necessary in this area. Also, knowledge of the problems of the population will help future professionals to help people with a wounded psyche find a way to peace of mind.
The profession of a psychologist is always in demand and is quite highly paid. People from all walks of life use the advice of private specialists, therefore, in addition to high earnings, you will be provided with a very interesting and varied job.
In addition, professional psychologists have a very important mission to maintain spiritual balance in society.

The specialty is not an independent unit in all countries. For example, in states that predominantly use English, cultural studies are considered only part of the general culture of studying the public. But there are also countries where the profession occupies a separate cell in society - such specialists are engaged in an in-depth study of the cultural development of the population and its individual systems.
Let us describe in more detail the spheres of activity of culturologists.
- Teaching. People with this specialty can be teachers in universities, as well as be engaged in drawing up an educational program for other educational institutions.
- Social activity. A culturologist influences the preservation of the natural, cultural, historical and artistic values of society, and also deals with increasing their popularity. All this is achieved through joint work with government and commercial enterprises.
- The science. This specialty deeply explores the roots of the origin of society, makes hypotheses for the development of culture from ancient times to the present day. According to the data obtained, culturologists write encyclopedias, compile dictionaries and replenish archives.
The specialty itself is not highly paid, but with a diploma in cultural studies, you will open access to huge databases. As has long been known, knowledge is power, so the studied archives can be applied in more lucrative fields such as tourism, politics or even the media.

The specialty studies the problems of both individual groups of the population and the entire population of the state. Sociology reveals the essence of society's issues, describes them in detail, analyzes and evaluates. Consider the different areas of activity of people with this specialty:
- studying the reaction of the population to problems within the state, determining the causes of negative behavior and finding ways to solve it;
- study of international problems, conflicts and reactions to them from the side of society;
- in business, sociologists act as marketing or consulting researchers.
People of this profession are engaged in the study of laws, the state, as well as their relationship. Also, the area of work of legal scholars is the creation of laws and the theory of law. Social studies are taught at the Faculty of Law, and most of the legal scholars become lawyers. The Department of Law helps graduates to become specialists in the field of solving problems typical for society - family, labor, criminal, international and many others. The main task of lawyers is to protect the rights and freedoms of the population of their country.

For what specialties do you need to take other subjects besides social studies?
The choice of a future profession is also influenced by other factors associated with interest in various sciences. After grade 11, it is necessary to take the exam in several subjects, and the future direction of education depends on this list. Each separate faculty requires knowledge of certain sciences - in the future this will help to choose a department for a more in-depth study of the specialty. Consider several subjects closely related to social science.
A set of knowledge of history and society presupposes knowledge of the past and the present. Specialties related to these subjects involve the study and analysis of facts, the construction of hypotheses, theories and the search for truth. The professions in this field require the utmost attention to detail and rigorous background checks.
Let's consider several possible vacancies for people with this education.
- Guide-translator. People with this specialty reveal the deep inner world of culture for foreign tourists. The rich history of the country will be interesting for viewers when the guide broadcasts it with all the colorful events and facts.
- Advocate. A complex profession, which is closely related to both social science and history, because these subjects help to study in detail the laws of the state. A lawyer defends the rights of people in court, and high qualifications in the field of rights and obligations will help a specialist find the truth, punish criminals and acquit the innocent.
- Gallery owner. The specialty involves collecting art objects and a detailed study of their significance. Knowledge of history helps the gallery owner to reveal all genres of exhibits and correctly present them to the viewer.

The graduate's interest in geography may in the future open the way to many interesting professions, including those related to travel around the world. A careful choice of the faculty will help the applicant in the future to find a demanded and highly paid position.
We offer you a list of interesting specialties related to geography.
- Transportation engineer. Specialists of this profession create successful and profitable travel routes.
- Geographer. The profession involves a detailed study of the shells of the planet, as well as performing mathematical calculations before starting mining.
- Logistician. People with this education are most often responsible for the efficiency of moving a variety of goods. The final price of the supplied goods often depends on the logistician, because his responsibilities include finding the optimal delivery route.
Foreign languages
In the modern world, all countries have a close relationship with each other, therefore, specialization in foreign languages is in demand in many professions. The most popular and universal language is English, due to its ease of learning it allows people to communicate from different parts of the world.
Let's consider several professions for which it is necessary to pass the Unified State Exam in a foreign language and social studies.
- PR manager. People with this profession create an image and distribute advertisements about enterprises or firms. A PR person is an intermediary between the manufacturing company and consumers, and thanks to the knowledge of a foreign language, the manager can distribute the goods outside the borders of his state.
- Analyst. A profession that involves the analysis of different areas of the market is often in demand in large companies.
- Administrator. The person of this profession is the face of the company - he coordinates the work of personnel and controls the quality of service.

Literature and Russian
If you successfully pass the exam in social studies and literature, you can safely choose universities with a cultural direction. The combination of these subjects allows the graduate to choose an interesting, creative specialty.
Let's imagine several professions that require knowledge of literature and social studies.
- Designer. An extensive profession with the opportunity to show your creative talents. By choosing a department, you can become an interior, landscape or clothing designer, there is also the opportunity to do web design and work in an IT company.
- Philologist. The specialty involves an in-depth study of the rules and characteristics of the language. Philologists can be teachers in schools and universities, as well as edit or correct texts in publications. In addition, the profession allows you to work as a copywriter - write and sell your own texts, or be a journalist.
- Artist. The Faculty of Arts teaches acting and directing for theater or film.
To enter a university with a bias in art, it is necessary to pass not only social studies and literature, but also additional entrance exams.
In-depth study of chemistry and social studies suggests a wide range of professions available to choose from. These professionals serve the public good - the results of their analyzes help improve the quality of life and prevent accidents.
Consider several professions in this area:
- chemical engineer - is engaged in the improvement of equipment used for the study of chemical products;
- laboratory assistant - examines the chemical constituents of various liquid samples, as well as solid and gaseous substances;
- chemistry teacher - teaches students the discipline of chemical research.

The subject involves the study of the nature of life itself - both plants and animals. There are a large number of professions that require knowledge of biology and social studies. Here are a few of them:
- biologist is a demanded specialty with many different directions, which has not lost its popularity over the years;
- counselor - a teacher who introduces young people to the nature of life, teaches organization, hygiene and order;
- labor protection engineer - a specialist in this field monitors compliance with safety measures at enterprises, it is necessary to prevent accidents at work.
Choosing a university
Almost every university in the country has a faculty, for admission to which it is necessary to pass the exam in social studies. A set of subjects from social science and literature, history, chemistry or biology opens the door to half of all existing universities in the country.
The choice primarily depends on the interests and inclinations of the graduate, because the future profession will provide him with his whole life.